Baker way more talented than Darnold
I have no idea what the Steelers organization is doing? At least we didnt jump on Darnold. Bad news is the door open for tree hugging Arod. Here...
I’m a little stumped as why we would want Darnold? One good year out of seven? He is still very suspect as we all seen at end of the year. I’ll be...
He put me to sleep many of nights when I was a child listening to him on my AM radio. RIP MIKE
There did you what see I
Has the same amount of SB RINGS as coach popcorn. By the way KFP says hello coach T, wish you were here!
No that’s what coach popcorn gets every season
Night and day difference between Sirriani, Reid and Mike Tomlin
KFP as a backup has as many rings as coach popcorn
KFP says hello Mike Tomlin… wish you were here
Imagine if they were Steeler fans!?
Ha Halftime show was definitely the worst ever! Yet probably got paid millions
IDK … Bears vs Pats in 86 was bad
Another big defensive stop by KC … holding Philly to 3… LFG
KC has bottled Barkley up:hehehe::roflmao::facepalm:
I didn’t say you said sky was the limit. I was referring to the media
I would take Flacco today over Fields