Will miss him on the radio broadcasts
Now we can see Michael O’Tomlin screw up a game in another country
It begins and ends with Empty (MT). End of story. No more to be said.
No branches
Trade Tomlin for Harbaugh
Colon Cowturd-just another guy who likes to hear himself talk-he’d read the 1979 Duluth Minnesota phone book to himself if he thought he’d get paid
Go Bucs
STD is one of my favorites But STD is a guy?
Joe Buck’s head is so big he thinks he’s good at his job
He’s someone who’s good when he wants to be
Tomlin needs to go because: -He doesn’t hire competent coordinators, maybe because he wants control -He’s an enabler and not a motivator -He’s...
We have a real wordsmith there. Just watched the press conference-all softball questions.
It’s a different time unfortunately
He’s overrated doing that too
The standard is the standard Lamar is Lamar
How many years have we been saying this?
Porter covering grass again
Public speaking? I don’t think so
Why now?
No ****