He seems like a nice guy and all, but he stinks. Didn't much care for his old man, either.
He has trouble with his own name.
Defense has to get a quick stop.
They can get that head case bum out of here, too.
Concussion. Targeting, not called. Of course.
Woohoo, time for a toss-sweep to Harris for a 2-yard loss, yeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!!
Seems like this drive has been 35 freakin' plays.
I can't say I disagree. I mean, this had been a poor effort other than a couple of good defensive stands. This offense is horrific. Then Pickens...
Wow, just get the damn starters off the field already. This is nauseating.
I hate to start piling on, but this offense is trash right now. Why do they continue to use these toss sweeps and pitch backs to an RB that plods...
Great catch, George.
Cincy puts this one in, they might as well get Watt and Heyward the hell out of there. They're not going to win this game.
That's it, keep pitching it back, it's working flawlessly.
Jason Kelce reminds of the fat uncle that shows up at every family function, beer in hand and half in the bag. And sweats way too much even when...
One drive, they had one good drive in the whole damn half. The rest was horsesh!t.
I don't give damn about this analytics BS and I'm sorry, but Dan Campbell cost his team a trip to the big show last year by being an idiot. You...
Yeah, keep stuffing your face with those nuggets.
Have another nip, Troy.
He just doesn't look like he's feeling well.