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Tomlin resume the last 10 years...

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by steel_ben7, Jan 18, 2021.

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  1. CK 13

    CK 13 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2011
    Tomlin stepped into a solid situation when hired. A franchise QB, a killer defense with Polamalu and Coach LeBeau being retained.

    As time has gone on years have been squandered but the franchise QB remained...
  2. Disco1981

    Disco1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2017
    I'm a Tomlin hater! Lol, no I'm not...I don't HATE anybody, I just don't like him as a Coach!

    Tomlin won with Cowhers players, and when they left, He has not done well imo...And I'm not talking non losing seasons, or playoff appearances

    MY main beef is the inexcusable losses! Every team can **** the bed, be unprepared, or be be a favorite that gets upended by an underdog but...

    When you get beat by Tim Freakin Tebow, Blown out at Home as heavy favorites by Blake Freakin Bortles, Blown out at Home by the Browns 3rd stringers, without a HC, and no practice... INEXCUSABLE!

    If the Bungals didn't have Ding Dongs Burfict and Pac Man gift us another one...It would have been another epic loss!

    ^^^^^This.....Is why Tomlin is NOT a good Coach...to be upended or beaten by an underdog...It's happened alot and what makes Sports great!

    By when YOUR team...Gets beat over and over and over again,with flat out pathetic performances, then it's not an upset, it's a PATTERN!!!!!!!!!!

    And this keeps happening to Tomlin, Which makes him a severely OVER- rated Coach!
    • Agree Agree x 6
  3. Thor


    Mar 20, 2014
    I think there's such a thing as coaches who are situationally good (or bad). IMHO, Tomlin is more a players' coach. He was a good step-in after Cowher's more focused, fundamentalist, approach. As time went on, the Steelers became one of high-talent, lower maturity that needed a more disciplinarian approach. That's not Tomlin's forte. I also think Tomlin's style leans more on what his coordinators bring to the game plan, and with a couple of exceptions, there hasn't been a lot for him to fall back on there.

    So imo, Tomlin can function as a good coach, but not necessarily in the situation the job became here.
  4. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Do any of you remember when Tomlin 1st came? Do you not remember players talking about how tough he was, how hard he made them practice. They thought that's why they had lost 2 J. Del Rios Jags in the playoffs that year. Because Tomlin was 2 ruff & wore them out. After that he softened up , and they went 2 the SB twice. All I'm saying is that's what might have changed things .
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Disco1981

    Disco1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2017
    S.T.D.......Can he go back to being tough again then please... Because this team is soft as Cotton
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  6. SteelerNole

    SteelerNole Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2019
    So, The who’s better out there isn’t a valid question? If the coach is fired, the team sort of needs a replacement, right?
  7. Steel Hog

    Steel Hog Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    It's a valid question for whoever is doing the hiring just like when MT was brought aboard and was an unknown - but someone knew. It's not the fans job to recruit quality HCs unless they want to pay us.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. SteelReal

    SteelReal Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2020

    I love it when stupid people get in their feelings. Often times they say a lot without saying anything at all. What was that Captain Obvious?? You said what again??...

    WHAT CAPTAIN OBVIOUS SAID: "If brady didnt have talent around him he would not be winning post season games."

    I mean if that isn't a Darwin award comment I don't know what is. I'm just curious. You must know someone who won without talent around them?? You mind telling us who that is???? I mean name any team any sport any year. I'LL WAIT...


    Is there reason why you're repeating what I already said? Maybe it's because you have a problem putting together an argument that requires personal thought as exemplified by my first example...???

    WHAT I SAID: "I mean if you're going to give him credit for taking a team to the SB that was already built then Tomlin already did that."

    WHAT CAPTAIN OBVIOUS SAID : "Who built that steelers team in 2008? If how their rosters were drafted previous to their success is important...lets have that conversation you dumbass. You do realize Tomlin took over a SB winning team?"

    i mean that's almost verbatim what i said and what do you go and do??? Repeat it as if that's helping your argument. It doesn't help your argument. It hurt's it. Arians is not going to be in a brighter spotlight then Tomlin if he should win a SB if he's only repeating what Tomlin already did under the exact same circumstances.


    Someone mentioned cherry picking facts. What's not so obvious to Captain Obvious is that in reality the OP and yourself have done more cherry picking than anybody. The very title of this thread is cherry picking. I don't care how you move around the numbers Arians has not had a better coaching career then Tomlin. Let's compare apples to apples... FIRST 8 years VS First 8 years. That'[s the only fair way to do this. Why look at Tomlins last 10 years (which is where the cherry picking actually begins) when you could just as easily look at his first 8 and compare it to Arians first 8??? I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that makes much more sense...but people want to control the narrative so it fits their argument.

    How about we wait until Bruce has 13 years under his belt and then compare it to Tomlin's first 13??? Doesn't that seem more rational and objective rather than being biased and irrational as you have been??? I'm not even going to complain if he happens to pass Tomlin with Brady at the helm in 2 or 3 years. It is what it is, but lets be honest about it. You're trying to put Arians up on a pedestal that does not yet exist.



    WHAT CAPTAIN OBVIOUS SAID: "Arians...built a starting roster"

    I mean you're sitting up there lying and saying he put together a roster he didn't even build. i mean if there's anything we can all agree on, besides yourself, it's that. How do you claim responsibility for building a roster and you've only been there for two years you goof???


    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
  9. Disco1981

    Disco1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2017
    NOBODY knew who Tomlin was... I'm sure somewhere out there is a competent Coach
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Rollers

    Rollers Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    That's actually pretty much how I feel. I am so tired of getting blown out year after year. I don't think Cowher was much better. Didn't he lose some playoff games at his own field? Yes Cowher didn't have a great QB until Ben showed up. But then wasn't he partly responsible to go find one? I just don't think Cowher was that great of a coach either. The standard in Pittsburgh is Super Bowl wins. May not be fair but that's the standard. I don't care if "other teams" would love to have the record the Steelers have had. Makes no difference to me since I don't care about other teams. We've had a great QB who has under performed in big games. The whole team has under performed in big games. I don't hate Tomlin I just don't think he's a great coach. That's all
  11. SteelerNole

    SteelerNole Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2019
    Somewhere . . . I hope the GM doesn’t share that philosophy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Emperor Lebaeu

    Emperor Lebaeu Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
    whens the next one coming?
  13. BigBensBigBong

    BigBensBigBong Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2014
    Yep. Nothing for us to brag about the last 10 years. A couple years we had 0-coordinator Ben hated (I think that was around those back to back 8-8 years). In the playoffs, sometimes the defense did not show up, sometimes a key player like Bell or Brown got injured. This year was a definite tease. I thought we had the players to make a deep run this season, but the offense never fully gelled and eventually regressed and fell apart.

    Tough to quantify how much of that was Tomlin`s fault. Don`t really know how much he gets involved in play calling.
  14. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Don't forget. 1 year we lost Brown( who was also our punt returner & #1 wr), Bell, & our 2nd Rb (DeAngelo Williams). All in a couple week period. We ended up losing 2 P. Manning's Broncos in the playoffs. That was the last year I honestly believed we had a real legit chance at the SB. I still believe if we had at least 1 of the guys I mentioned we would have won. Hell they barely won with all those guys missing. Then went on 2 win the SB.


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey Disco.

    It has been a while. Actually, I think you responded to me a few weeks ago about my advocating for Ben and you DISAGREED with me! YOU…. Just kidding Disco. You know you are one of my “Go To” People here (smile).

    Disco, it is no mystery that you are not a Tomlin fan. For the most part, I cannot disagree with anything that you have ever posted about him that I have seen. During his first five years I was down with Tomlin. Big time. Besides winning Super Bowl XLIII the next most impressive thing, for me, was his suspending of Santonio Holmes for the Giants’ game during that same season. As you may recall, it was due to some off the field nonsense that Holmes, again, got himself into. Speeding, weed, I am not sure but something along those lines.

    I am big on disciplining players and Holmes deserved it. We did not win that game and I think James Harrison was our Long Snapper and caused a “muff”. In the end, it all worked out storybook-like. You know, as Holmes made, what I consider to be, the “Greatest Catch” in N.F.L. History. It just all worked out so well from Tomlin suspending him to Holmes making that Game-Winning Catch.

    I said to myself, and others, that Tomlin “Gets it” when it comes to “running” the team. He did not pull the “We will wait for the N.F.L. to hand down its punishment” baloney like most teams do. He took matters into his own hands and did the right thing. He put the team over one player. Maybe we win that Giants’ game with Holmes in there. We will never know. Nonetheless, many good things came out of that disciplinary measure IMO with the winning of the Championship and Holmes making that Game-Winning "Catch". The whole thing just resonated with me, in a good way, as a Coach. I had developed a big respect for Coach Tomlin at that point in my Steelers’ fandom timeline.

    Then, like a stone that is slowly eroded by the continual brush of the ocean’s waves, Tomlin’s (Cowher’s) Players started their exodus over the next years. In conjunction, the Team’s “Play” slowly diminished as well as again, “Cowher’s” players went out the door one by one. Sure, we have never had a losing season under Tomlin. And ? “Hip, Hip, Hurray” (sarcasm). However, we have nothing to show for it. It is about “Rings”. End of story.

    It is not like the “Player Personnel Bank” was not replenished. The Ben, Brown, Bell, Bryant, Miller era should have gotten us at least one ring.

    Now, again, we have a terrific set of skilled players on Offense, at least as far as Pass Catchers and a very good Defense. We just need a running game which really should not be that hard to set-up. My point is, where many around here “exaggerate” IMO in regards to how far we are from getting a “Ring”, I totally disagree. Get an Offensive Line and established that Running Game. If not then bring back Bell or a similar type back because that is the type of Running Back that this line is built for. Off track a bit there. So given that, IMO the cupboard is almost full again with quality players and Tomlin is in the “Kitchen”. He has to win with his “Players”, His “Brand”, His “Trademark” or otherwise he will continue to live in Cowher’s Shadow. I want him to win. He is OUR COACH. If he can bring it home, then we all “Win”. I would think that would even make you happy Disco and possibly bring a "Tomlin Smile" to your face.

    STEELWINDS The East Side Kid
  16. Disco1981

    Disco1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2017
    Hope you're well "ole " friend...I think Ben " could " be serviceable if...

    The OK is COMPLETELY rebuilt!
    Get a stud RB...
    More under Center ( not Pouncey ) and a more traditional Offense...

    The thing is I don't think this can happen because...

    The Cap.....Well over the Cap...

    I just don't see how we can....Vastly improve the OL, the RB position, keep Ben's weapons, upgrade the TE position, AND keep the Defense intact with so many free agents and the cap situation...

    AND if you don't at least vastly improve the OL, Ben is rendered useless...He can't move anymore!
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Steel Hog

    Steel Hog Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    If Tomlin is the HEAD Coach, then he is accountable for the teams performance to his boss. That is usually how these things work in the real world otherwise there would be very few HC's fired after each year. So many insolate MT from anything negative even though he is in charge of everything that goes on before, during, and after each season, game, whatever. IMO.
  18. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011

    Note as well they don't get into the playoffs this year without the expansion. Sort of like Pittsburgh would have been in the play-offs the last 2 years if it had been expanded.
  19. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    What? Didn't we win the division? That's a shoe in. Or I'm I Incorrect about winning the division? No . I believe I'm correct. Maybe you are talking about the Ravens & I jumped the gun. If so. I apologize.
  20. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    Talking about the Ravens. All that love and they don't get in without the expanded playoffs this year. So basically they were in the same position the Steers were in last year and the year before with a 4th string QB.
    • Like Like x 1
  21. KnoxVegasSteel

    KnoxVegasSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Get ready for another 3 years of underachieving, playing down to the competition, poor game prep, and no in-game adjustments. I guess in the next 3 years, we can plan on seeing the postseason once and it will be 1 and done. Because the StaNDarD Is tHe sTaNdARD

    Reading 3 years/$30M extension in the works.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  22. DukeDukeDaDaDa

    DukeDukeDaDaDa Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2017
    You know it's bad when even the front office is as predictable as the offense.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  23. DukeDukeDaDaDa

    DukeDukeDaDaDa Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2017
    Well unless coaches magically materialize out of thin air, everybody has to come from somewhere.
  24. bettissb40

    bettissb40 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    How about Mickey Mouse. That is the way this franchise is run and will continue to run for a long time.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  25. Disco1981

    Disco1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2017
    Yep, Like Tomlin did...He came from somewhere
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