This team just isn’t good. No idea why so many thought otherwise.
One word “painful”
Is Mark Fitzpatrick available :roflmao:
Why do we have a non existent run game? Why even try.
Injury. Is he a regular? Hope he is ok none the less.
Like burning money. Sad.
Exactly…Devin Bush :/
Yep were next.
As much as a jerk that he was I miss watching a back like Le’veon Bell :(
Maybe hew is retiring. Didn’t think he was very good.
Is Devin Bush a bust as an overall number 10 pick? And didn’t we trade two lower picks to move up?
Flacco with the rubber arm
LOL jets really suck. Cant even beat some QB off the street.
Miami driving with a 4th backup QB
Some good plays BUT overall ugly offense.
Pickens is a real player. Hopefully we don’t waste his talents. Have to throw alot to him. :)
Ya maybe eh, just a slight slip would makes sense. Ditch the gloves. I am expecting him to be better next year. As well our receivers haven’t...
Why does Pickett always through balls so HIGH
He just hasnt been very good. End of story.