I stopped watching, it's a waste of time. Have better things to do.
It wasn't meant to be, it was scripted for Muth to drop it. When are you morons FINALLY going to realize that the NFL is totally rigged! Most of...
I think they'll "upset" either the Chiefs or Eagles, but not both. I think they have a better chance of beating the Chiefs over the Eagles.
Another Tomlin Special coming. He usually has 3 or 4 every year
Figured it would go this way, they can't get a stop to save their lives
That's what I'm talking about!
Right. People keep defending Minkah, but the reality is he's a shell of his former self. Looks like TJ is heading in that same direction as well.
And the defenses inability to get to the QB. 10 sacks so far is pathetic.
Enjoy it while it lasts, because it won't. I put them on 2 more wins max.
Short week or not, the Chiefs will still stomp us.
He has scrub QB's as OC now, so I don't expect much from him. Any coach can have success if they have a top level QB, it's a QB driven league, you...
So what else is new? He's been the worst coach in NFL history in that regard, and he never improves. Steelers aren't winning anything with Tomlin...
Big deal, he was a loser in Atlanta. He's barely better than Canada as OC, so Tomlin isn't worried.
The whole coaching staff sucks. Danny Smith is probably the only decent coach they have. Tomlin doesn't like any competition.
I agree with the 10-7, but I'm not so sure about a playoff win. Hell, I'd be happy if it was a close game instead of the usual blowout.
With this team, there's no guarantees. I have a bad feeling the bottom is about to fall out, hope I'm wrong.
Didn't work out when he was on the field either.
Yeah, things could get ugly.
I see that the usual Tomlinites are out in full force. I don't hate Mike Tomlin, or even dislike him, I don't even know the man. He seems like a...