Is Mark Andrews the new Jackie Smith?
Very true and we all know what opinions are like....
You're the one that came up with senile. Whether you are or not, I don't know. Just as I don't know whether or not you do, in fact, put TOMLIN'S...
You keep bitching about your coach and calling him an unimaginative stupid name, you just come across as a bitter old man. "You Tomlins get off my...
$6.00 for a haircut???? The cheapest I can find around here s $18.00. Hard to justify that with the hair I have left........
Here's a question for you: in all the years YOU'VE been demanding a new head coach, how often has the front office listened to you? 5...
Outside of the knights.....
Meh! IMO, a guy that sits on the bench the vast majority of the season while the rest of the team wins a SB isn't much of a FU but, It's Pickett....
Were Bubby's rings an FU to Cowher? He had as much to do with those SBs as Pickett has. Eagles ain't there yet!
Yay Chiefs! I don't get the hatred for Mahomes. CJ Stroud looks pretty good..........when he's not getting sacked!
:puking 3:
Some of the fans are already revolting! :hehehe:
For me, the silver lining was what the 9ers did to the Chargers in that SB!!! I don't think we would have beaten SF but, I think we would have...
They also let go of Unitas and Len Dawson! Damn that Tomlin!
Didn't some on here want Sam Darnold in Pittsburgh?
He's in Maynardville, TN delivering UPS with BFT
4th and goal and you go for it instead of taking 3 pts? You would only be down by 1 with plenty of time left. That decision is so bad, they should...
It ended well but, it started off key.
Can we trade for Mayfield? Damn, that guy is tough!
6th year? Yikes!