it was a no brainer and a decision that should have been relatively easy to make. Its not as if we had Fields first and Russ fell into our laps,...
No its not running it up, all we did was run a running play up the middle, if they tackle us, the game is over, they failed to tackle Najee, the...
Tomlin: "Russ, I think your short, let me throw this red flag" Russ : " yeah coa....wait what? was that a dig on my height?"
I dont get this narrative? How is Tomlin a genius? He has 2 QB's one is Super Bowl winner / multi pro bowler and the other is a high 1st rd draft...
I think Elliot has been one of the best players on defense all year. He plays hard , he plays fast, and he isnt afraid of contact! Remind me of...
I dont think this was running up the score at all. If we take a knee, the Jets still would have had the ball back, Albeit with less time but they...
Lets break down the history one more time, no reason not to throw gas on this now!! Under Mike Tomlin the Steelers have been to the playoffs 11...
They let him walk because he was horrible, he is still horrible. I cant believe there isnt a better option on our PS or anothers team PS that can...
No, making Roman active means someone else has to be inactive and that someone should be #38, but thats Tomlins boy, former #1 draft pick that...
No, its Tomlin's fault!!! You either live in your fears or accept that your too afraid to win or lose throwing your best punch! Tomlin's soft zone...
Some of my views from being at the game firsthand and expansions on B&G, who always captures the game extremely well.... 1. Justin Fields was not...
UPDATE: My wife and I arrived around 3:00 PM , parked at the Casino parking garage and didnt pay a dime. We were parked there for close to 10 hrs...
I'm headed to the game this week and was interested where the good parking spots are and where the good places are to hang out before the game? I...
I say no, there is no way he is worth a 2nd and 5th, I would say 2 4th's (2025 and 2026 ) or maybe a 3rd, but I still think thats too high...
Has anyone seen my challenge flag. I threw out there somewhere and its pretty dark in here for some reason.
Fixed it for ya lol Coach Tomlin needs to lay off the twinkies
I told my wife when Tomlin threw the red flag that there is no way we win this challenge and should have just called a time out and saved the...
Edmonds has no business being on the defense whatsoever!!! Maybe special teams if we need to give someone a rest, but there are several reasons...
Herbert: " SHHH, dont say it, there are cameras everywhere!!"
another typical Tomlin move, this is a bad signing, we dont need him and we definitely over drafted for him....we cut him and now we bring him...