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Play calling

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Badboy212, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Badboy212

    Badboy212 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    While watching the game I was thoroughly confused on some calls, but none more than the final drive we had. On 2nd & 7 we ran the ball with Batch for a 2 yd gain? Didn't understand that for sure as we needed 15-20 more yards for a solid fg attempt which we never got and ultimately failed at. During the game I thought we didn't use the no huddle enough and had no flow as we went 3 and out a few series in a row. While on the goal line we used the BIG package and fooled no one as Batch ran it in, but the plays that we're called were predictable at best. Overall I feel it was a C game called at best
  2. nitrous12

    nitrous12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I liked what I saw in the Offensive play calling all year until last night. Even in the other losses the offense looked different and better than recent years and I was liking what Haley was bringing. I have to assume that the O-line injuries had something to do with it last night, but man it looked terrible and awfully familiar....I was again screaming the same crap at the TV that I have been the past few years.
  3. lamberts lunatic

    lamberts lunatic Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    I :herewego: thought Arians was back the way the offense looked.
  4. GB_Steel

    GB_Steel Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Hate to say it but if we had BA calling the plays on that last drive we likely would've pulled it out as he would've let Ben go wild, for better or worse. Of course, with BA we may not have even scored as many as we did to get into that situation to begin with! I like our offensive philosophy this year, but with the game on the line you have to open it up a lot more than we have been doing lately.
  5. lamberts lunatic

    lamberts lunatic Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    I agree with you about the offensive philosophy this year. I guess the Titans game looked an awful lot like last years offense, but we did lose some key players. Got 10 days to think about it :herewego:
  6. moonface

    moonface Active Member

    Oct 31, 2011
    the bubble screen is back
  7. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Playcalling was bad we may need to fire up the get rid of haley threads
  8. AFan

    AFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Well, Todd Haley, it looks like the honeymoon is over.

    Dare I be the first to say it? Ok, can't resist:

  9. mogadiba

    mogadiba Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Yeah, a little too frequent for my taste, but at least they're throwing it to AB and not Hines Ward. I love 86 as much as the next guy, but he wasn't gonna shake any tackles and he sure wasn't running past anyone. Brown has the ability to do both, but the play isn't as ridiculous as it was last year.
  10. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    yea he has the ability , but since AB has signed his big contract, he's been MIA for much of the year. where has AB been in this offense? my God haley has more talent then ever and we are still struggling to get a flow and produce TD's. somethings wrong here. ben goes and talks with MT on the sidelines and not haley after a stalled drive. what's up with this? :cool:
  11. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011

    LOL! Yes, I've posted it in several other threads. 360 yards passing and only 23 points in a losing effort against a lessor opponent. God that sounds familiar doesn't it ;)
  12. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    I'm sure the two feature running backs limping on the sideline or the three offensive linemen that had to be helped off the field might have had just a little bit to do with that. Things like that tend to have an impact on the game plan.
  13. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Understand TTF. Just saying .. ;)
  14. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    we have not been setting the world on fire before much of this happened either. :cool:
  15. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    True. Although after Mendy's performance last week I have to admit I was getting my hopes up then all went to hell in a hand basket Thursday night :frustrated:
  16. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Don't ruin their fun with logic.
  17. blair

    blair Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011

    :lolol: ... :lolol: ... :lolol: ... :lolol: ... :lolol:
  18. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011

    i just don't see the fun in getting our arses handed to us by teams that should not be beating us. we have a salary cap level that rivals anyone's in the league, wheres the field results? where's the product we have been promised? where are the ready next guys up? wheres the standard is the standard? we all like to say the coaches see more of guys in practice, which is true because these guys must be setting the world on fire in practice, because we stink on gameday. hell yes they look good in practice, look what they are going against. US.
  19. WWW

    WWW Writing Team

    Oct 24, 2011
    Agree, that changed the gameplan for sure... but if you have 3 OLs & 2 RBs injured, why are you calling a run on a 2nd & 8, 4th quarter while needing 10 yards to make an easier FG?
  20. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011

    i just don't see the fun in getting our arses handed to us by teams that should not be beating us. we have a salary cap level that rivals anyone's in the league, wheres the field results? where's the product we have been promised? where are the ready next guys up? wheres the standard is the standard? we all like to say the coaches see more of guys in practice, which is true because these guys must be setting the world on fire in practice, because we stink on gameday. hell yes they look good in practice, look what they are going against. US.

    With the exception of a couple of undefeated teams, everyone has been handed losses by teams they shouldn't lose to, it's the NFL Mac, you should know this. And at some point, injuries do take their toll, can't keep throwing the tired cliche that everyone has injuries out there all the time, eventually there is a breaking point. There is a reason players are back ups, can't keep plugging back ups in and expect to perform as well as starters. Maybe we should at least wait half a season before declaring this season a bust and Haley a failure.
  21. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    Still, the defense is giving up 25 points on average a game, as usual, lost in that stat is the fact they gave up 31 and 34 points respectively in two of those losses, so this offense has to start scoring 30 plus points a game to cover their defensive handicap. Thats a tall order for this offense to accomplish since this offense has only scored 30 points once this year and that was in a loss against the faders. So how are they going to get 30 points a game out of this offense, I dont see how they can, during the years when we had a top defense, this offense would be scoring enough points to win games, but this defense cant keep them in the game, it's just one of those years when the problems dont have any answers....
  22. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011

    i just don't see the fun in getting our arses handed to us by teams that should not be beating us. we have a salary cap level that rivals anyone's in the league, wheres the field results? where's the product we have been promised? where are the ready next guys up? wheres the standard is the standard? we all like to say the coaches see more of guys in practice, which is true because these guys must be setting the world on fire in practice, because we stink on gameday. hell yes they look good in practice, look what they are going against. US.

    With the exception of a couple of undefeated teams, everyone has been handed losses by teams they shouldn't lose to, it's the NFL Mac, you should know this. And at some point, injuries do take their toll, can't keep throwing the tired cliche that everyone has injuries out there all the time, eventually there is a breaking point. There is a reason players are back ups, can't keep plugging back ups in and expect to perform as well as starters. Maybe we should at least wait half a season before declaring this season a bust and Haley a failure.[/quote:129volmz]

    the starters are not preforming. not just the backups. we have backups that are not seeing the field either, and in most instances, they are better than the starter or backup thats playing. :cool:
  23. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    this team defense is declining in talent brutally , the offense has to carry us out
  24. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011

    i just don't see the fun in getting our arses handed to us by teams that should not be beating us. we have a salary cap level that rivals anyone's in the league, wheres the field results? where's the product we have been promised? where are the ready next guys up? wheres the standard is the standard? we all like to say the coaches see more of guys in practice, which is true because these guys must be setting the world on fire in practice, because we stink on gameday. hell yes they look good in practice, look what they are going against. US.

    With the exception of a couple of undefeated teams, everyone has been handed losses by teams they shouldn't lose to, it's the NFL Mac, you should know this. And at some point, injuries do take their toll, can't keep throwing the tired cliche that everyone has injuries out there all the time, eventually there is a breaking point. There is a reason players are back ups, can't keep plugging back ups in and expect to perform as well as starters. Maybe we should at least wait half a season before declaring this season a bust and Haley a failure.[/quote:7f3xs0vt]

    the starters are not preforming. not just the backups. we have backups that are not seeing the field either, and in most instances, they are better than the starter or backup thats playing. :cool:[/quote:7f3xs0vt]

    Well that's subjective but in any rate injuries will effect the other starters that are out there.

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