Yesterday there was a breeze from the SSW Today wind from the North. Everyone has one of these in their kitchen and it can be deadly. Tune in...
(seekin all ) my favorite flavor cherry red tooeys too
Ah yes, the planets aligned and it's time to plan for the parade.
Thor gave him the NOD. Where's Larry Brown now dammit?!!?
Seen articles it will be Darnold so chillax folks. :smiley1: CLICK CLICK BOOM
Yes, grab Hampton in the 2nd.
M Tomlin of course would love to have Chubb It would be Chubb and Chubby on the sidelines.
Thank you. :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
Deseeded weed pretty good
OH FK NO :smiley1:
I liked Natrone Means
I've seen so many different spellings of this guys name Are we even sure it's Handersan?
damn skippy [IMG]
in the fields of play :smiley1: