My son is 17 and I have been taking him to an away game ever year since about your son’s age. Win or lose we always have a great time. This year...
They haven’t for about 5 years now.
Wasn’t he the coach before Cower and Tomlinson?
Who’s Chuck Knoll?
Seems to work well for Mahomes and Reid.
Poll is pointless. I voted the same way as everyone else did but the morons running the organization will continue to support the puppet on the...
After last night, I doubt a HS team even wants him. I hung out with my Bengals friends last night and every one of them said Tomlin sucks. They...
That was so gutless. I could not believe they punted there. It just goes to show how safe Mike Tomlins job is. He will never be held accountable....
TJ had a few great tackles last night. Too bad the player he tackled didn’t have the ball.
Tackling the guy without the ball.
Tomlin Sucks a$$
If we win then wave that thing all game long.
I do too. That is the one that I will wave tonight. Got it for Christmas from my brother that year.:herewego!:
:herewego!:It’s PLAYOFF day and All Terrible Towel must be present during this game. Let’s shock the nation tonight. Don’t come to this thread...
Good Morning. Steelers going to beat down them Rats tonight!
If we lose tomorrow it should start by getting a new HC.
Both were great this season.
I didn’t like him when he was with Cleveland. Now that he is with Tampa he is more tolerable. Watching his game lately, I’d be all for bringing...
Game should have been in Minnesota all along.