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how are we changing

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by mac daddyo, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    my question is about the wr's. they are saying sanders is taking over wallace's spot for now. are these guys learning all the positions? this is a new offense. is brown in the slot? is cotchery in the slot? are all these receivers playing a different wr position then what they played and learned in prior years and how much will this affect their learning curve with ben? thoughts? :cool:
  2. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    I'll give the WR's and the WR coach a call and find out! As nobody here is gonna be able to answer that one, haha.
  3. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    All sarcasm aside, that is a good question, Mac.
    I think the recievers that are IN CAMP with Ben, will have a better chance to develop chemistry with him, than the one selfish one who isn`t. ;)
    This should be a brand new offense, to everyone, although, based on a tweet I read in Towel`s training camp thread from Colon, it may not be all that different.
    Colon basically said not that much has changed other than the terminology, which I find hard to believe, but I gotta believe it, given the source.
    I was really hoping, that with Haley in charge, our basic offensive philosophy, would undergo a wholesale change, and it still might, just not by changing the plays, as much as when they call the same plays we`ve had in the past.
    But in a different order, and with an overall gameplan, to when they call them, to loosen up the defense, and set up plays later in the game, by what they call earlier in the game.
    I know I kinda sound like PWP, here, but, I agree with him wholeheartedly, that that was one of Arian`s biggest weaknesses. He simply did NOT set up one play, to lead into another, throughout the game, by getting the defense to expect one thing, then giving them another, when they weren`t expecting it.
    I WAS expecting that bringing in a new O.C., would lead to a radically different set of plays being run, to where, opposing defenses couldn`t use any previous tape on us, to diagnose our plays.
    However, it sounds to me, now, like we are gonna continue to run most of the same plays we have in the past, just, with different words to describe them, that the players will have to learn.
    I can see the wisdom, in not scrapping what all the players are used to doing, I just hope he uses the plays we already have in place, in a more effecient way.
    Or, to put it a different way, uses plays we have been practicing, but haven`t really used much in games, in games.
    I am sure we have always had better plays in our playbook, for third and one, than lining up in shotgun, with 5 wideouts, for instance... :hmmm:
    And as far as Ben learning a new offense... I dunno.
    I love him to death, but film study, and the cerebral part of his position has never been his biggest strength. :shrug:
    I will just hope that he gives his best effort to do what Haley asks him to do, and I think that could lead to good things for our offense.
    When all else fails, he still has a determination to win, and that can only be good... :cool:
  4. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    It looks like it is happening at the LB spot also? Position flexability I guess?
  5. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011

    most playbooks have very similar plays. i'm saying guys are playing different receiver positions then they have the last couple of years,and learning a new offense to boot. it's not a stretch to think ben has gotten used to throwing balls to brown a certain way when he's in the slot on certain plays and now he's not at that position but playing where hines played over the years for instance. do you think this will slow down the process or maybe thats not the right way to put it, but lets say does it make it more difficult for them with all they have to absorb in a new offense and with receivers in different spots for him to throw to then what he's become acustom to? :cool:
  6. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I just saw a story on NFL.COM that said Haley "sent a message" by running 11 straight running plays. But doesn't that seem to conflict with what Colon said? I'm confused.

    CANTON STEEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I see Cotchery in the slot as he seems to be the purist possession receiver out of the corp. Him and Ben seem to already be on the same page. They had good chemistry last season. Brown 1 and Sanders 2. I could also see Sanders spending a little time in the slot as well with possibly the rookie Clemons seeing minimal time @ 2. :shrug:
  8. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    i do have a pretty good idea about it GP. no need for you to be so arrogant all the time. i turn over players every 4 and sometimes 5 years if they reshirt. i try to keep receivers in the same positions when they have played with a qb for a couple of years because they do form a chemistry with each other, but it a little more difficult at the college level and we are not putting a new offense in at the same time. it's something to dicuss and it can make a difference to a team. you always hear about teams gelling and this is part of that. maybe you just have no expierience in these matters so you have to be condescending to others on here to make yourself look like you know something , when you really don't. this is my guess anyway, and could be totally wrong, but i don't think so. how do you know who can answer what on this site as you know noones background? i don't hold grudges, but man you are sometimes really hard to discuss things with when you attack others posts on here all the time. have a good day my friend, i have to get my players out for our second practice this morning. i love this time of year. :cool:
  9. 12to88

    12to88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011

    Even without Wallace, I am not concerned about receivers.
  10. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    From Mac...

    most playbooks have very similar plays. i'm saying guys are playing different receiver positions then they have the last couple of years,and learning a new offense to boot. it's not a stretch to think ben has gotten used to throwing balls to brown a certain way when he's in the slot on certain plays and now he's not at that position but playing where hines played over the years for instance. do you think this will slow down the process or maybe thats not the right way to put it, but lets say does it make it more difficult for them with all they have to absorb in a new offense and with receivers in different spots for him to throw to then what he's become acustom to? :cool:[/quote]

    ...My reply...

    I get what you`re asking, a bit better, now, and, I think you`re right.
    It certainly WILL make things a little more difficult.
    But, don`t we LIKE adversity? Don`t we LEARN, thru overcoming adversity? (Just borrowing Coach T`s philosophy, here)...
    And, more importantly, don`t we become BETTER, by overcoming adversity?
    Sure, they are not gonna be comfortable with it, but when they were "comfortable", they were having a hard time scoring three touchdowns a game.
    I would say, something needs to change. Difficult, or not.
    I have faith in the talent on this offense, to rise to the challenge, and become better.
    Do I think it will be easy for them? Hell no, but they are well paid professionals, and I think they collectively have the talent to put a whole lot more points on the board, than they have been, despite Ben`s continued assurances, that, "We are on the right track"... "We are close to being great"... etc....
    I think they really needed a major shake up, and I expect to see some serious benefits from it, this season, even if there probably will be some initial "growing pains", that come along with it. :yeehaw:
  11. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    ...My reply...

    I get what you`re asking, a bit better, now, and, I think you`re right.
    It certainly WILL make things a little more difficult.
    But, don`t we LIKE adversity? Don`t we LEARN, thru overcoming adversity? (Just borrowing Coach T`s philosophy, here)...
    And, more importantly, don`t we become BETTER, by overcoming adversity?
    Sure, they are not gonna be comfortable with it, but when they were "comfortable", they were having a hard time scoring three touchdowns a game.
    I would say, something needs to change. Difficult, or not.
    I have faith in the talent on this offense, to rise to the challenge, and become better.
    Do I think it will be easy for them? Hell no, but they are well paid professionals, and I think they collectively have the talent to put a whole lot more points on the board, than they have been, despite Ben`s continued assurances, that, "We are on the right track"... "We are close to being great"... etc....
    I think they really needed a major shake up, and I expect to see some serious benefits from it, this season, even if there probably will be some initial "growing pains", that come along with it. :yeehaw:[/quote]

    i guess my concern is the slow start. i want them cranking on all cylinders by week 1. this preseason is going to go a long way towards that. moreso than in other years. some guys may play longer then they normally would have during this time. maybe more of an injury concern but field time will be inportant to the cause. that will be MT's call, but i'll betcha haley will be pushing him about it. he has a habit of playing his starters alot in preseason. some say to a fault. he's had starters go down very close to the season opener in the last preseason game. in the 4th qtr.!!! i hope MT doesn't let it get that far but let's it go on enough to where they are comfortable in running the O. i guess it will be a fine line. i just don't want a season to open like last year. flat. :cool:
  12. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    I would hope to God, that no one that was on the team last year for the game one disaster, could POSSIBLY let something like that happen again!
    Now, we may lose, or make some mental mistakes, but a complete shellacking, and looking clueless about how to stop it?!?!
    That has got to be the worst game I`ve seen them play since the 70`s!
    But, they were COMFORTABLE, then. I think they WERE a bit complacent.
    I think shaking things up like we have, pretty much guarantees that we won`t be playing "flat", or with a lack of effort.
    Now, I`m sure there are going to be mistakes made, as they get used to the new terminoligy/scheme, etc, but I think it`s obvious that what we were doing just wasn`t working.
    What`s that old definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results?
    Well, at least we are trying something different, to improve!
  13. ScottQ

    ScottQ Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Since the early 90's have always put a competitive group on the field - with the exception of a few years. If Ben can follow in the footsteps of John Elway and be teachable and humble, and our receivers continue to block down field and work as a team instead of as an individual, our offense can sustain drives and keep our D rested. To me, if these things happen consistently, we're more than poised for many more runs at the Super Bowl.
  14. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Agreed, Scott... We`ve always been competitive.
    Recently, that has been due to our defense mostly holding teams to 10 to 20 points a game, and our offense scoring just enough to get the win.
    I know a win is a win, but I still feel there is no excuse for our offense not scoring at least 30 points a game.
    With the talent we have, and the rules changes in favor of the offense, recently, there is absolutely NO reason, we shouldn`t be DOMINATING most of the league.
    Sure, the other guys get paid, too, and there are a few teams, I would expect us to have a hard time beating, but when we consistentley squeak out close wins over teams like the Clowns, I have to say the D has been doing their job, better than the O.
    Yeah, they should ALWAYS hold the lead in the 4th qtr, right?
    Well, how about, if by the fourth qtr, we were more than two scores ahead, and the D could give up ONE scoring drive, and not lose the game?!?!
    Didn`t mean to get into a defense, vs, offense, blame game, because I do cheer for the TEAM, but I feel the offense has not played up to the potential of the players on the field, for a while, now.
    That may be hidden by our win/loss record / overall success... However, I feel we could be a LOT better than we have been.
    I would just love to see us dominate the teams with 50/50 records, or worse, and only have to bite my nails, against teams that are playoff/ superbowl contenders, like ourselves...
    Not have a heart attack every week, hoping we can beat the last place team, in any given division!!!
  15. ScottQ

    ScottQ Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    I don't see 30 PPG as time of possession removes points from the scoreboard. The Steelers use the clock so points are not as important for their philosophy.

    If Coach Haley can help us with better plays, quicker routes and smarter choices, we should be able to score on average at least a touchdown and field goal more than last year.

    I know the pain of all the close games. Ugh...but also yeah!!!!
  16. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    the O-line was causing alot of this teams underachieving on offense. that stops this year. it's not our skill people, it was the lines we have been putting on the field. i think fans will be amazed at how this will help every aspect of the offense. :cool:
  17. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Just one TD a quarter(plus the extra point), is 28.
    You can control the clock, and still score over 30. I`m not askin for 40+ point games... ;)
    Although.... Wud be nice.. hahaha...
    Your`re right about sustaining drives, and keeping our D (and Teams like Green Bay, New Orleans, Pats, etc`s offenses) , off the field, I just want those sustained drives to end in the endzone, instead of thru the uprights for 3 points. ;)
    I have a feeling that is gonna start happening, this year. :cool: :praying: :yeehaw:
  18. ScottQ

    ScottQ Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
  19. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011

  20. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    Hey mac... stop being so condescending of our O-lines former play! :hehehe:
  21. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    :) :cool:

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