We're the new old Al Davis Raiders.
Fire Marty Tomlin.
That's simply not true, they've been cheerleading if anything, they can't wait to roll out the "No losing seasons, ...and with that defense...
You got it.
The Rams threw everything in the middle, won it all, had thier best player retire, struggled for a little while and now their back in the final 4....
Fire Marvin Tomlin.
They're Tomlin's panty shields.
Why can't we do a tush push in short yardage I feel the success rate must be 95%?
I think overall he's a good guy, he just needs to be less combative and accept other people just see things differently, especially when there's...
Watch the next "DC" run out the same tired old defensive scheme and see what happens.
Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic seems apt with this proposed plan.
95%...bloody hell. That 5% made a hell of a lot of noise on the forum up until Saturday night then... :smiley1:
A line I stole: The Steelers seasons are like DLC's for a bad video game, it's a new DLC but it doesn't matter because it's still a bad game.
Season over then. :facepalm:
It sure is.
It's Fields who stays for me, there's nothing left to see with Wilson other than other wasted season going one and done in the playoffs. and...
We need to absolutely blow this thing up and start over, we need to forget the playoffs, that's a mirage with this current team, and start getting...
There's only a few Tomlin acolytes left and they have mostly mysteriously left the board since last night...
Look at the Bills tush pushing their way to an easy FD, if only the Steelers were allowed to do the smae play..it's not fair.
While Tomlin always blames the offense for everything.