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What Rooney is really saying to Tomlin and Ben.

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by JackAttack 5958, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    After thinking about what Rooney has done this offseason with the firing (let's call it what it is) of BA and the hiring of Todd Haley, I think he is trying to send a very clear message to our HC and our QB. I believe he is saying the following:

    "Coach Tomlin, I have a lot of respect for you as a head coach and believe that we made the right decision when we hired you five years ago. However, I do see some deficiencies in your head coaching abilities that I'd like to discuss and bring to your attention. First of all it is absolutely incomprehensible to me, Mike, that you were satisfied enough with our offensive performance after last year that you were willing to retain Bruce. With the offensive weaponry that we had we should have scored more points, converted more third downs, had more success in the red zone and ranked much higher than the bottom half of the league in offensive performance. This was inexcusable. We didn't score nearly enough points and with the playmakers we had it became obvious to me that our offense was in the wrong hands. I also have some concerns about your abilities as an offensive coach. I saw no input from you into the offensive gameplanning. You appeared to be uninvolved when Bruce and Ben would converse on the sidelines. Overall you just seem very uncomfortable with the offense. That's why I'm bringing in Todd. He is a proven offensive strategist and will give our offense a very clear identity based on the players he has at his disposal. I know this may be tough for you to swallow but I have to do what I feel is best for our football team. I trust that I can count on your support and I hope you choose to embrace this change and that you continue to work hard for the overall success of our team."

    "Ben, you're a great quarterback. I appreciate your contributions to the Pittsburgh Steelers. We've had a lot of success since you've been here and please understand that I appreciate what you've managed to do. Quite frankly, when you were accused of sexual assaults for two offseasons running I was extremely disappointed in your behavior. That wasn't the Ben I knew when you first came to the Steelers. You let me down, the organization down and most of all, you let yourself down, Ben. You put a stigma on the team that I'm not sure will go away for a long, long time. It's no secret to you that had we gotten the right offer that I would have traded you. Having said that, I'm glad you're still here. Now let me be candid. I don't think you've become the quarterback you are capable of becoming and part of the reason for that is because Bruce allowed you too much freedom on the field. There didn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason to what we were trying to accomplish on the football field. What we accomplshed was because of your tremendous athletic ability but that will only get you so far. Your body can't take much more of a pounding, Ben. You've got to "tweak" your game. Let me clarify that. You've got to become a more cerebral quarterback. You've got to get in the film room and study. You've got to understand the tendencies of your opponent. If the play's not there, throw the ball away or hit your checkdowns. I believe that you can become an elite quarterback but I don't believe you're there yet. With the hiring of Todd, I believe he is someone that can help you make the next step in your career, Ben. If you'll listen to him and get on board with what he's trying to do, he can help you become a better quarterback and he's proven that he knows how to devise effective gameplans, make in-game adjustments and most importantly he knows how to best utilize the talent at his disposal. I trust that I can depend on you to get on board with the offense that Todd installs here and to be a true leader for this offense."
  2. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011

    Oh, ahem, you were serious :innocent:
  3. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    What did they say back?
  4. 322 Steeler Fan

    322 Steeler Fan Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Yea right.
    This organization is good because I believe that the Rooneys respect people. When they belittle people like that the Steelers will be the Raiders.
  5. D0bre Shunka

    D0bre Shunka Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012
    Endless speculation...
  6. tesel10

    tesel10 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    Since we are writing Steeler's fiction here, the conversation could also have gone this way.

    Rooney and Tomlin post Arian’s release meeting.
    “Hi Mike, how are the wife and kids? Michael’s, what, 10 now? They sure grow up fast. Hope you are enjoying the your brief down time to spend as much time with them as you can. Let me say great job this year! You did great in getting the Steelers to the playoff this year, considering all the injuries we had. As you know this organization’s goal is to get to the playoff every year, so we have a shot at the big dance. I would also like to apologize for my poor handling of Arian’s release from the Steelers. I want to use this meeting as an opportunity to explain why it happened.
    First, from our past discussions, I know you were satisfied with his performance and felt that the continuity he gave the coach staff out weighted his weakness. I agree continuity is a big part of the reason we are successful, which is why I have agreed that he should stay even if I was not completely happy about the hits the Ben was taking in his system. As you know from our past conversations, I have to look at the financial side of things and Ben is a huge 100 million dollar investment. I have been increasingly concerned that this investment is in jeopardy. However, like we discussed right after the season ended, we both agreed that with a the mix of young and veteran player on the team we should keep thing together, after all 2 Super Bowl appearances in 4 years isn’t too bad. However, since that meeting I learned that Arian’s was the source that has been leaking team information to the press. How you know the one thing I value more than any other is loyalty and Arian’s broke that trust. I felt I had no choice, but to release him, so I reacted out of anger and immediately announced his leaving. I tried to give you some cover by calling it a retirement, but in hindsight I realize this was not a good idea. I know this put you in a tough position, after your end of season press conference. I should have coordinated the announcement with you. I promise, if something like this happens in the future I will bring in sooner.
    Now as you look for a replacement, obviously the choice is 100% yours, however, I do ask that in finding a replacement that you look for someone that can bring in a system that will reduce the number of hits Ben takes. After all, it is rare that a team gets a QB of his talent, so we want him to be here as long as possible. Again, thank for a great season and let get that 7 trophy next year.”

    Ben and Rooney post Pro Bowl meeting
    “Hi Ben, good to see you, did you and Ashley have a good time in Hawaii? I you got a tan. How's are your the ankle and shoulder feeling?
    While, I know a lot has happen since you let for the Pro Bowl and I felt it was important to give you a clear picture of want happened. First, I know that you were close to Bruce and really valued his coaching. However, I made this decision, because I felt it was best for the Steelers as an organization. You know I have been concerned about some of the tendencies of Bruce’s offense. However, this is not reason Bruce, was released. I discovered some non-football related issues about Bruce that left me no choice, but to release him. I won’t go into details, but let just say that his actions broke the trust between us. As you know trust is important to me and once he broke that trust, he had to be released. I know this is tough for you, since you and Bruce had a long relationship, but change is a fact of life. I think in the long run this could be a good thing. Sometimes change gives us a new perspective on how to do things. I have asked Mike to hire a new Offensive Coordinator as quickly as possible, so we can transition him into the organization as smoothly as possible.

    Now, I know you also wanted some more information about my comments about your game needing “tweaks”. Well it is really nothing dramatic, as we have discussed this in the past. I have been increasingly concerned about the amount of punishment you have been taken the past couple of years. I want you to have long and historic career here with the Steelers and I think if you keep taking the punishment your taking your career will be shortened. I feel this coaching change is an opportunity for us to make some changes in our offensive approach to protect you better. I have given Mike 100% freedom to choose Bruce’s replacement, but have asked that he look for a coach that could help bring a system here that will help in this. Ben you are a warrior and give your all on the field and I respect that, but you are about to turn 30 and you can’t keep taking this punishment. So I am hoping that we can bring in an offensive system that schematically will reduce the punishment you take. I don’t expect you to completely change you game, what I want is for us to implement a system that protects you better, so you can excel at what you do best. I truly believe if you stay healthy we can bring multiple Super Bowls to Pittsburgh. You know in the past couple years I have had some issues with your behavior, but I have never questioned your desire to win. I will be count on you to help in this transition and for us to make another run at the Super Bowl next year. “
  7. TheWanderer

    TheWanderer Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    what tomlin said to ben: "yep, they're making me hire that jackass, todd haley . . . yeah, i know . . . i know . . . yep, i'm getting "WTF?!" texts from everyone i know in the league too. yeah, i know he's an a**hole. yeah, i've met him. whatever. it's out of my hands. let's just deal with it, man. it's not gonna change much. we'll still do what we do. if you don't like his shlt, just audible out of it, man. haha!! this is your offense, bro. do what you do. run no-huddle, man. call your own plays. i don't care. we're not paying that MF'er. art is. let's just do what we do. we've got the ring(s). let's just do our thing. it'll all work out."
  8. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
  9. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
  10. TheWanderer

    TheWanderer Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    yeah, that had me LMAO too.
  11. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011

    I haven't heard those voices yet, er, I mean I haven't thought about that yet.

    All right, all right guys. I can take a little good natured ribbing. But I really believe that what I wrote is not that far removed from what Rooney is trying to say. I don't believe he has confidence in Tomlin as an offensive coach and that's why he brought a strong offensive coach into the fold. I think he's still, in a way, incensed at Ben for the stain he put on the organization (no pun intended) for two off seasons running. I believe that he felt like he needed to reassert control over the football team and you know what, I admire him greatly for that! I don't know for sure what was said but I can SPECULATE based on some of the things I've read and heard during the offseason.

    Go ahead and have your fun guys, but if you read the comments I think they are more accurate than many of you may want to admit.
  12. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    This theroy was crushed by your own statement in the first sentence. Tomlin hired Haley not Rooney.
  13. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011

    And Bruce Arians "retired".
  14. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Ben: ZZZzzzzzzzz

    Tomlin: ZZZzzzzzz
  15. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Actually, Tesel10 seems more accurate. Although I have no idea what the "broken trust" was he was talking about. Talking to the newspapers maybe? :hmmm: Anyway, you are reading waaaay to much into it Jack, Rooney felt the offense could do better and made the change. That's really all there is. If you think an owner of a team is unhappy with his HC that has been to 2 SB's already and winning 1 of them, well that's just not realistic. I also don't think he is upset with Ben anymore, Bens done everything asked of him and has been squeaky clean since. It's just some fans that still have a problem with Bens past, old news already, let it go.
  16. TheWanderer

    TheWanderer Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Actually, Tesel10 seems more accurate. Although I have no idea what the "broken trust" was he was talking about. Talking to the newspapers maybe? :hmmm: Anyway, you are reading waaaay to much into it Jack, Rooney felt the offense could do better and made the change. That's really all there is. If you think an owner of a team is unhappy with his HC that has been to 2 SB's already and winning 1 of them, well that's just not realistic. I also don't think he is upset with Ben anymore, Bens done everything asked of him and has been squeaky clean since. It's just some fans that still have a problem with Bens past, old news already, let it go.[/quote:2m5002v8]

    yeah, i'm sure ben's not the ownership's 'favorite son' but i'm sure they are satisfied with his behavior these days.

    it doesn't hurt that he got married and has stayed out of the papers. and am i the only one that noticed ben may be the only guy in the history of the nfl to play with his wedding ring on? he tapes it.
  17. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    All of this conversation is based on the assumption that Rooney is lying to the media when he says that the OC was Tomlin's choice. If Tomlin did, in fact, hire Haley, then Rooney wasn't sending a message to Tomlin at all - or at least not the one that was given.
  18. rukus4ever

    rukus4ever Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    I think if we could pull back the curtain (so to speak), then we would hear Rooney saying: "Hey, guys, I think we need a new OC."

    And that's about it...
  19. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I knew I took a little (okay, maybe a lot) of creative license with my hypothetical Rooney comments above and it's obvious that many of you disagree with my assertions. But let me cut to the chase and ask these questions, which were the premise of my "Rooney" comments above. Think carefully about them before you answer.
    1. Do you think that Rooney is satisfied and comfortable with Tomlin's abilities to give valuable input into an offensive gameplan?
    2. Do you think that Rooney may be dissatisfied with Tomlin's unwillingness to make a tough coaching decision and that he might get a little too comfortable with a coach even though their performance is not adequate?
    3. Is Rooney really completely over the "Bonehead Ben" period?
    4. Do you think that Rooney felt that Ben had asserted too much control (thanks to BA and Tomlin) over the offense and needed someone like Haley to reign him back in?
    Please, no wisecracks or disparaging remarks. Just answer these questions as honestly as you can. You may find that my "hypothetical" Rooney comments above are not that far off base.
  20. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I agree Jack.
  21. tesel10

    tesel10 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2011

    Like asked simple Yes's No's (well almost :lolol: )
    1. Yes ... actually offensive games plan not in job description, particularly for a "Defensive” coach
    2 Yes
    3. Yes - as long as there are not more occurrences
    4. Absolute No
  22. Yogi4

    Yogi4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    You all are wrong:
    He said didn't you see the Fire Bruce Arians immediately post that has been on several Steeler Boards! Mike you need to pay attention to those Boards because the fans are always right!
  23. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
  24. 4EvrH8O'donnel

    4EvrH8O'donnel Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011

    To which Tomlin replied. I tried to log onto your lousy message board Mr. Rooney but kept getting denied access.
  25. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011

    To which Tomlin replied. I tried to log onto your lousy message board Mr. Rooney but kept getting denied access.[/quote:1jya7stc]

    :roflmao: good stuff!

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