A funny looking old guy
The picture was taken during the season The only lockers that always have stuff in them is the three captains The locker next to the post if you...
That was an easy one to miss
And this exactly proves what I stated regarding football You are just randomly throwing things out which have no rational application regarding...
I met him a couple of years ago and he does still look fit He also has a great sense of humor and told a funny story about him and Jack Lambert...
Brought to you by the Crypt Keeper
I was looking for something else and stumbled upon this It aged well Sorry :smiley1:
To me signing Aaron Rodgers is tantamount to saying we want to surrender By the way where are the people who wanted us to sign him a year or two ago
Isn’t this pretty much what the Eagles did
It appears you are basing this on subjective pundit rankings rather than the actual impact value of a player If based on what you are suggesting...
There is no such thing as the other RB position blocking FB so we are not forgetting it Please review the attached link...
Brice you have the exceptional ability to make nothing out of nonsense
I want the player that will impact a game the most I am not hung up on pundit rankings
Apparently not all Some are enamored with WR and one guy wants to draft a RB high
Just so I have some idea what you are saying please define this And just so you know where I’m coming from I have a higher appreciation for a guy...
Some people are ambidextrous in that regard and I believe it is a gift from god based on something good you did in a previous life :drinks:
That vaccine saved mine But otherwise go Yinz Stiller’s n’ at
That’s nice My comment was regarding Vick But ok Rodgers is also a POS
Now you are grasping at straws to fit your conspiracy theory
No Brice that theory doesn’t work. Only about 10% of the population is left handed and apparently the percentage of left handed NFL players is...