Watt, Boswell, and Heyward this season are the only ones in any genuine conversation. Boswell clearly. Freirmuth is very mid to me. Maybe if we...
But only if Tomlin is blown away with everything else. He can’t develop players, so unless he’s gone nothing positive will come of any other...
Tomlin says that first half starts “don’t define the team” and he’s actually right. The second half too little too late efforts do. The fool...
Oh after Philly and the next few weeks when people asked me what I was doing for the day I’d say “gonna watch Tomlin lose the game. Or just make...
Exactly. I used to actually suffer bad moods for a day or so after a loss because I always believed they could and should win. But now…? I yawn. I...
Do we know that was on Tomlin and not Colbert?
Had to hit quote because I couldn’t click the hilarious emoji and the I agree one at the same time.
Scribe pointed out the most of the good numbers came once the game was lost and out of hand.
Who is and had been a C rated level version of what Tuitt was.
But if he retired AFTER the draft then he did negatively screw up the teams structure during 2 seasons. I would almost guarantee it would’ve...
I would lobby for one during the season so I can possibly arrange for my annual one game trip to the Burgh (hopefully earlier in the year with...
You got THAT RIGHT!!! :hi::duel::beathorse::frustrated::zombat::noose::emperor:
I don’t know why I remember his dragging his feet affected 2 seasons in a big way.
I am hearing what you are saying
I would be so pissed if we just let him walk away. I want a TRADE! I’ve been a broken record about this for three years now. Tomlin as a trade has...
You are only helping his argument.
It was the “ha ha ha” that got me rollin….!
Supposedly most of his TDs last year were garbage time.
It might be more fun to try and predict what’s bouncing around Tomlin’s skull right now.