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Su'a Cravens - LB or S

Discussion in 'The Bill Nunn Draft Room' started by SteelCity_NB, Mar 26, 2016.


    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    See now I feel just the opposite, I don't think from the game and a half I watched he would be a 1st round talent at LB. I watched him get pushed around pretty good by the lineman and I think that will only get worse in the NFL. I also think he fits kinda what our defense is looking for as a hybrid player but no way we take him in the 1st. JMO

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    :this!: And I will go one step further.....I will puke if we pick Neal period. I am not a fan of him, I watched 2 games and do not like his style. Now was that system I don't know but didn't like it......

    Like I said above Cravens to me is no better the a 2nd.....
  3. turtle


    Jan 14, 2015
    I wouldn't even take him in the second. Way too slow for a safety with limited pass coverage abilities. And too small for LBer. I didn't see him get off blocks consistently. If Butler and Co want that LB/S tweener Cash is the better prospect by leaps and bounds imo.
  4. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Yes, rd 2. My only problem with that is I think Billings is the guy I want at 25, which means if they do Cravens in rd 2 (or a more traditional safety), then we aren't going CB until 3.
  5. The Pittsburgh Kid

    The Pittsburgh Kid Member

    Jan 14, 2016
    Save some room in the motion sickness bag for my puke Turtle.
  6. cajunyankee

    cajunyankee Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011

    I read just fine, I just don't try to be so literal, ya'll knew exactly what I meant but to be clear, very clear........

    There is Nothing in his abilities that should remind anyone of Troy......

    Also, as I mentioned earlier, I seriously doubt Cravens will be drafted as a or to play SS........ WiL is my prediction but he's too slow.....maybe he'll play the SAM, but he is too weak ( 16 reps on the bench ) to handle NFL TE's..............

    You see, he is a problem in coverage and this is a must for safeties....... He is a very good tackler, squares up nicely and in college he was a good blitzer and attacked the offensive backfield but when the play went away from him he RARELY was able to make the play, just too slow....and this was college.

    I just don't see how his game translates into the NFL, right now. If he hits the weight room, gets stronger and adds weight/muscle I could see him having success as a Mike with his skillset and above the neck abilities but that will take a few years and you just DON'T Draft a guy that won't play for a couple years early in the draft unless he's a QB.

    As a GM I'm not drafting him till day three, but I'm a rebel, I follow what I see and not the status quo, which may be why I'm a board GM instead of a real one, I stand Alone proudly.....

    • Disagree Disagree x 1

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    So far I have watched one and a half games on him and what I see is him playing more LB the S. With that said I think he is a pretty bad prospect at LB, he cannot fight off college lineman which really has be worried when he gets to the pros. I want to see him play more S so I need to watch more, playing this hybrid system he don't need to be a stud LB but he needs to be able to cover. I need to see that cause a 40 time don't tell all. What I will say I think these prospects are becoming more and more popular due to the way the NFL has become more of a passing league. jmo

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