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Roethlisberger speaks on Haley hire, state of offense

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Blast Furnace, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. NickSteel

    NickSteel Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2011
    While this is true, I'd rather have a mediocre quarterback who drinks the Black and Gold Kool-aid than a petulant man-child super-star who can't be mature enough to shut up and do his job.
  2. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    I wanted haley right away and after his presser today im really happy we got him. He is still young and will probably leave for a HC job but it doesnt sound like he is in any hurry. I dont think what ben said was that bad. Ben didnt say anything negative about haley and said he is going to make his own decision about him. Haley did say he cant be sensitive either so i think they will be fine. I think ben is going to respond great to the challenge he hasnt been challenged by anybody in awhile. Best thing is ben loves to win amd will do whatever he needs to do to win. Im excited to see what haley has on store for this offense he has never had the balance he has with this team.
  3. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    That part may be true, but winning a SB here will do wonders for that prospect :praying: . I'm sure next time he wants to go to a better situation. If I was a head coach, KC seems like a purgatory.
  4. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Without reading everyone's comments (didn't even go to pages 2 or 3)...

    Before I read the article I thought, Oh this is going to be no big deal. After I read it I thought, I kinda can't believe he said that to a reporter. To his wife or teammates, fine. But he really did basically say, "I really hope he doesn't change this offense." That was surprising. I'm not too thrilled about it myself, although how they work together, not how they speak to the media, is what matters. Still, not thrilled. I hope he's open when the time comes.

    A thing about Haley to remember, it's not like he's a run-machine who hates to throw, so I don't think Ben should be scared.. Haley aired it out in Arizona. He's not afraid to do that. Ben should trust him. Not doing so will kill us.
  5. mort159

    mort159 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Just Ben being Ben, wouldn't expect anything less! These are the types of things that make me not to fond of him.

    I know some of you disagree but he better come to terms quickly with this or he will find himself out of Pitt and things might not be so good for him.I didn't think it would ever come to that, but at this point who knows what is going to happen. What else can you do if he won't comply and he makes a big deal about everything in the media. I hope it gets better.

    This hiring was the Rooney's saying "we run this team and you will do it our way" and frankly how can anyone argure with them. The Steelers as an organization will move on if it comes to it and they will still contend, it is what we do.

    I really hope it doesn't go the direction it looks like, because i think a coached Ben could be the most dangerous Ben we have seen yet.
  6. black&gold in NJ

    black&gold in NJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012

    He did say at the end of the interview whatever offense Haley decides to run," lets do it" so he may not be as reluctant as it sounds.
  7. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Yeah, the gist that I got from it was "I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna Oh yeah totally, let's do it!" Just Ben being Ben. He's either not humble or falsely humble. Never liked him, not about to start now.
  8. Joey_15215

    Joey_15215 New Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Roethlisberger shouldn't have made such a broad statement. His job is to do what his HC and OC tell him to his best ability. I will admit that I'm not sure what to think of Haley myself, but I do hope that he has a full 60 minutes worth of situational playcalling designed according to what is actually going on in games. And that he is willing to adjust within the time the team is on the field when the initial isn't working.

    Haley's first objective is getting the OL up to par and beyond.
  9. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Including deviating from the playbook which I think probably happened more than any of us would have imagined and therein might lie the problem. BA didn't seem to care about that where Hailey on the other hand probably won't tolerate it. Watching these two working together will be interesting without a doubt ;)
  10. bigplaywillygay

    bigplaywillygay Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    some of you guys sound worse than ESPN making something out of nothing.

    My opinion on this is that Ben thinks he caused BA to get the can by holding onto the ball too long and taking to many sacks. We all know that isn't the reason but in Ben's mind that was it. He feels guilty, so he probably is a little sour about it. Once Haley constructs an offense that maximizes Ben's strengths by having a running game and PA (meaning offense stats go up, and possibly some blow out wins if our D stays where it was) he will change his tune.

    If he doesn't, who cares he needs to man up and do whats best for the team
  11. Brews Crew

    Brews Crew Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    Avoid the drama now and reunite Ben and Bruce. Trade him to the Colts for a couple of number ones, or better yet, flip flop draft spots and bring Andrew Luck or RGII to Pittsburgh. We could be set at QB for the next 10 years and the way Ben plays, he is likely to have a short career anyway. Everyone wins, Ben and Bruce can continue their relationship and the Steelers avoid the drama and can concentrate on winning future rings.

    Go on and let me have it now.... :swordsman:
  12. DDinAZsteel1

    DDinAZsteel1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    If the COlts would give us their #1 and maybe a #3 for Ben, I would take that. And I am a huge BB supporter.
  13. SteelerD

    SteelerD Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    All of this will go away as soon as the season starts and the team has success on offense. They don't even have to be great, just score on a couple of red zone trips and everyone will get back to normal.
  14. Venn

    Venn Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    A few years ago, Denver got two first round picks for Cutler. More recently, Philadelphia got a second and a good cornerback for Kolb. Carson Palmer was traded to Oakland for a first round pick and a conditional second round pick that could become a first round pick... And you want to give Ben away for a first and a third?
  15. Cru Jones

    Cru Jones Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    I realize the difference between saying something that could incriminate you and answering a simple question that has been talked about in the media everywhere.

    I just don't see it as a big deal that's all ...... Clearly a lot of you guys do, it's cool, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind.
  16. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    i think there are alot of ways to take ben saying he hopes he doesn't change the offense. there are alot of OC's that just make it so difficult on qb's and receivers. joe walton for instance. they said there were so many things that the qb and receivers had to run through on each and every play, that made it so hard for everyone to be on the same page. it was a confusing offense to run. we are in a good spot as a team, we are there as far as talent, and it's been proven that we can get to the SB and win it, so just changing everything for changes sake doesn't sound like the thing to do. it could have absolutely nothing to do with changing how many pass plays or run plays they run a game. it's not just about keeping ben comfortable in the offense, there are other players on the field that may not want to abandon what has worked well for this team too. it could be as simple as ben talking about not messing up what proven chemistry we know we already have here. that will be up to tomlin and the other offensive coaches to go over with haley. we don't want set back two or three years, we only have so much time with some of our stars left on offense and defense. :cool:
  17. Concussion

    Concussion Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    I don't think you replace the offensive coordinator if you want things to stay the same, especially replace a OC like Arians with a one with a completely different style like Haley. I am excited about the changes. I think it is going to be a busy off season for Haley. I think he would want to design a system that fits his players, especially Roethlisberger and the young offensive talent. How will he work more Redman into the offense? Will we have more quick timing routes?

    They can work that out while I watch the NHL playoffs and see how our Buccos do this year.
  18. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    i don't think it's as different as most people think. haley likes to throw the ball too. the smart thing would be to build on what we do well and eliminate what we don't do well to his style instead of just getting rid of everything. that would be adding hot routes and shorter routes and using the RB and TE's. he wasen't afraid to go downfield either with the likes of fitzgerald and bowe. now he has 3 guys that can get deep. not using that to his benifit would be a mistake. just not near as much as before. it's still going to be about how drives are made and the plays called to achieve those drives that may change. the grouping of plays and the sets will be the biggest change i hope. we still have players capable of going downfield and a qb to get it there. scraping what our players stregnths are is not a winning formula either. why waste the speed of wallace and sanders on a dink and dunk offense? precise routes and out muscling defenders is not their strong points.

    that's what i mean by keeping whats good and adding other stregnths to it. an offense with a purpose and a plan. :cool:
  19. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    i don't think it's as different as most people think. haley likes to throw the ball too. the smart thing would be to build on what we do well and eliminate what we don't do well to his style instead of just getting rid of everything. that would be adding hot routes and shorter routes and using the RB and TE's. he wasen't afraid to go downfield either with the likes of fitzgerald and bowe. now he has 3 guys that can get deep. not using that to his benifit would be a mistake. just not near as much as before. it's still going to be about how drives are made and the plays called to achieve those drives that may change. the grouping of plays and the sets will be the biggest change i hope. we still have players capable of going downfield and a qb to get it there. scraping what our players stregnths are is not a winning formula either. why waste the speed of wallace and sanders on a dink and dunk offense? precise routes and out muscling defenders is not their strong points.

    that's what i mean by keeping whats good and adding other stregnths to it. an offense with a purpose and a plan. :cool:[/quote:24xtfzdz]

    Like Bruce Lee said "keep what is useful and throw out the rest" (paraphrasing). Good advice for all areas of life. It would be dumb of Haley to scrap the entire system.
  20. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    Well, the Colts 1st rounder is the overall #1, and can be used to draft a guy who many experts think is the best QB prospect in a long, long time. I am in the camp that believes that our offensive success revolves around Ben, but that's the ONE and only scenario where I would be willing to let him go for a draft pick. No chance Indy would go there anyway.
  21. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    Something I have been thinking about for awhile...Is the Pittsburgh fans and Media driving Ben away from wanting to stay in Pittsburgh? Is this going to be another Terry Bradshaw story where after his playing career is over he doesn't want to come back for any functions because he was treated so badly.

    I know this sounds silly, but some Pittsburgh sports writers were coming on the radio during the whole BA drama and Haley hiring saying things like someone should come down on him and slap his hand, almost like he is a little boy who misbehaved.

    Sometimes I think people are to ohard on this guy. No Ben.... no rings....
  22. SteelHack

    SteelHack Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    No need to change the whole playbook. Tweak here and there...but it was never the plays IMO.....it was when they were being called.

  23. mort159

    mort159 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Agreed Hack!

    It's not like every playbook is completely different anyway. Most have very similar principles. The terminology might be different but they will pick that up. Haley already stated that he will tailor the playbook to the personel, so i really don't see that being an issue. He also stated that he is big fan of Heath, so that is something we all will be happy with, because he has be under utilized for awhile now. If Ben buys in to this there is no doubt he will become a better player.
  24. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Something I have been thinking about for awhile...Is the Pittsburgh fans and Media driving Ben away from wanting to stay in Pittsburgh? Is this going to be another Terry Bradshaw story where after his playing career is over he doesn't want to come back for any functions because he was treated so badly.

    I know this sounds silly, but some Pittsburgh sports writers were coming on the radio during the whole BA drama and Haley hiring saying things like someone should come down on him and slap his hand, almost like he is a little boy who misbehaved.

    Sometimes I think people are to ohard on this guy. No Ben.... no rings....[/quote:28iwzht2]

    Too hard on Ben? If he weren't a pro athlete, you guys would be screaming for him to be locked in jail. The guy abuses women, treats waitresses like crap, runs out on his bills, treats his teammates poorly, etc. Seriously, Ben is lucky he's a star QB in the NFL or he would be in jail or dead, because people don't put up with crap like that from joe blow.

    I wish the Steelers would trade him to the Colts for the 1st overall pick. I'd rather an unproven rookie like Andrew Luck. Just because we lose Ben doesn't mean we can't get another top QB in the future. We didn't have one in the 80's, but that was a different era. There are far more top QB's coming out of college these days, and finding one good enough to take a team to the SB isn't as hard as it used to be. Even an Andy Dalton type would be just fine with me.
  25. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Too hard on Ben? If he weren't a pro athlete, you guys would be screaming for him to be locked in jail. The guy abuses women, treats waitresses like crap, runs out on his bills, treats his teammates poorly, etc. Seriously, Ben is lucky he's a star QB in the NFL or he would be in jail or dead, because people don't put up with crap like that from joe blow.

    I wish the Steelers would trade him to the Colts for the 1st overall pick. I'd rather an unproven rookie like Andrew Luck. Just because we lose Ben doesn't mean we can't get another top QB in the future. We didn't have one in the 80's, but that was a different era. There are far more top QB's coming out of college these days, and finding one good enough to take a team to the SB isn't as hard as it used to be. Even an Andy Dalton type would be just fine with me.[/quote:3r5l6s29]


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