That’s always my exact phrase.
I work on that stuff if you work on the sarcasm.
They shouldn’t risk it. And they aren’t consistently STOOOOPID. And it’s still a SIMPLE rule. And like I said in #3 - It looked like he gestured a...
1) No I don’t. But what’s really the point anyway? 2) If I was getting paid millions to know and abide by a few simple rules I’d hope I’d...
I’ve never seen an organization that gives up 3rd and a MILE more than the Steelers in the last 10 or so years. It’s uncanny. I’d like to see...
Both are stooopid. To go with a stooopid player. Sure, the fool can run and catch but he IS the type that shoots himself in his own foot. Which...
I HATE to use cliches, but when it comes to Pickins, you just can’t fix STOOOOPID!!!
I LOVE watching the STEELERS throw passes over the middle!!!
I felt bit right away when he threw that deep ball. Did he close his eyes on the throw?!?!?!?
Dumbest play on a slippery field.
Hey, Tolmilin, let’s come out running….
A LOT more.
One team wants it more.
Could you imagine being a Ravens fan right now? Like, if we had lost the last 8of 9 games to them I might have leg as l charges against me....
Um not exactly true. Not for me at least. After the Washington win, I had to admit that not only does it feel great to feel optimistic again and...
[ATTACH] If I’d like to post an image to pair from one of 7 years ago. I obliged!!!