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Mendenhall May Start?.......Say What?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by dominilate, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. dominilate

    dominilate Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap100000 ... s-practice

    I dont believe he will start but I'm happy that he looks good in practice. I think he comes back with something to prove (to himself), and has to be excited about the potential Haley/Tomlin dedication to the running game. What I have always liked about Mendy is his deceptive speed and moves (could never figure out why BA didn't set more screen passes for him in the offense) and the fact that HE DOES NOT USUALLY FUMBLE, which is something I am afraid of with Redman. Needless to say this would put a wrinkle on my Fantasy team lol
  2. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    That would be a fast recovery if he's starting week 1, thats a tough injury for a RB to come back from. But, if he's 100%, whenever that is, people around here better believe he will be the featured back in this offense, sorry pwp.

    On a side note, I know these beat writers are privy to more information then us fans are and so know more then we do but does Ed Bouchette come across as a blow hard to anyone else? Seems a little full of himself to me :shrug: :bscow:
  3. Busman


    Oct 18, 2011

    He was dressed against Carolina. Did you catch him on the sideline. What I could not understand why you would dress someone that was so far from returning to the team.

  4. HinesWardHOF

    HinesWardHOF Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011

    his weekly chat is a joke.. its all about him .. and how cute he thinks he is .. and like its really a chore for him to chat to his readers.... and like he can give us 5 minutes of his valuable time.. not a fan GO STEELERS

  5. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    As long as he's ready to go...i'm fine with it. Maybe he could see limited carries...maybe he doesnt play at all...either way its good news!
  6. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    When pg plus started or maybe thats been around but he moved his chat into it, I laughed, I don't think I'll be paying money to catch your opinion Ed.
  7. HinesWardHOF

    HinesWardHOF Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    When pg plus started or maybe thats been around but he moved his chat into it, I laughed, I don't think I'll be paying money to catch your opinion Ed.[/quote:25ln1sew]

    or his scarcasm

  8. SteelHack

    SteelHack Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Douchette is a complete joke...along with Dulac IMO.

    Douchette puts out an article saying how Wallace won't start in Denver.....and two seconds later the ESPN crawl say Sanders says Wallace will start in Denver....and they show a report with Wallace saying he feels good to go,,,has a good grasp of the O, and doesn't think they will have to hold anything back because of him being on the field.

  9. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Any other time outside of his chats he seems totally fine, but he is a big time jerk in those. I got so sick of his flippant answers and tone of sarcasm that I called him on it once. I said something like "I'm sure you have good reason(s) for your obvious disdain for answering questions about the team you are the beat writer for, but I sure hope you don't get upset and/or frustrated with players and coaches who don't give forthcoming or snarky answers to your questions in interviews and press conferences. Otherwise that would be the height of Irony and hypocrisy." - .....He never responded.

    Maybe I'm tooting my own horn as I'm sure he's heard some variation on that sentiment many times before, but I swear he seemed to tone it down for a while after that. I was hyper analyzing to be sure. I can't tell anymore, because I am not going to pay money to read him condescending to readers in his weekly chat, that, honestly lends nothing more than what he gives in his written reports that are free. Jerry Dulac seems like so much more of regular nice guy and sincere gentleman.

    CANTON STEEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I don't like the idea of rushing a player back from an injury like the one Mendenhall suffered. There's really no need when you consider how far behind he'll be compared to the other backs who have been in practice and have had the time to learn the new system. It would be the perfect recipe for disaster.

    Many are questioning if Wallace is too far behind to start the season (or at the least be effective) since he hasn't taken many snaps with the team and no preseason games. Imagine how Rashard will look if we throw him in as the starter for the opener. I just don't see the need and I don't see Tomlin risking it tbh. :shrug:
  11. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    :applaud: Hear, hear.

    I absolutely don't want Mendenhall rushed back. I want him 100% before he steps out there. But if he is 100%, why not play him? I've seen people say that he can't be 100%, because that's not what the timetable says. Or that's not how fast they recovered from their ACL injury (I heard that about Peterson, because only his injury gets television coverage, but still). It's possible he's just healed faster than everyone anticipated. I know he's a different position and all so that has something to do with hit, but he did injure himself a week before Casey Hampton and Max Starks, and those dudes have already played full contact snaps in preseason games. And they're 5-10 years older, and 500-1,000 pounds heavier. I don't see the shock in this.

    If I was the coach, then I'd wait until I had 100% confidence that he was 100% healthy. At that point, I'd still start the other guys and get Mendy like 5 touches in his first game. If he looked good, then in the next game I'd give him 5 touches in the first quarter. After that, I'd play it by ear.

    The good news is the quotes from players in that article. Keisel says he looks incredible, Timmons says he's excited for him, and that he's running well and finishing runs. Whether he plays against Denver or not, I'm glad he's proving people wrong about his recovery.
  12. troybellringer55

    troybellringer55 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Mendenhall wants and needs to start ,and not miss many games. The guy is in a contract year, he needs to produce numbers and make plays, he knows his starting job is at risk with Redman and Dwyer in the picture. This just might be the best year we have every seen of Mendenhall. I can't say that I'm shocked, if this wasn't a contract year for him, no way he be rushing himself back this quick, all about the dollars.
  13. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Are you basing that on your opinion of all players, or what you know about Mendenhall from experience? :hmmm: I'm not sure I've seen or heard of any evidence that he didn't give it his all his entire career to this point. Effort's never been the issue, it's been BA and the OL.
  14. SteelByDesign

    SteelByDesign Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    This is great news and I agree with the writer that it's probably Tomlin just giving lip service... but it would be incredibly stupid to start him this Sunday.

    Mendenhall at 75% would not be wise to start over Redman at 90% or a healthy Dwyer.
  15. troybellringer55

    troybellringer55 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    No I'm not saying that Rashard hasn't been giving it a 100% in years past, I've thought he has done quite well at times and I don't bash him like some fans will. But, there is no doubt that any player seems to try a little bit harder in a contract year and it doesn't matter the sport. Mendenhall has never had much competition in the backfield that last 3 years, this year he has it. But, no doubt that he is our best homerun threat among the running backs we have.
  16. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    He doesn't have to start. If he gets any snaps at all then Bouchette was full of it. Shoot, if he gets any snaps in the next few games then Bouchette is full of it. Dude's coming back from injury. The red jersey is off. He needs practice if he's going to play. Mendenhall is not 75%. Only he knows where he is for sure, but I'm betting he's in the high 90s. An ACL tear does not practice at 75%.
  17. SSylvester

    SSylvester Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Also, what would be the point of rushing him back with regards to quality at the position? Redman and Dwyer have shown themselves to be capable. Does Mendenhall bring anything else to the table other than experience? It doesn't seem like there is any immediate benefit of starting him over those two.
  18. ScottQ

    ScottQ Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    If Mendenhall wants to cash in, he has to have a beast year. If he sits and his competition does better than he has lately, his value goes way down.

    If he's ready - he should play but I can't see how these guys (thinking of Adrian Peterson) can return to 100% so fast - especially at the running back position.
  19. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Well, he's better, so there's that. But you're right that they are both very capable. They're very good. Mendenhall is more versitile if you ask me. He's better in the open field and has more burst, speed, and quickness. He's a better receiver too. He can still power through guys, run between the tackles, and pick up blitzes.

    That said, if he's less than 100% I wouldn't play him. Once he is, ease him in. But there's no question we're better with him and can do more on any given play with him on the field. Assuming he's healthy.
  20. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    i love mendy, but to me it's just to early and i can't see him being better than dwyer and redman or batch at this point. the timing with this offense can't be there yet. i'd sit him a couple games before i'd unleash him just so he's up to speed and sure he can cut and run. i'd think about it by game 3 with the bye being right around the corner to give it time again incase of swelling or soreness by then. having fresh backs this year could be a real plus later in the year. i do see what they are saying about him wanting to get on the field, because there is alot of competition on this team and some good RB's. we are blessed this year. add rainey and defenses better tighten up the chinstraps. :cool:
  21. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I can't see him being worse than Redman or Batch, even if he is only 60%. Redman is big and strong, but he just isn't very talented and I think he's going to be exposed over time. Some Steelers fans have hyped him up a ton, but I just don't see it at all, and neither do most of the guys that evaluate talent for a living (Greg Cosell, Evan Silva to name a few).

    Mendy will reclaim his starting job, but depending on how good Dwyer looks, the team may let Mendy walk after this season.
  22. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    :facepalm: :cool:
  23. RobVos

    RobVos Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I don't understand why some think he is behind on the new offense. He was there in camp and I am sure learned it just fine. Should definitely be ahead of Wallace in that regard. He had walk thru-s etc.
  24. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    I'm a big Mendy fan, also. I have never understood the bashing he takes from fans, aside from some of his misguided statements but that has nothing to do with how he plays. I'd hate to see him rushed back and I believe if you combine the talent we have they should fill in nicely for a while. I think that for some fans it is similar to the old saying that the most loved player on the team is the back-up QB except here it is the back-up running backs. You can sit and nit-pick any stat you want to aid your argument but you will never convince me that Redman is a better back than Mendy. He might do something better than Mendy but overall he isn't in the same league. I know, Mendy dances and fumbles too much...whatever! All you have to do is look at all the sacks Ben has taken and you can understand why the guy is "dancing" looking for a hole to run through. Finally, to be fair I am not putting Redman down as I am glad that we have him but...he's no Mendy!
  25. Jammasterc

    Jammasterc Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I would rest just a few more weeks. seems like a gamble.

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