I don't want Chubb ---DRAFT A---RB
Think any good QB will be available in free agency? I do not know what is going to happen with Russ and Fields.
will the Steelers even be active early in free agency--or wait till everyone is gone. then pick up the scrubs:hmmm::hmmm::hmmm::hmmm::confused1:
Don't panic we have non-losing seasons----it's all good.:eek::thumbs up::ACK!::worried::worried::icon e surprised::noose:
is TJ Watt the new Barry Bonds ---Great until it really matters then vanishes and does poorly.:confused1::confused1::hmmm::hmmm::hmmm::hmmm::swoon:
:steelflag:the same ---do good have non-losing season --all hail:popcorn:we are not worthy of your non-losing season greatness-Everyone...
look the Steelers move really fast doing things. Like all the WR we missed out on ..So why would they hurry to do anything with coaches ---got to...
but then Steelers can still throw behind the line. Throw deep--- 3rd and short and throw short ----3rd and long--Its all good.:thumbs up:
Tomlin probably heard fans complaining and said--yep-- better pass to middle some.:thumbs_up:
I'm watching for the commercials. And rooting for PA. s other team to win Superbowl. Go Eagles-- also, I do not hate the Chiefs. I had family that...
too much coverage by our ILB ----let them blitz more
We are not going to get pressure--- until refs stop letting other teams hold our LB--- or until we attack more, which we don't...
Steelers have got to try drafting QB ---until they find the right one.
don't worry it's me--:applaud::thumbs_up::lolol::herewego!:
Why stop watching something you like ---anyway ---everyone would have to stop watching NFL--- for something to happen --umm do you think Chiefs...
1 minute Russ is signing with Steelers ---1 minute Fields is signing with Steelers---Guess we just need to be patient and see what happens .
Sign Fields and be done with this.
why doesn't Russ just go be with Pete Carrol-- in Vegas I won't miss him.
Don't you get it--what happened to the Super -Steelers ,,,with their rough and tough blitzing defense. If I see the commanders sacking Hurts in...
ALL the Steelers are disappointing-- for not winning Superbowl.Every one-- top to bottom...