I'd love to see what some real coaches could do with these players. Steelers are stuck in 2002 trying to recreate the Tampa SB team.
Wilson is cooked. He's got one ball and that's it. We just wasted a season him, i'm not wasting another on a guy who doesnt have it any more.
Carr has proved time and time again he 'aint it. He's another Kirk Cousins, he's just good enough to fool ya enough. We have tried the half assery...
He knows he's just lying again to cover the fact he has zero control over the locker room. That's why we diva reciever after diva reciever.
Lol I have no idea what you were watching, there was no effort whatsoever out there.
This is all Tomlin, and this is why we're going nowheere. We're an asbolute laughing stock now.
Yes and the 10-3 was against a whole load of trash, in the end they utterly collapsed once again in embarassing fashion because they're not very...
Until next season, he can't cape for him at this point as he knows thats simply a untenable take. The media narrative has started to shift because...
It was smoke and mirrors and I think most of us felt that, but we chose not to live our fears, and then it all fell apart and we realised we were...
Hands down the best WR i've ever seen.
Are they though? Not on the evidence gathered over the last week they're not.
Jones has been mishandled, JPJ is just all hands. That ws my concern and here we are. Truth is though, the development of players on this team is...
Judge him by his actions, or lack of actions. He said he wanted to see growth and an end to one and done playoffs seasons, he saw none of that,...
What fax is this? who is sending it? and is it coming from the 90s?
If they bring Wilson back then this franchise is even more lost that we thought.
Hard pass. We need a franchise QB, not a guy who has bounced round 4 teams. We gotta blow it up and tank for draft day '26.
He's not wrong though.
It's coaching Mike, it fecking stinks. AGAIN.
Slowee looks like he runs in treacle and has the vision of Mr. Magoo. Patterson looks he runs in treacle with concrete wellingtons on. For some...
Rooney is killing this team, said he expected to see improvement and an end to one and done in the playsoffs (paraphrase). Then after watching...