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Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Why?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Bleedsteel, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Usually this is an offseason topic, when there ain`t much to talk about,
    But since we have a new place to talk, where it seems like a lot of people who couldn`t share their stories before, can, now... :bowdown:
    I thought I would see who wants to share... ;)
    I`ve been a diehard since I was about 6 yrs old, in `78, when we were dominating the rest of the league! :thumbs_up:
    I live in Akron, OH... and my Dad was a diehard Browns fan...
    I remember watching football with him, and him telling me how bad he hated the Steelers...
    Welll, aside from the "rebelling against Dad", thing...
    We were terrorizing the NFL, with an absolutely DOMINATING defense, while the hometown "Clowns" sucked! :grin:
    Watching Jack Lambert lay people out, made me realize there was a place I could hit people as hard as I wanted to, and NOT GET IN TROUBLE FOR IT!!! :rawk: :dancing: :p :D :cool: ...
    When I was in elementary school, the playground football teams were always "Steelers", "Cowboys", and "Browns"(Only because of where I lived) ...
    Lotsa great battles on the playground... :bye:
    The rivalries with the Raiders, Chargers, and Dolphins will never be forgotten, but weren`t as personal, in Northeast Ohio... ;-)
    As I got older, I came to appreciate the class, and tradition the Rooney family ran their team with.
    I was always brought up, to stand up for, and stick with, what you believe in...
    So, no matter how we struggled with Brister, Stoudt, Malone, etc...
    I have never, and never will, root for another football team! :herewego!:
    I`ve seen a lot of good times and great players with our team, and I`ve seen some tough times...
    I really believe we have a great core of players here right now.
    I miss the days when the Defense could play like it was a streetfight,
    But I have faith that our way of building through the draft, and grooming players in the "Steeler Way", will continue to make us the most successful organization in the NFL!!!
    Ben should help us get at least another 2 or 3 rings depending on how long he plays...
    And after that, we will keep doing what we do...
    Winning football games and Lombardi`s!!! :flag: :yeehaw: :towel:
  2. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    Re: So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Why?

    Stickied. :thumbs_up:
  3. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    I have been a steeler fan since I was very young...I have been basically disowned by my family as my dad is a super bengal fan and brother actually has bengal season tickets...oh well...I think I started liking them when I was young because I thought there logo was cool...weird huh??? I guess where I watched them play the bengals at least twice a year I just grew very fond of them
  4. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    I became a STEELERS fan 2 days before Christmas 1972.....I was 12....My Dad was not a big football fan but he ALWAYS let me watch the games from when I was 10.I loved the game from the first time I pulled a set of pads over my head at 10.He tried to push me toward the JETS buying me a #12 Jets jersey and expecting me to wear it at football practice.His intentions were pure.But even at 10 years old I didnt want a Nameth jersey I dont know why but I didnt want to wear it...I really had no team those first 2 years that I knew what football was. But I really do remember watching RAIDERS-STEELERS...12/23/72...at 12 years old..2 days before Christmas...32 picks it off the ground and runs it into the end zone for a 6 point win.After that win...THEY WERE MY TEAM!!!.....Sure we lost to The Fins week later and they went on to the perfect season. You would think Id switch to the Fins after they went 16-0...I DID NOT!!!After that last second win against Raiders and even with the next week loss to the Fins.For some reason to this day I do not know why...I BECAME A STEELER FAN for life that day!!!! :flag:
  5. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    Technically, I live in Eagles country. But don't you believe it. There's an equal, if not greater number of Steelers fans here.

    I wish I had a cool story to tell you about how I became a Steeler fan. But if you must know the truth, I don't remember. To my memory, I've ALWAYS been a Steeler fan. Now how that happened depends on which story my Dad will tell.

    See, he's an Eagle fan. Has been for life. My grandfather was an Eagles fan too. My Pap used to come over to watch the games every Sunday with my Dad. But they didn't always just watch the Eagles. They watched any game that was on.

    I wasn't really even old enough to know what football was, much less understand it. I probably didn't really have a good grasp of geography either. According to my Dad, a Steelers game was on and I asked where they were from (also according to him... because I liked the uniforms). This was when I was 3 years old. He told me they were from PA, so I thought they were a local team and started saying I wanted them to win. My grandfather was a gambler and had money going against them. He tried to get me to pull for the other team, but I wasn't having it. They won. I was happy. Pap was NOT. :roflmao:

    They both tried to make me an Eagles fan now that I was taking an interest in football, but I already had my team. When I saw them on the TV, I sat down to watch and barraged them with questions like "Are they winning?" :lolol: I had no idea what was going on. I did know the concept of winning and losing though. Then I learned what a TD was, and so on and so on.

    Right before my 4th birthday, the Steelers got into the Superbowl against the vikings. I remember THAT game. :D (Well, I remember cheering and being really happy when they won. )

    (a different version of events my Dad told me is that it all started with the Immaculate reception. I even believed that story for a while, but now I doubt it as I was only 2 then)
  6. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    I saw the handwriting on the Chargers wall in '72 for, among other things, trading my favorite player, (Bob Babich), trading the 2nd greatest receiver in history,(Lance Allworth), bringing in a QB who was WAY past his prime just to try to put butts in the seats, (Unitas) who happened to wear the same number as Allworth, so it took SD until a few years ago to finally retire #19. There are a bunch of other reasons why I jumped off the Chokers bandwagon. I jumped on the Steelers bandwagon mostly because of the play of the defense. I also liked the team colors and the fact there was a logo on only one side of the helmet. I've NEVER regretted the switch!

  7. SteelerD

    SteelerD Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    Since Birth as far as I know. So 34 Years. My dad was a Steeler fan and my first jersey was a #12 Bradshaw jersey.
  8. HawkeyeJames

    HawkeyeJames Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    I live and grew up in Iowa and I remember the Steelers beating the Cowboys in the Superbowl back in the 70's and the catch Swann made in that Superbowl. From that point on was a Steeler fan. Then Hayden Fry took over at Iowa and patterned the Hawkeye Uni's after the Steelers which further cemented that love of the black and gold.

    My best friend and I used to pretend in the backyard that we were Bradshaw, Swann or Stallworth. And of course the Steelers never lost those games. :)
  9. khow43

    khow43 Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    since I was 10 so 18 years now years reason why my aunt met Rod Woodson ( while he was a Steeler) in Vail, CO they were in recovery she had a wrist surgery Rod had that knee fixed. On Christmas moring I opened a gift with a RW signed football card and a #26 Black Jeresy two Super Victories later Best thing to every happen to me So far. HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO !!!
  10. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    I always get a kick out of this topic. I guess I look young, but I can't remember anything but Steelers and Pirates. Born in 1972, so I was living there at the height of the frenzy! I get people saying to me all the time. "I bet you've never even been to Pittsburgh.". I normally just say, "Want to put money on it?"

    I remember my Grandfather stomping and yelling at the TV all the time, while I was jumping up and down on the bed! Good stuff!
  11. FeartheBeard

    FeartheBeard Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    Also since birth but my earliest memories are of watching the game with my Dad when I was about five...so 1975. I am one of three girls and grew up in Erie, PA. My dad will watch the games now but I think he watches them just so he can see the three monsters he created. My sisters and I are ridiculous during the games and we ALWAYS watch them together. We have been known to swear, throw things, jump up and down, slap five and cause injury, and, during a Super Bowl victory, sob uncontrollably! :cry:

    I now have two teenage girls and am proud to say they have followed in my footsteps. We make an annual trip to Heinz Field for a game (nosebleed seats of course) and they don their Steeler jerseys every Sunday. :thumbsup:
  12. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    39 years ago when I was 6, I was watching TV and saw the Steelers playing. I loved the black and gold uniforms and decided they were my favorite team.
  13. harristotle

    harristotle Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    I grew up in a black and gold house (figuratively speaking). My Mom is a 3rd gen Steeler fan from outside of Pittsburgh who's quite passionate about the team. I grew up mildly interested in football, but never really paid attention. I started to really follow it when Maddox took over QB, but it was Ben who really sparked my passion/love for the Steelers. I remember watching the game he came in for Maddox and was so excited! Got a Roethlisberger jersey for Christmas from my Mom. Went to my first football game at Heinz Field the Monday preseason opener against Philly the year we won SB XL. Those 2 times sealed me in as Gen 4 of diehards.
  14. SteelCityDynasty

    SteelCityDynasty Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    My dad has always been one. Ever since I was old enough to understand football I've been die-hard! Over 30 years now of loving the boys through good seasons and bad, no bandwagoner here! No matter what type of trash any of the other fans talk it doesn't affect me in any way. Until someone is able to overtake us in Lombardi's we will always have the last word! My love for the Steelers grows more and more every year. Now let's go get those Bengals!
  15. Jack LHambert

    Jack LHambert

    Oct 18, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    My dad is from Masontown PA. I was born and raised here in crappy Cleveland Ohio :cry: I, like the author of the topic, became a fan when I was 6 years old. The 1979 year, to be exact. Two great games with the Browns that year and they had me hooked. :herewego:
  16. black hat

    black hat Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    When I was a kid, we got one television channel. I don't remember the network affiliation, but the Steelers started playing on it in '76. I've been hooked ever since! :D
  17. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    Good stuff, Y`all! :applaud:
    Elway... Thanx, that explains a lot!!! :roflmao:
    As much as I love Big Ben, it bugs me that Elway is his hero, and wears #7, because of him...
    All due respect to the buck-toothed s.o.b., but I just don`t like him.
    Maybe in part because of a longtime girlfriend of mine, who was a Bronco fan (puking smiley here..), adored him, or because he beat us more than once...
    But at least he crushed the Clowns' superbowl dreams, with "The Drive"!! :D
    Guess he`s not ALL bad...
    and for the rest of yinz....
    Aint gonna name names, but there are a whole lotta posters here (from the other board, and new), who I have never heard how/why they started being Steeler fans...
    And I`m curious... I know it is almost a birthright, if yer born in the `Burgh...
    But for the rest of yinz? :hmmm:
    Why do we have such mass appeal?
    Don`t be skurd to post... That`s why we`re here... :yeehaw:
  18. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    Well, I wasn't born into it. My father was a lifelong Packers fan from Wisconsin. My mother was a Patriots and <gag> Cowboys fan from New England. (just about the worst combo of teams you could root for IMO) Anyway, I've been a Steelers fan since the age of 4. I remember the two key moments actually. My parents bought a house when I was 4 and the previous owner left their Steelers curtains and helmet in the what was now my bedroom. I thought it was awesome and it was just meant to be I guess. I also remember not much later sitting on the floor in my grandparents house while my uncles were watching a 'Top NFL Plays of All Time' type video and it was full of Steelers 70s greatness. They seemed to be anti-Steelers and that only fueled my passion. :hehehe: Unfortunately, being just a little kid then, I spent the majority of the years growing up with Malone, Bubba, O'Donnell etc... Regardless of how bad we were I was always the same die hard fan.
    Coach Noll was my idol growing up.
  19. cory_86

    cory_86 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    I'm probably one of the guys that got into football laaaaaaaaaaaaaate in his life. From Germany, so football is not really a thing over here, the only game shown on TV is the Super Bowl (i think there was some pay tv years back that had it, back in the days of NFL Europe).
    But a few years ago (2005 season) my English professor at university invited us (small class, only 5 or so guys) over to watch a game (he was a Bears fan) - Bears @ Steelers in week 14 i think. I really enjoyed the way the Steelers played and read up on them, liked what i saw. Then once the playoffs started i looked for streams and watched the games online. Being a poor student for most of the years I wasn't really able to buy the gamepass sub until this year so i pretty much only got to see the playoffs or when i was lucky random games the Black & Gold played. Was stuck with radio most of the time :( .
    But that changed last year, got the gamepass subscription (best money i ever spent) and was able to watch every game live and in good quality. Really hoping that either the Steelers play over here in Europe (and i'll find some way to get to the game, even if I have to sell off all my belongings :D) or I can go on a holiday to the States and see them there live (chances of that being in Pittsburgh are slim tho from what I'm hearing ... sold out games and what not)
  20. CbusSteel

    CbusSteel Active Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    I have been a Steelers fan since birth in 1964. Born in Greensburg PA. There was no other team. Both my parents are big fans and probably, like a lot of fans, my mom was more vocal during games than my dad. My dad was in the National Guard and knew Terry Hanratty. I remember one Christmas, my dad gave both my brother and I a football that Hanratty had all of the Steelers sign. Man how I wish I had that now. Anyway, I live in Columbus now and my parents also. They're in the 70's now and each weekend, they go to a local bar to watch the Steeler game. Like I said, I was born into it and would have it no other way. Thanks mom and dad...
  21. blair

    blair Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    Born and raised in the North Hills area, and lived there until going off to University at 17. Always a Steeler and Pirate Fan, back in the day it was a great combo (not so much for the Pirates anymore!).

    As Pittsburgher's we were really spoiled in the 70's and 80's with the great Sport City Teams. As a boy, I thought the Steelers and Pirates would always be among the best teams.

    At least we have the STEELERS and the PENGUINS ..........
  22. SteelYourPoints

    SteelYourPoints Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    Me being as young as I am I unfortunately didn't get the opportunity to watch The Steel Curtain in the 70's. I became a fan while watching them work through the playoffs in 05. I was struck by everything about them from their hard hitting D, watching The Bus go through people, to the way their jerseys looked and how rabid their fanbase is/was. My Dad is a huge Pats fan and so I am very glad I found my own team because there is no team like the Pittsburgh Steelers!!!!
  23. Spinnin' Mendenhall

    Spinnin' Mendenhall Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    25+ yrs as a Steelers fan, born and Raised in Maryland. Colts left when i was young (around 11yrs old), and i never had a chance to develope a love for them or the game at that point. I always loved the Steelers and it's hard nose persona. I like to say i was born a Steelers fan; and as i continued to watch the Steelers every Sunday, i knew this was my team. Blue collar, take no prisoners, defensive oriented team...it fit my personality perfectly. Despite most of my family being Ravens fans, asking why didn't i make the switch years ago as we (Maryland/Baltimore) received our own team in the late 90's. My loyalty to the Steelers franchise never wavered and never will. As i ride no bandwagon, and accusation that's readily used by my Ratbird loving family :)
  24. tesel10

    tesel10 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    I was also born into the nation, some 46 years ago. Since, both my parents families are from Pittsburgh, basically my entire family were fanatical Steelers fans (my Grandfather had season tickets from 1952 till his death in 1992). However, when I was 4 years old my family moved to NJ, just outside Philadelphia. But while all my friends were Eagle or Cowboy (frontrunners) fans, I loved the mystic of the Steelers. Some of my earliest memories were of my dad and uncle tell me about the Steelers greats: Ernie Stautner, Big Daddy Lipscomb, Night Train Lane, John Henry Johnson etc, This just before the raise of the great 70's teams, so theme was we may not win much, but the Steelers played football the way it was meant to be play .... with ferocious defense and a pounding running game. I still remember the proud in my grandfathers voice when he would tell me the we may not win a lot of game, but the week after teams played us the rarely won since we beat them up so bad. I eat it up and then something amazing happened … we started to win. I remember as clear as yesterday being 7 years old and jumping up and down on the couch with both my dad and uncle ( which is a testament on how well couches use to be made considering they both went 250+ )when Franco caught the immaculate reception. Well I could go on for hours, but needless to say I still bleed Black and Gold , even though I am know in Dubai. With the 9 hour time difference, I end up watching on line at all kinds of strange times!
  25. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Re: Sticky- So, how long have yinz been Steeler Fans? And Wh

    I've been a Steeler fan since '95. I was like 12 or 13 and loved Kordell Stewart and Yancey Thigpen. HATED the Cowboys SOOOOOOOOO bad. But my dad loves them. I live in TN but have been to Pittsburgh a few times for some games. I've seen people up there from as far away as NEVADA at Heinz Field. There is no way that any other team has fans as devoted as we are. My son is almost a year old and he is named Ben after guess who. I can only hope that he will carry on the love.

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