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NFL refs orchestrate games

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Ytownsteeler, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. petekoutromanos

    petekoutromanos Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    I totally agree but theres people on this board that dont see it, I think it's more about the ratings than the betting,this is a billion dollar industry,they want all the fanbases tuned in to the end,we should have beaten the Chargers,the Saints,if we did the division was ours but the whole maryland area would have not been watching the Ravens,but this way they keep all these huge metropolitan areas turned in for advertising dollars,and I agree with other sports,NBA Few years back GS yp 3-1 ,and Cleveland comes back yeah ok,I use to be like u and be pissed about loses now it's like whatever I tune in like it's a tv show but whatever floats people boat,I guess people need something to escape their realties
  2. JPP

    JPP Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
    Despite all the bitching Steeler fans, there were probably close to a dozen plays that had NOTHING to do with refs that would have put the Steeers in the playoffs

    1. 3rd and 20 vs NO
    2. Boswell missed kick vs Browns
    3. Connor fumble vs Browns
    4. Grimble fumble vs Denver
    5. Ben INT vs Denver
    6. Boswell missed kick vs Oak
    7. Giants' collapse vs Indy
    8. Browns missed FG yesterday
    9. Mayfield missing wide open WR on 2nd down late yesterday
    10. Defense 4th down and goal vs Oakland
    11. Ridley fumble vs NO
    12. Any of Keenan Allen's catch in 2nd half vs Steelers
    13. Any of Ben's INT vs Cleveland
    14. JuJu fumble vs Saints

    Nothing to do with Refs.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  3. petekoutromanos

    petekoutromanos Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    Nobody's denying those facts,if u r really good u can overcome these things but the fact is ,it wasnt a pass interference vs Haden in NO on 4 and 2 game over we win ,I dont care about JUJu fumble etc,end of conversation game should have been over,last year Jessy James was a catch it changed dynamic of playoffs,its not just against us it has been for us as well,like Cinci playoofs a few years ago they wanted us to win,few years ago in playoffs vs Chiefs they score 2pt conversation only to give us a tricky tacky holding call vs Harrison,that ended that game, every Patriots game in the last ten years, our SuperBowl vs seatlle,Patriots vs Atlanta sb omg I clearly remember 3consecutive defensive holding calls on 3 and long that the refs kept trying to get Patriots back in the game only for Brady to throw a pic in the end, You can overcome the rigging but they help push it the way they want,they cant make that obvious or no one would watch anymore like wrestling
  4. Mr.HammerZz

    Mr.HammerZz Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2018
    Because they're trying to generate more of a fan base to compete with us?! maybe? It's not too much of a stretch to think. They are a corporation at the end of the day, corporations care about Profits & Growth.
  5. Mr.HammerZz

    Mr.HammerZz Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2018
    Funny How calls are always made or missed on money downs too. I guess thats a giant coincidence as well?!:shrug:
  6. Frost33

    Frost33 Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
    I don't believe anything was fixed. If it were, a team like the Steelers would be getting breaks, not being screwed over. The Steelers, Cowboys, Packers, 49ers and Pats are HUGE draws and have a huge fan following. The NFL would much rather have the Steelers in the Super Bowl than the Chargers or Ravens.

    I think the issue is inconsistency more than being orchestrated or fixed.

    People keep saying the NFL needs full time refs. I don't even know what that means. The NFL doesn't have refs that only ref because they (by and large) only play 1 day a week where as the other sports play multiple times a week and require far more commitment that warrants full time status. Instead, there needs to be more consequences and evaluations for NFL refs. More need to be fined, suspended and fired for poor work performance when poor calls are made.
  7. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I wouldn't say games are blatantly fixed but I do definitely think the games are "steered" like one of those Drivers Ed. cars with 2 steering wheels. I'm not going to even point to the blatant inconsistencies in the officiating that are quite evident. No one is that incompetent to do some of the things they do calling or not calling penalties. What stood out to me last year was when Gronk hit the guy on Buffalo out of bounds after the whistle and in the same week Thomas Davis was given a harsher suspension on a actual football play.
    The only explanation was to ensure Gronk was available for the game against us. Nothing will change my mind on that. That was a real example of "steering ' games. What Gronk did was 100x worse.
    Let's not even go back to the JJ catch.....
  8. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    In "Pro" Wrestling, the most popular wrestlers often are not the champs. Why? They're already popular. They'll put butts in seats either way.

    Very often, they'll "push" a wrestler to goose up his popularity or a feud to get heat on 2 wrestlers. Sure, the popular wrestlers do win championships, but they rarely hold them very long. The days of Bob Backlund or Hulk Hogan are long gone. They've figured out a system to keep as many wrestlers relevant as possible instead of just 2-3 main guys and a bunch of curtain yankers.

    So why would the NFL want less popular teams in the hunt? See the WWE.

    I've become very jaded about the NFL and its "inconsistency." The whole "if it looks and quacks like a duck" theory is gaining traction in my mind. I'm not saying it's true. But it's becoming very believable. Why would they want the Chargers to go far? They're not selling out games. A successful team sells more tickets. And they really want that LA demographic. Why Baltimore? Why not? They serve as a good heel to whatever team they'll eventually fall victim to. If I'm going down this rabbit hole, I'll even say that the Steelers aren't getting the ref's favor because it just isn't their turn yet. They'll wait for Ben's swan song, just as New Orleans is getting this year, or Baltimore got when Ray Ray announced his retirement... (or when Bettis was retiring for us). Or even if they feel like they need to make Tomlin look good. Is it a coincidence that BOTH *new* LA teams are big contenders??? The Patriots lose as many SBs as they win. They're the NFL's John Cena.

    No. Games would not necessarily be predetermined. But it doesn't take much to nudge games in any direction you want. A blind eye here, a ticky tack "judgement" call there and you can swing a game easily. FFS, we saw it with our own eyes twice this year! (And those were the less than subtle ones). There are so many loose, subject to judgement, can call it either way penalties in the game anymore, they've given themselves an easy "plausible deniability." Nope. We didn't try to influence that game. No way. No how. We just had a bad day officiating. Riiiiiigghhhht. When the same ref crew screws over the same team repeatedly, I'm not buying it.

    There is the old adage, "never ascribe to malice that which can easily be explained by stupidity." Or IOWs, don't assume something was done for evil intent. It very well was just incompetence. And perhaps that holds true here. But over the years, it's turning into a huge waddling and quacking effing duck.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Kevin James

    Kevin James Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2012

    I can live with football players winning and losing games on the field, not the refs who are given too much control over the game and rarely get held responsible for terrible calls.

    They keep adding more and more rules with hazy interpretations that are left up to the referees and then they made it so the refs contact the HQ and some guy there tells them how to decide. I believe it was a Pac 10 games just a few weeks ago where some guy in the replay center not at the stadium and wasn't even authorized to make the call, gave orders to overturn a call.

    There is no doubt that being a referee is a tough job and there will be some honest bad calls, but that also plays into the whole "it's just incompetence" rather than done intentionally and helps them get away with making the wrong call.

    And, I think some of you underestimate how much money is bet on these games, especially the NFL, it's also a multi billion dollar industry.
  10. Kevin James

    Kevin James Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2012
    I've always felt that way also. That's why the Steelers don't get as much coverage during things like the draft. The NFL knows our fan base is loyal and huge, they are a business trying to build up the bottom feeders to attract in new fans who will buy more stuff.
  11. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
    I've felt that the NFL and Vegas has steered the championship since a team known as Patriots won after 9/11. Then again SB XL. What a Hollywood ending to generate interest! This year, LA needs help building a fan base and guess who's in the playoffs? LA vs. LA? That'll help with attendance!
  12. NE Missouri Steeler

    NE Missouri Steeler Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
    The league can go back and fine players for illegal hits. Why can't they go back and fine the referee who makes a bad call? I hate it when they contact teams and apologize. That is what kills me. Fine those refs. Those guys will be more likely to be more consistent. The only thing that hurts them is their rating to do a playoff game or Super Bowl....that's it.
  13. petekoutromanos

    petekoutromanos Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    How many times do you hear the announcers sniff it out say stuff then change their tune because they know if they keep going against the shield, they will be called out for sexual harassment the next dayorsome bs like that ,so they shut up and cover it up and go on with the narrative thru the NFL network or espn,that blame To.lin or AB or some Bs,we lost to the Raiders or some **** like that,like anyone who has ever played sports never lost to a team they should have beat,its sports it happens,no one has a good day at work all the time
  14. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
  15. Daddymac10

    Daddymac10 Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2015
    Yes we are responsible but please don't let the refs off the hook when they're responsible too...

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