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Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Disco1981, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Tomlin has contributed to the " darkest hour" more than AB
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Is that like a generic version of Apple Jacks?
  3. Jammasterc

    Jammasterc Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Yes, sold at Dollar stores.
  4. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Ok when I'm feeling a little ****tier about things. I'll go take a look. Nothing like buying food from a dollar store to raise your mood.
  5. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012

    Why ask Tomlin? He woudnt know
    • Like Like x 1
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  6. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012
    I'm guessing Tomlin, or no one was fired and it was just more of Tomlins BS at his Presser
  7. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    AB said he had some knee discomfort on Wednesday, but he didn't show up for his MRI on Friday.
  8. TuRnDoWnForWaTT

    TuRnDoWnForWaTT Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2018
    I'm sorry. I'm just not buying it.
  9. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    You're assuming things not in evidence here. Tomlin claims there was an injury in addition to Brown throwing a tantrum.
  10. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    I'm sorry, but you are basing your argument on guesswork.

    It is just as likely that Brown claimed he had knee pain to try to cover for his tantrum. Tomlin told him to get an MRI on the knee Friday, perhaps calling his bluff, and Brown didn't do it.
  11. TuRnDoWnForWaTT

    TuRnDoWnForWaTT Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2018
    Granted. Just my assumption, but I have a feeling that behind the scenes stuff has been going on with AB all season. Just my opinion, but I am not buying the injury aspect of this at all.
  12. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Oh well, the team doesn't have to prove anything to you :shrug:.
  13. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    I don't think there was an actual injury. I think Brown was lying to cover his own ass.
  14. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    That makes sense and could explain the lack of communication. Then shows up on Sunday thinking he can just say it feels good now and play but finds out he is inactive. I can imagine the explosions going off inside AB's empty head when he found that out.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. TuRnDoWnForWaTT

    TuRnDoWnForWaTT Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2018
    Very true, but the "knee injury" sure seems like a pretty convenient way to cover up a player bailing on his team.
  16. TuRnDoWnForWaTT

    TuRnDoWnForWaTT Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2018
    I will buy that. I find it hard to believe that everyone in the Steelers locker room didn't know what was really going on with AB. AB certainly seems to wear his emotions on his sleeve.
  17. H-Bomb

    H-Bomb Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2012
    I am on board with those who think the organization is at fault here. I think Tomlin has been forced into putting up with certain headaches because the player is so damn good, sells tickets etc... Brown & Bell are the tops, if the team is winning with them, the organization is winning financially & likely willing to put up with crap. Maybe Tomlin has done a good job with what he has been forced with. As one member on this board mentioned, they felt the NFL is purley for entertainment purposes now, I'm thinking there is something to it. I invest too much emotion and $ into it, so not just pure entertainment for me but for lots of other football fans they just want to see good games and spectacular plays, which AB brings to the table.

    Watched some of the Tomlin presser, thanks to those who posted it, seems like he ain't too pleased, maybe enough people coming forward will make the organization re-think what they are doing. I would like to see Tomlin have more control of coaches, player personnel etc... for a year or 2 before getting the axe. Maybe he is more than just a babysitter, let him loose and let's see what he really has. If it fails, then congrats to all those who said he was the real problem. Go Steelers!!!
  18. groutbrook


    Oct 23, 2016
    Now you're doing the guesswork.;+)
  19. Rush2seven

    Rush2seven Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Sounded to me like Tomlin needs to watch film before he fires the DC. Maybe that decision will be forced upon him. Maybe he wants to evaluate which type of DC he wants to look for. I’ll be shocked if defensive coaches aren’t changed. And that starts with KB.
  20. dobbler-33

    dobbler-33 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  21. rutan74

    rutan74 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I have only paid one time in the last 15 plus years and that was last year as they got me for $99. I got it free again this year. If you need help next year, let me know and I can tell you how I managed to get it free for over 14 years. Not only did I get it free this year, but I also got my bill lowered to just 83 dollars a month and that includes my HD DVR, the rental and 3 client box rentals. I made out this year big time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  22. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    And that's why I began both statements with the words "I think." :)

    I'm not calling Tomlin spineless and backing it up with speculation. I'm not calling Brown anything, either. I'm just offering another possible scenario that puts more of the blame for this thing on Brown. Of course, that doesn't absolve Tomlin. He helped create the problem by putting up with Brown's crap in the past.

    Trust me, if one of them has to go, I'd rather it be Tomlin.
  23. Clive From PIT

    Clive From PIT I'm starting to drink the Koolaid! Site Admin

    Dec 14, 2015
    And with an injury—and before such an important game—you’d think they’d see him in with the trainer all week, getting physio.
  24. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    Funniest **** ever.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  25. Kevin James

    Kevin James Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2012
    And that's exactly the kind of managing that leads to the situations that this team has found itself in lately. Discipline applies to every player, not just the mediocre players. The divas on the team knew they could get away with it with Tomlin. I don't care what the name is on back of the jersey, if you walk out on your teammates like that, especially in such an important game, you should just pack up your stuff on the way out, cuz you're not coming back.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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