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Mendenhall is officially our starter

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by shaner82, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    This is from rotoworld.

    This is what I expected and what I hoped. Talent prevails and he's the most talented
  2. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Well he better produce or find his ass on the bench. If he comes back and is struggling, I'll be pissed he's getting the rock just because he was the starter when he got hurt.
  3. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
  4. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    If he comes back and doesn't do as good as Dwyer and Red do you think they will ultimately decide to let him go and use that money to keep Wallace? I doubt it and I'm not saying I support this I'm just asking the question for the sake of robust debate is all.
  5. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Well, in the spirit of robust debate, I think he would be gone, heck, he may be gone anyway. Omar says there is always a way to sign the people you really want, so lets hope that's true. I think as long as Mendy is healthy he is going to kick butt, like Red and Dwyer have been, but if he's not, I don't want him holding onto the starting job just because he used to be good.
  6. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Well, in the spirit of robust debate, I think he would be gone, heck, he may be gone anyway. Omar says there is always a way to sign the people you really want, so lets hope that's true. I think as long as Mendy is healthy he is going to kick butt, like Red and Dwyer have been, but if he's not, I don't want him holding onto the starting job just because he used to be good.[/quote:3keubjx8]
    Him and Redman are BOTH RESTRICTED free agents though right? I would honestly say that Colbert would wanna keep Mendy but maybe I'm wrong. Overall I think Redman has a LOT more to prove but MAN it would be AWESOME to see them all healthy at the same time! THAT would look like Steelers ball. With all three of them healthy it would ALMOST be like we had the equivalent of ONE Jerome Bettis. LOL!
  7. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Well, in the spirit of robust debate, I think he would be gone, heck, he may be gone anyway. Omar says there is always a way to sign the people you really want, so lets hope that's true. I think as long as Mendy is healthy he is going to kick butt, like Red and Dwyer have been, but if he's not, I don't want him holding onto the starting job just because he used to be good.[/quote:6824nqvc]
    Whoever the RB is, OL play does need to be considered. I wouldn't expect any player to be benched based on stats without looking into reasons behind the stats. There's a difference between not producing because you're being met in the backfield every other play, and not producing because you're running with no confidence or something like that. The OL that played the last few weeks is waaay different than the OL we saw the last few years and even earlier this year. So if they keep that up, any of our top 3 should have plenty of success, and Mendenhall gives us the best chance at that. But if the OL backslides, any of our top 3 will backslide with them. We've had a chance to see what all 3 guys can do behind this OL when it's not playing well, and Mendenhall gives us the best chance there, too.

    Now that we're looking like a playoff team, I'm willing to be more patient with him and other injured guys. I'm not feeling the rush anymore. Let him get healthy so he can stick around. Troy, too. Off topic, but BOY has Keenan Lewis' emergence come at a good time.
  8. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Him and Redman are BOTH RESTRICTED free agents though right? I would honestly say that Colbert would wanna keep Mendy but maybe I'm wrong. Overall I think Redman has a LOT more to prove but MAN it would be AWESOME to see them all healthy at the same time! THAT would look like Steelers ball. With all three of them healthy it would ALMOST be like we had the equivalent of ONE Jerome Bettis. LOL![/quote:1199dwdj]

    Oh, I don't know, I was thinking Mendy was an UFA :shrug: If he's a restricted then I think he will still be here. Keeping all 3 would be sweet, talk about wearing a defense down :herewego:
  9. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    God, I would absolutely love to keep all three. I honestly have no idea what to expect in terms of what other teams will be offering these guys. I hope not much.
  10. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Whoever the RB is, OL play does need to be considered. I wouldn't expect any player to be benched based on stats without looking into reasons behind the stats. There's a difference between not producing because you're being met in the backfield every other play, and not producing because you're running with no confidence or something like that. The OL that played the last few weeks is waaay different than the OL we saw the last few years and even earlier this year. So if they keep that up, any of our top 3 should have plenty of success, and Mendenhall gives us the best chance at that. But if the OL backslides, any of our top 3 will backslide with them. We've had a chance to see what all 3 guys can do behind this OL when it's not playing well, and Mendenhall gives us the best chance there, too.

    Now that we're looking like a playoff team, I'm willing to be more patient with him and other injured guys. I'm not feeling the rush anymore. Let him get healthy so he can stick around. Troy, too. Off topic, but BOY has Keenan Lewis' emergence come at a good time.[/quote:3bcly8l8]
    The edge that Mendy has over the others is the fact that he can catch really good. He is more of a viable threat out of the backfield I would say. But DEFINITELY the lineup of the o line HAS to be considered. I am honestly the most excited to see Mendy come back because I wanna see him run behind this line. That says a LOT coming from me because I've NEVER been a Mendy fan his whole career. But I REALLY wanna see him get a truly fair shot with a good coordinator calling the shots and see what can happen.
  11. GB_Steel

    GB_Steel Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Our backs looked like complete garbage until Mendy came back against the Eagles and blew things up. Then our OL started opening things up and our other backs got some confidence and playing hard with good numbers to match. If our OL keeps up the good play and if Mendy can come back healthy, it's clear to me that he should be on the field. Where Redman and Dwyer have to break through tackles, Mendy has that ability to blow past the defender before the tackle can be attempted.
  12. MojaveDesertPghFan


    Oct 19, 2011
    It is said that history is a good indicator of the future - that being said - what realistically are the chances of all 3 RBs staying healthy for any extensive period from this point forth? Hasn't happened so far this year and most likely won't happen again this year. But - it's a nice problem to have - not unlike our WR problem. I'm still curious though - if Redman doesn't return in the 4th quarter of the Giants game would we have been able to run out the clock like we did? Would Batch have stepped up appropriately? Moot point now.
  13. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I think it's looking more and more like Batch could be the odd man out.
  14. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    Let's just hope other teams aren't noticing the value of Redman and Dwyer! I am excited for Mendy's return but, as Snack said, I don't want it rushed and believe we would be foolish to do so.
  15. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    Well put, sir.

    So far this season we've seen all three backs struggle with a poor o-line, and two backs do well with a good o-line performance. Mendy was the best when we were struggling, and I have no reason to believe he won't be when he comes back.

    But, to echo what a few people have said on the board - having all three healthy at the same time is going to be awesome.
  16. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    The type of scheme the Offense is running and the type of D the other Team is running has a lot to do with success....I know you are saying duh....But when I say success it is not just RB stats true success is in all areas and the effect that the RB had on them...
    How many times did the Defense bring the SS down into the box?
    How many times did the Defense bite on the PA?
    How many times did the Defense Run blitz ?
    How many times did the Defense try and guard 1 of your top Receiving guys 1 on 1 because of the run threat?
    How many times did the Defense stay in base because of the run threat ?

    When I look at tape this is what I look for....Of course you want your RB to have success stat wise either running or catching the pass hopefully both,,,but it is entirely possible for a RB to have bad stats and have a huge positive effect on the game...This is why I prefer Stronger 1 cut runners to open field runners....As a general rule Teams will stay in Cover 2 or Man Zone more against Open field types...Teams play more Nickle and Dime against open field running Teams this gives them better Pass defenders on the field...

    On the flip side Teams must run blitz a Power runner,Teams must play a lot more base,Teams must bring SS help into the box,which creates more 1 on 1 coverage and makes LB'S bite on the PA....

    So the difference the way I see it ,is Teams can stop outside running or open field running and the passing game with their normal schemes and sets....Teams must adapt to stop power running and it opens up the field more for the other guys and creates more mismatches.....
  17. Busman


    Oct 18, 2011
    Whomever they go with they better hope he is healthy because I am leaning towards what Max Starks said about the OL geling and the running back by committee

    Essentially Max said that he felt the reason the RBs and Oline had changed for the better was because you get to know the RB , their style and timing . I agree with him 100%

  18. 6stinkyfingers

    6stinkyfingers Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2011
    I hope Mendy doesn't revert back to his tendancy to hesitate at the hole. Dwyer and Redman make 1 cut and then hit it hard.
  19. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    I would put it another way: I hope Mendy doesn't start doing what you seem to think he's been doing yet does no more than Dwyer or Redman.

    PWP: I like your point that an RB doesn't have to be eating up yardage to affect the game. The problem I have with your analysis is that, as happy as I am with Dwyer and Redman's performances, I just don't see defenses adjusting to the extremes that you're painting here for them. At least, not yet...
  20. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Him and Redman are BOTH RESTRICTED free agents though right? I would honestly say that Colbert would wanna keep Mendy but maybe I'm wrong. Overall I think Redman has a LOT more to prove but MAN it would be AWESOME to see them all healthy at the same time! THAT would look like Steelers ball. With all three of them healthy it would ALMOST be like we had the equivalent of ONE Jerome Bettis. LOL![/quote:1rklaus8]

    No that are not both restricted. Mendy was a first round pick back when they got 5 year deals (compared to 4 with an option of a 5th or whatever now). He has put in the necessary years to be a UFA.
  21. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    You are correct Teams have not yet made huge adjustments for Dwyer and Redman....In the 2 games with Dwyer Teams stayed in Cover 2 because of the fear of the passing game...Haley did the correct thing and kept Pounding Dwyer in key situations...If the D refuses to adjust then Dwyer will rack up big yards with good blocking....

    In the last game with Redman the D started bringing guys into the Box more when we ran the 3 WR/1TE/1RB sets they stil ran a lot of Man/Zone and the 2 guys they tried to man where Miller and Cotchery.....So Redman's Power running helped them both get open,we didn''t get to see the full effect because Brown went down.....When we have Wallace,Brown, and Sanders all together and the RB is forcing SS help Miller and Sanders will be wide open more often and Wallace and Brown will have more room as well..

    Also one other element to add in is the elements...When the field gets bad the 1 cut runner has more of and advantage as well as the fast WR'S.......The Offense always has an advantage because they know where they are going and the D has to react....This advantage becomes even greater in bad weather....The last thing a D wants is to slip and try and Arm tackle a Powerful runner,,, followed by slipping and trying to cover a Fast WR 1 on 1 .......

    Bring on the weather ,,,,I think this Team is ready to explode........
  22. TarheelFlyer

    TarheelFlyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    I don't think there is any doubt that Mendy has the most pure "talent" of any of they RBs we have. That being said, the other guys are successful right now because they are just hitting the hole....period. Go to SteelerDepot.com and watch the animated gif or the oline and Heath. If he hesitates there, he gets caught in the backfield. This is what I am saying, sometimes the guy who wants it most will perform better than the guy who has the most talent. That is just the facts. I want to see him succeed, but it may not be what is best for the team overall. We shall see.
  23. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    mendy has more talent but i want people that fight for extra yards carrying people on his back , i think the right situation is a one two punch mendy and dwyer/redmann , if mendy start to dance pound the rock with dwyer and red
  24. troybellringer55

    troybellringer55 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    I think with the line run blocking so well, everyone is going to have a little success running the ball. It's going to be dangerous, and I'm liking it boys and girls.
  25. lersgofor7

    lersgofor7 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2011
    This is what I expected and what I hoped. Talent prevails and he's the most talented ---->What is this the NFL draft? who cares how much talent he has...

    What exactly has he done this year to be automatically name the starter? all dwyer and redman have done is carve out 3 straight 100 yd games and dwyer is avg. 5.7

    i am gonna be damn worried if he is our starter next week against baltimore...

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