so your saying with him , 10-7 next year? lol
Pickens didn't push off no more on that play than he did when he caught the ball split the defenders and scored a TD.... only diff was the D back...
Willson had 66 yards the first half, he got his yards in the 2nd half because the Ravens knew the game was over being up 21-0 use your eye...
Rodgers is washed, Cousins? But how many old ass QBS is Tomlin /Kahn/Rooney willing to bring in only to find out they aren't the answer?
Wilson only has the deep ball, that's it... Even the announcers last night said he wasn't going through his progressions, they mentioned this...
You pay a million $s for a QB, you get a million $
Last nights game to..
D line coach, AUSTIN, Oline coach D .backs coach. but mostly Tomlin he is the one pulling the strings of the puppets
??? Pickens caught every pass thrown to him last night
16 million well spent
You are just a constant lil prick arn't u?.. lol
We can, Rooney is just scared to
after a steelers loss i find them prty entertaing
some say multiple 1,s but I'd take what I could get just to get his ass out of here
at least the fan will be interesting to listen to
there gaaaayyy
We already know the answer to that ..
lol so says the masses
look at meee
Ya keep Pickens Imo