Browns 13 Steelers 27 Punt Avg 45
Why give them a reason to throw a flag?
Whether the calls are **** or not they will be called. And you would think that after awhile you wouldn’t continue to do what causes the penalty
HerBig comes up Big!
Well that was disappointing Nice punt though
Nice pay Heyward! Nice hands Jackson!
ok great drive. see what happens when you don't commit 15 yard penalties
Let’s go O!
Pickens is a dumb dumb.
Tomlin-it’s clockwork
Well boys, we have an old fashioned shootout going on!
It’s time for our big time receiver to start making big time plays
Steelers 33 Bengals 31 51 yds thanks
A win is a win
Another reason why the loss to the Browns is big
0-6 is a trend
Illegal touching by a Browns’ player? Impossible
Being a head case
Terrible play calling