A Minkah splash!
Liked going for it but not the long ball
BTW was talking about the dude being knocked out, not giving up on the game
WTF was 23 doing?
Makes the fumble hurt even more
Night night
3 balls on the ground and they get all 3
I admit I yelled score but he Shudda slid
Terrible punt coverage compounded by watching fumble pass you by
Agreed, but realistically we don’t have the talent to win a SB, so I’ll take a playoff win.
The LB flopped, but Frazier tripped him. Was very unnecessary as the play wasn’t close to him
Eh…had them pinned, D couldn’t make a stop
One of the many small bones in the foot?
Now back to back short weeks, potentially without best player on each side of the ball. Oof
Huh? A 10 minute drive is running up the score, in just a 2 score game? I know the NFL has made fans softer, but this is a bit too far
Open field tackling was piss poor…flat passes turning into 20 yards
Not so sure….Hurts picked the D apart
Sometimes it looks so easy, but not when we’re on offense
Oh boy…Achilles?