They had a first down that ended up taking place off of both penalties. You might as well blame everyone for not pushing and getting more yards...
it is crazy there is teenagers out there who do not know what a loss is like.
I know, I cannot believe we lost today..... oh wait, we didn't.
you seriously think it cost us points. :facepalm: I could see your point if it pushed us to a 4th down. but it did not. also if his finger...
did they tank today?..... asking for a friend.
And i hate it when I'm right about a player but going to work out.
I get a break next week. And then it's eagles and then Ravens.
Your caps lock is on. Also it's stupid.
Dag nabbit fields! No making a gun gesture while holding the football. The world knows that mean you're about to drop a atomic bomb.
Also I'll go ahead and get it out of the way. Wilson. Defense. I was worried of injury history. But he's staying in great form.
I refused to like his contract talks. I refused to like what we gave him on his contract. I even showed numbers that he was going down. I...
That's a bad boy.
@S.T.D there's that other guy making me eat crow with me worried about injuries.
I do wonder if we keep wilson and fields. Could we see fields in a couple years throwing a lot better.
Did Burrow just do a "pistol" formation? Where's the flag?
Really? Wow.... I'm going to note this.... ✍️
Simple rules? Literally everyone does it. I showed Harris and pat doing it. Pat does one finger. Harris does two.
As much as I like fields. This would have been a game he would have not won.... just a random FYI
I wonder what we will do with Sutton next year.
I honestly think you me and @S.T.D are on the same page it's just stupid the way they're going after pickens.