Connor for the 1st
Run more warren!
Wow...Ala big ben! First down
Man warren runs freaking hard
Dang..McCormick got beat
Nice play..move themchains!
Oh goody...we getna patch to wear for playing 3 games in 11 days
7-0 rats...and now that damn chant
That was way too easy
Henry stuffed for a loss
1st and goal rats
Porter tackling with his he has a concussion
This could get ugly quick
Henry gonna run for 200 plus today
At least put 30 back there to keep them honest
Throw that 3rd down call out of the play book
2 fumbles, and can't come up with either
You go empty on 3rd and short...why?
3rd an 2 coming....just move the chains
We get off the field...butmits gonna be some rough starting position