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Does Bell report today?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by R2sojr, Sep 3, 2018.


    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I heard the Steelers can deactivate him for 2 weeks and they wouldn't have to pay him. IMO I would do this just to show Bell who is in charge. jmo.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  2. bhandsome08

    bhandsome08 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2016
    Bell was only guaranteed 10mil which is a signing bonus. The 33mil-45mil for the first 2-3 years was only guaranteed if he wasn't released before the start of a new season.
  3. bhandsome08

    bhandsome08 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2016
    He would still get paid because the tag is guaranteed money. There's really only 2 ways he won't get paid, not signing the tag or getting suspended by the league.
  4. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
  5. R2sojr

    R2sojr Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2018
    I can’t believe this thread I made has 238 comments
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  6. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    A signing bonus is just that, a bonus, the 33 mil was the guaranteed portion over the first 2 years. He would have gotten that no matter what. The 3rd year which would have brought it to 45 million is in discrepancy on whether he would have gotten it but sounds like only if they didnt release him. 33 was his no matter what. 70 mil, 5 years, 33 guaranteed. Damn good deal.

    I don't no where the 10 million bonus people keep referring to is coming from. I just posted the link you replied to that explains all this.
    • Agree Agree x 1

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012

    Nope not true heard I think it was Peter King on the Ross Tucker show say the Steelers can deactivate him and he won't get paid.
  8. mcam

    mcam Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2017
    "Rapoport reports that a $10 million signing bonus was the only fully guaranteed portion of the contract. He adds that Bell stood to make $33 million over the first two years in a “rolling guaranteed structure” and $45 million over the first three years of the deal."


    This is where the $10 million comes from. Not sure what exactly a "rolling guarantee" is nor can find good valid data regarding it. I'm assuming it means he gets the rest over a period of time, but is still "guaranteed", hence the definition of the term.

    So he was guaranteed a total of $45 million over 3 years which is on average 15 million a year in that time span (not far off his benchmark of 17 million). The issue was there were no guarantees for the remaining two years of the contract. Bell would have averaged around 14 mil a year.

    Todd Gurly received at 20 mil signing bonus with 45 mil over 3 years guaranteed averaging like 14.3 mill a year. Besides the initial signing bonus, which if people remember Bell's offer was prior to Gurly's, they are almost equivalent except Todd's was a 4 year deal at 60 million. Bell's was 5 years at 70 million.
  9. mgsmooth

    mgsmooth Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2016
    From Post Gazz.


    Dulac believes the Steelers F/O would take the high road and pay him once/if he signs.
  10. bhandsome08

    bhandsome08 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2016
    I read the link you posted. The 10mil bonus is apart of the total 33mil he would have gotten for the first 2yrs of the contract. 10mil he would have gotten up front and the rest is only if he doesn't get cut before the regular season. It's been written by multiple media outlets.

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Yeah that was what I heard once he signs the Steelers can use the 2 week inactive thing which means he won't get paid. I am not sure the Steelers would do this but I would love it if they did
  12. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    If Bell shows up Saturday I don’t think he would be much use Sunday. Leaving my bias aside, using the roster exemption for game one would seem like good sense.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. bhandsome08

    bhandsome08 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2016
    Rolling guarantee means if he doesn't get cut before a deadline, he'll get that money no matter what.

    It's something that the Steelers, Pats and Pack do.

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Some pretty interesting stuff here:

    In July, after Bell and the Steelers couldn't come to terms on a longterm contract, Bakari said that, barring something unexceptional happening, the plan would be for Bell to return to the team before the start of the regular season.

    “We had something exceptional occur," Bakari said on Wednesday. “If memory serves me, I said, ‘Le’Veon has every intention to make this the best season of his career.’ That has not changed. That’s his intention, to make this the best statistical season of his career.”

    Le'Veon Bell can be subject to a drug test upon signing his franchise tender. Per 2018 policy on substance abuse: "Any player desirous of signing a contract with an NFL club who has not had a test in the four-month period prior to his pre-employment test" is subject to testing

    — Ray Fittipaldo (@rayfitt1) September 6, 2018

    I would say a drug test might be "exceptional" Hence why the Guaranteed money in his contract might be so important?????????

    Yes I have my tin foil hat on lmao
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  15. mcam

    mcam Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2017
    So basically if Bell would go down this year with a career ending injury and was cut prior to this deadline, then he would not receive the remaining of the rolling guarantee.
  16. mcam

    mcam Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2017
    The dude was probably smoking up while rapping talking about his contract. It's sticky in the system and doesn't want to piss positive for THC.

    And after all of that gaurantee, he'll be back to smoking the ganga. What would he have to lose? It's all gauranteed and he can focus on his rap career.

    Or lackthereof.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. bhandsome08

    bhandsome08 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2016
    The same thing almost happened last season. Per CBA both Steelers and Bell would both have to agree to it.
  18. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
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  19. bhandsome08

    bhandsome08 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2016
    Yes exactly. The contract would be considered voided. Then only the 10mil split over the remaining years would count.
  20. bhandsome08

    bhandsome08 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2016
    If the team does use the roster exemption, he would have to sit out 2 weeks, and it's up to both the team and Bell to agree to it.
  21. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Show me one because the article I linked mentions none of that and refutes what you are saying.

    Signing bonuses and guaranteed money are not one and the same. He was getting 33 million no matter what. Another 12 million if he wasn't cut.

    If that 10 million bonus exists then his deal is even better than I thought and makes him even greedier than I thought.

    Edit* Didnt see mcams post. That is shocking to me. Have to dig into this. By contrast, AB got 19 million bonus plus 19 guaranteed. Doesnt sound right.
  22. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    • Like Like x 1

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
  24. bhandsome08

    bhandsome08 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2016

    This is why I side with Bell.
  25. bhandsome08

    bhandsome08 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2016

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