I was going to say the same thing, how can the refs not see that Delpit or whoever was covering Pickens was interferring and holding him all the...
He definitely looks slow after returning from that injury. If he doesnt have it anymore, bring up Agnew, send heyward or Patterson to the PS or...
When I watched the game live, I was screaming that he never left the tackle box. This had to be intentional grounding. Then I saw the flag and was...
Tomlin: Its the Browns, I'm not going to have anybody practice all week. We shouldnt have to practice for the Browns...obviously!
I agree 100%, all 3 turnovers were forced and weren't what I will classify as easy goals. Meaning, Herbig punched the ball from behind Henry,...
A mothers love goes unmatched and often unnoticed, but the hole they leave in our hearts can only be repaired by all the loving memories as you...
The only things I would change about Colleen would be her last name and her address!!!
I'm hoping to win half of them. If we go 4-4, thats 11-6 and should be playoff bound. We need to sweep the Browns and split the Bengals and...
Thats exactly what the commanders probably thought as well....no one will try a fake punt from their own 10 yd line, leave the man...
Wrong, those players are in these positions for just such a possibility. If other teams know our upback cant throw or our punter cant throw, there...
Make no mistake, Danny didnt see it, Miles saw it and Miles was coached to take advantage of that mistake, which he did but Pierre dropped the...
if you know anything about situational football, it is quite simple, if they leave a man uncovered, you exploit that fault! It isnt about field...
they left our gunner uncovered, its a no brainer, its not like they dont practice that situation. Field position had nothing to do with it, if we...
Coach T: Hey Russ, I dont think we can pull this one out. Russ: Bet!
I think its because Russ is so short he cant see over the line to the middle of the field, I think he has better vision to the sidelines....once...
When he caught it, he had the line to gain, but his own momentum carried him back to being short. Add to the fact that the ball was essentially...
Probably why he plays defense...LOL
Ben also threw for over 60,000 yards, I will take 1 interception per 300 yards every game.
Shanklin #25: " look at these guys shaking hands!! What is this, a picnic? One of these guys better be able to throw me the damn ball ! "
I have been watching, playing and coaching football as long or longer than most of these analysts , if not all of them, point being, they get paid...