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Clark Thinks Ref's Targeting Him

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Blast Furnace, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
  2. knab70

    knab70 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2012
    If the refs truly wanted us to lose, we would have lost, it's as simple as that. They didn't make those calls so we would lose, they made those calls because they're incompetent.[/quote:240jtxtw]

    All conspiracies are not achieved..and the Ref.'s cannot determine a game. its my view we were in the cross hairs. Their attempts for the most part would have had most teams losing their disposition. By now they should know our players will not get in there face and debate calls. Case & point they wanted the win for NY / Jersey for reasons we all know. I realize there were incompetent calls all over the league this weekend ..but we were the bullseye sunday trust me!! Anywayz.. i have beat this horse enuff :)
  3. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    Come On! It's so much more fun when we can talk about conciracy theories and beating the "Man"!

    Embrace the the hate!
  4. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    -The Steelers have been targeted more than other teams, but Clark is definitely a guy who is targeted specifically, right alongside Harrison. In fact, it comes up more frequently than Harrison, since he lays out receivers all the time. The Clark-hit-flag twitch is not new. It's been going on for a couple of years now. Any hard hit he makes draws a flag, no matter how completely legal, and to this day I've only seen one of them picked up (two weeks ago). So what message to the refs get? Conspiracy to force a Steelers loss? I'm not ready to go there. Make sure you're "careful" about #25 laying guys out? (Translation: throw the f---ing flag) Yes, absolutely, and yes, that's a conspiracy.

    -I don't understand the idea that there must not be any conspiracies because we won the game. Yes, it's cheating and not winning. Since when does cheating guarantee a win? Spotting the Giants 14 points in a game they were already favored to win is no slouch cheat job. The Steelers had to play an amazing game to overcome it, and they did. What are you guys saying, that because the Steelers scored a touchdown and the refs didn't fabricate a penalty to take it away, that they were playing fair ball all along? What if Redman fumbles instead of scoring that 1 yard touchdown, and we lose? Is it a conspiracy then because we didn't win? There's no logic in this.

    -Clark's personal foul was ruled both a late hit and blow to the head. The ref says that it occurred "after the play was over," which is what you say when it's a late hit. He's also suggesting the play ended while the ball was suspended in mid-air. Of course, in reality, by every definition the hit was not late and there were no heads involved. There also should be no controversy about whether the hit was necessary, because it's not like the ball was batted down at the line of scrimmage, or sailed into the third row. It was a foot or so away from receiver and any safety in Clark's position would have no choice whatsoever besides that of trying to separate the receiver from the ball. He couldn't get to it himself, and if Ike hadn't knocked it down Cruz would have caught it (before getting hit), and there's no way Clark could just assume Ike would knock it down. This play and the call are not controversial. The play was awesome and the call was pathetic.
  5. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    They need to allow plays like this to be challenged or automatically reviewed. I know it would slow down the pace of the game but if slowing down the pace means we get a fair shot and Goodell's boys get put in check I'm fine with that. Although they also reviewed Ben's "fumble" and it stood as called too. So what do I know. I just wanna take as much power from the refs and Goodell as possible is the main point and that seems like the only way to do it.
  6. nitrous12

    nitrous12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Does anyone know which ref threw the flag on Clark for that hit on Cruz...and where in relation to the players he was standing. I just saw the replay that shows the hit from the other side of Cruz so that you see Clarks head clearly way off to the left. I just find it hard to believe that it could have even looked like helmet to helmet on the field even at game speed.
    It is what it is, but man it just mind boggling.
  7. 6stinkyfingers

    6stinkyfingers Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2011
    Can't watch the video. It was removed because the NFL claimed copywright infringement. What jerks! The NFL should remove everything on the NFL channel, except the redzone, because it is an infringing on being absolutely terrible.
  8. mike1971

    mike1971 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    the ref who threw the flag was the one behind the play and standing on back of endzone when i saw reply i saw the ref in back one who threw the flag
  9. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    It was the one standing directly on top of the play...literally looking right at him.
  10. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    I think anytime a questionable hit is made and it results in a flag, like a H2H, it should be reviewed to make sure it's a correct call: Clark is a good example of this league and it's refs being flag happy anytime a player gets close to an above the shoulder hit, and yet a good percentage of H2H hits dont even get called on the field while others shouldnt even be called: I will add after watching a number of games on sunday ticket yesterday, the officiating in a fair amount of these games was pretty bad, two examples, in the dallas game Dez Bryants catch in the end zone was clearly not a catch but was ruled a TD on review: In the niner game the refs let a minute and 15 seconds run off the clock while they measured for a 1st down and under NFL rules they cant put the time back on the clock, any of the 6 refs on the field could have corrected that mistake, but none did, I saw more bad calls during different games but to many to list, but i'm seeing a poor caliber of calls being made during this season since the refs have came back and if it happens in our game tonight i'm going to go ape S***T....

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