[ATTACH] The Big Red Bus. :thumbs up:
OK - this is better. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Hell even Santa should know that "Football" isn't Futbol! :facepalm:
Can I have an Amen?
I just figured out what the term "based on a graphic novel" means when watching movie credits. :facepalm:
In the same ballpark, so to speak. :drinks:
It's a matter of logistics - many folks head to the head on their way out of restaurants and bars and then stick their possibly unwashed hands...
You'd think that STD would have this covered, you know, Baltimore being the crab capital and all. :lolol:
Don't forget to grab a few fecal mints from the glass bowl on your way out. :rolleyes:
Wait....you can't be serious? I was tempted to pull a Captain Obvious but didn't want to insult the intelligence of 63% of the Board Members....
All set for your next Iditarod Race. :drinks:
Don't forget Lions over Bills would be sweet. :thumbs up:
[ATTACH] :dancing:
[ATTACH] :shrug:
It was 20 years ago this season that rookie BB et al beat the undefeated Pats and Eagles back to back weeks - both of those teams on their way to...
Fixed it for you SF43. BTW - I think I knew this but just re-read that FWP is Jaylan Warren's cousin. Great genes. Glad they are/were both...
BINGO! Splains it all. Guess that means all Eagles games should be on in Pgh since KP went to Pitt? :rolleyes:
And even better yet, it's a late game which means what, around 10 or 11 am start time vs an early start time of 6 or 7 am. Too lazy to look up the...
Gotta love those digital abacuses. :thumbs_up:
Posted a story a while back where a MLB player (can't remember name, position or season) but he was traded during the season and technically...