Two chances for big plays. Chiefs get a break on the kick-off fumble, then Queen drops a fluff ball.
Didn't need this. They are doing whatever they want.
Got a break, Boz!
Come on Moore, how about a better effort there?
JW having himself a game!
Going up around the head after he gives himself up means nothing? Patty would have humped up begging for the flag.
Jones not having a good game.
KC is going to sell out now to stop Warren because he was gashing them in the second quarter. Someone has to be open down field.
Rather see that toss to Warren, but Harris better in pass pro.
That wasn't what I had in mind.
Have to drive the field now, have to keep it close. Come on, Russell.
Can't touch Patty. He gets the same protection as TB now.
By everything I read and heard, $35 million plus, per. On a 3-year deal? More than what I think the Steelers would be willing to pay and I think...
Not a catch, but a great effort.
Wow, damn fine catch.
I'll concede that it was a good play by the DB, and maybe Russelll was trying to shoot a laser between both of them. It looked like a moon shot...
And enough with Patterson, especially running outside. He's too damn slow.
I agree, trajectory looked a little flat.