I can't imagine it would be with the way their playing right now.
Yo Rookie! Good Hit!
I'm alright with going balls deep but man are the throws looking bad here.
Yeah, I'd probably start tryin'a throw some slants here next drive.
Ben, you're starting to scare me. Pull it together.
Still the best man for the job playing bad or not.
Somebody's got to. If not him then no one will.
Still got 3 quarters guys. Plenty of time.
Ben needs to rally the guys here. Otherwise this will get real ugly real fast.
Other teams would be grabbing at these deflections instead of trying to nail people. Need something here D
PFFT. And put who on Green? Yeah ok.
Y'know when I said hit somebody clearly I wasn't specific enough. KNOCK THEM OUT!
YO D! HIT SOMEBODY! I can't defend you if you can't defend yourselves here!
Better than Simms. Gimme Gruden ALL DAY.
I left it alone because it was too easy to say that lol. Too easy.
We need to substitute the Tomlinism for some Fire right now. Need a spark.
Come on holding penalty!!
Didn't Cotch catch our only TD last week? I'll cut him a little slack on that but we really need to pick it up all around here.
Well this quarter could have gone better. Off to a slow start.