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Lets just trade Ben?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by jsteelers077, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. jsteelers077

    jsteelers077 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    After all the talk i have been reading in some of the threads about getting a new OC I have seen ben being called names like bone head and the sand lot king etc seems like there are alot of people here think we would be better off with out him. They havent come out and directly said it but when youre calling our Franchise QB names it showes what you really think of him. Yes i wish Ben made better choices but am i going to sit here and call him names no and do you know why because its the coaches fault he has not been coached right for the last 5 years. lets stand behind Ben because if we lost him we would be a 6 win team at best.And lets hope we get an OC with a balanced attack.
  2. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    let's not trade our qb....we have seen our team without Ben and it is not pretty
  3. black hat

    black hat Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Ben is a franchise quarterback. No doubt about that. However, I think he opens himself to criticism. He implies that he's not a big film guy. He looks overweight and out-of-shape a lot of the time, and we're constantly hearing comments like "that's Ben being Ben" which suggest he's not the most coachable quarterback in the league. He can get away with this when he's winning, but everything is analyzed to death after every loss. I hear what you're saying, but I think he could do a lot more to avoid some of the criticism that's recently begun coming his way.
  4. troybellringer55

    troybellringer55 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Were you asleep during the 1984-2003 seasons? Come on man!
  5. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    I think the point of the OP was that we shouldn't trade him.

    I actually doubt we would get much for him. This is not to say that he's not pro bowl calibre, and a giant amongst men at key moments in games. More, his lack of pocket awareness might suggest it would be hard for him to fit into a new scheme and offense, certainly at this stage of his career.
  6. diehardsteel

    diehardsteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Completely agree with your post black hat.
  7. rukus4ever

    rukus4ever Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    I don't think we should trade Ben. I also do not call him names. "Bone-head" is a bit harsh, I think. But "Sand Lot King" sounds like a fun way to jokingly mock his style of play. I actually hadn't read any posts where people used those names. I think "Sand Lot King" is pretty funny, though. :lolol:

    I do not agree with the OP that Ben has not been coached correctly for 5 years. Ben said he was working with QB coaches before the 2010 season to hone his fundamentals. So, it sounds like Ben is being shown the proper mechanics and is not applying them in the best way. And there really is no way for us to know what Ben is, or isn't, being shown in regular practice. I'm getting tired of hearing, "...Ben hasn't been coached correctly..." when I see no proof that anyone posting this information has inside information to prove it. Ben plays how he plays and everyone needs to accept it. I also find it improbable that the OC, OC assistants, C.Batch and/or Leftwich are not showing him open receivers he's passing up when he's on the sideline. I have seen them showing him review pages of plays.

    It takes two to complete the learning process: someone to teach and someone to both listen and apply the knowledge presented.
  8. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I don't call Ben names and I'm glad he's our QB but I also don't think it's fair to say that all of his defficiencies are somebody elses fault. Just like it appears he's taken responsibility to change his personal life for the better there's also a personal responsibility to improve at your job. Ben openly admits to the media that he plays the game his way ie, the great escape artist who will hold the ball until the last possible second to try and make a play. You don't think he's been coached otherwise ? He is who he is and until he personally decides he needs to change his approach to the game the best coaching in the world won't convince him otherwise. My guess is his age will help him come to that conclusion. Like the rest of us sooner or later he'll realize he can't do all the things he once did on the field and he'll adapt his play accordingly. Will that start this coming year ? Who knows but it won't happen until he's ready to make it happen regardless of who's coaching him.
  9. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    Hard to judge the guy with the beating that he takes. Blame him for holding the ball too long or blame the line, your choice. I realize that Ben has shown himself to be a tough son of gun but, sometimes, it seems hard to remember when he wasn't playing banged-up. I for one enjoy watching him play...to me football is about the excitement and making things happen when there is nothing. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose but, for me, being on the edge of your seat during a game and not knowing what the outcome will be is what football is all about. I enjoyed both championship games this weekend for this very reason. Tell me you weren't watching the last field goal between the Ravens-Patriots...Hoping in the back of your mind that he misses and yet thinking there is no way he can miss it. For some people it is hard to live on the edge of your seat but for me that is what it is all about. My two cents!
  10. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Can we get over this sky is falling mentality when talking about L.A.B. (Life after Ben). Yes I sat through the lean times where QB play was just horrible. Where they had Brister and NOD, where they tried to take a pure athlete and make him a pocket passer in Kordell. The bonehead moves with Graham and the rest were just scary. So yes I am glad they drafted Ben and I am glad he is the QB that helped to get one for the thumb and one for the other thumb however I don't think that the day he doesn't take the field for the Steelers it will be a return to the days of bad OB play for the team. I mean lets look at this season. You have guys like Yates, Flynn, Dalton who come in and who aren't just managing games but winning games and doing it well. Do you honestly think that a franchise with as much history as the Steelers can't find and prepare a QB better than the Texans or the Bengals?

    Here is the sad truth due in large part to his style of play ben will have a career that is shorter than other QB's. You saw it begin to happen this year the nagging injuries begin to pile up and his talent which in the past allowed him to overcome these injuries just isn't enough. It will continue and unless he learns to do the things that lessen the wear and tear on his body he will be done with football in the next three years.
  11. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Is exactly correct....We should have been forcing his style change a few years back....Ben must become a student of the Game or the game will pass him by...We need a guy who can push him down that path.....The more I think about it the more I believe that Coach Kugler id going to be the next OC.....

    I actully have a few reasons,,,No Coach does as much film work as The OL Coach he must know every blitz ,every stunt,and any possible trick a D may be doing......So he see's what the play looks like before it gets started and understands leverage....So if they bring the SS into the Box we have a few options run away from that side ,pull a extra guy to that side ,or throw a PA pass into that window he just created......This is where he can help Ben and help Ben read the D and apply that to his audibles....
    It shouldn't be just run play check into a pass or pass play check into a run....Ben needs to become Brady like change the type of run,change the type of pass,change the direction of the play,make play changes that not only get you out of a bad play they put you in a great one....This can't be done without study and practice .....This is where our new OC comes in...
  12. DDinAZsteel1

    DDinAZsteel1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    Trading Ben would be an epic fail. Just as it would have been to cut him after Georgia-gate. Believe me, his issues and lack of discipline are frustrating to me too. But I didn't see a championship come here for most of my life (or them getting over the proverbial hump) until 7 was drafted. There are sooooo many avg to bad QB's in this league it is shocking. You don't give away one of the top 5-7 (even WITH his deficiencies) ever. You just don't.
  13. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Bothers me sometimes too but then yesterday I was listening to the sports radio, I live in NY so it's Giants galore right now and unbelievably there were calls complaining about ELi! The guy just played a great game and was still being criticised. You know what the funny part was? Same **** Ben gets slammed for, like Eli goes down the field too much and doesn't check down enough which the host promptly pointed out that Eli dumped it off to Bradshaw 7 or 8 times. The point is, fans are always going to critique their QB, most of the times unfairly as with Eli yesterday. Ben's a great QB, I don't care that he extends plays or throws down the field alot or whatever, more often then not his style of play benefits us. I also thought Ben checked down alot more this year then years passed but he still gets slammed for not doing that, go figure.
  14. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Well I agree for the most part and no way should he be traded this year,,,but if Ben shows he is unwilling to learn the game and if Ben shows he is not willing to follow the new OC and his plan,at some point we have to start thinking about life after Ben......

    As Thorn stated if he doesn't change his style he will only have a few seasons left......This is the exact Conversation the new OC should have with him...Don't get me wrong I still want Ben to extend and make plays he just needs to learn how to extend and make plays with his mind as well.....If and when Ben reaches that point Teams will have no answer for our O.....

    To me the bottom line is being able to be Coached.....I could care less about your skill kevel if your not willing to excell on the Mental side of the game...IMO Ben is still a noob as he states he doesn't know what happened on particular runs he doesn't really study that...Well that is exactly what he must learn ....He must learn how the running and passing game fits together and use that Knowledge on the field to be a General......His days of 1 on 1 Combat are drawing near it is now time to utilize his Troops to help him elevate his game.....
  15. 4EvrH8O'donnel

    4EvrH8O'donnel Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    I 'm as big of a Ben Roethlisberger fan as they come but if he doesn't start buying into the philosophy of running the ball to set up the pass as opposed to the way that Arians was letting him be a gunslinger then he becomes very tradeable.
    I remember when they drafted him I was like a kid in a candy store but his schtick is getting old by becoming to big headed. If he's pouting about Airhead being gone then he probably can't see the forest for the trees anymore. His work ethic is questionable at best and his physicality has now taken the likes of Jared Lorenzen lately. I hope that he becomes more of the team player he was in the past but right now I just don't see it.
  16. fanfav

    fanfav Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    I dont even know how to respond to this nonsense. Sure, Bens not perfect, however, he's a giant part of the reason we've got 2 more SBs in recent years. This kind of talk boggles my mind.
  17. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Really ? Heck I've seen much more mind boggling talk than this on here already :lolol:
  18. Concussion

    Concussion Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    If he stays clean off the field, he will be the Steelers QB till the end of his career. The Steelers have not been developing a replacement and I do not see them doing so for a few years. There are too many other needs.
  19. So Cal Steeler

    So Cal Steeler Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I glad we have BR, sure he's a little loose. He's an old fashioned real football player. Not some passing pussy, that's afraid to get hit.
  20. jdubb86

    jdubb86 Member

    Jan 4, 2012
    Whether we choose to except it or not, BR's style of play is out of necessity, he cannot read defenses well, so he can't pull the trigger as quickly as he should be yet he's found a way to be successful by extending plays until receivers can create separation. I'm sure that our o-line play has some effect on that, but throughout his career, wether he has time or not, he holds the ball far too long for an NFL quarterback, he continually takes sacks, misses checkdowns, throws into multiple coverages enough to drive a fan crazy. I would say he creates chaos within the offense more than he helps fine tune it into a well oiled machine that it should be this far into his career. As bad as you think BA was, he still worked with Ben, in the same offense, doing the same crap for 5 years and the offensive unit has never looked as well as that of the Packers or Patriots. Ironically though, I felt like the only solid offensive game he played this year was against the Patriots. Just my two cents
  21. HinesWardHOF

    HinesWardHOF Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011

    well the bungals somehow... in the most lop sided trade ever in the NFL got a 1 and 2 for carson palmer.. based on that... we should get about 8 years worth of first round picks for ben compared to mr pick carson palmer.. maybe we can trade him to the raiders for their first pics 2013 - 2020 (bungals got it this year)
  22. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Every trade involving the Raiders is the most lopsided trade ever. 32 year old Richard Seymour for a 1st round pick? On a team not one piece away from the Super Bowl, but instead struggling to reach .500? Argh!!!

    But they got a GM now, finally. Maybe the days of picking their pockets are over.
  23. colsteveaustin

    colsteveaustin Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    We all know that Ben is our QB.I think Ben COULD be great if he cared more about the game.I've heard that he does'nt study film and really does'nt like to practice?He could be one of the best ever,If he would change his ways.He's not a student of the game.I feel you have to be in order to be great. JMHO
  24. mort159

    mort159 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Here is the thing. Ben is a good QB, but just like some others are saying Ben can be better. Does he need to be traded, No, but Ben makes it hard on himself by...

    -His off field problems
    -His disrespect he showed for the city of Pittsburgh (documented in the Sports Illustrated article "The Hangover")
    -The documented lack of work ethic, especially with film study like colsteveaustin mentioned. To me this shows an arrogance that he doesn't need to put in the work and he doesn't need to improve.
    -His inability to sit out of a game when it is best for the team
    -His drama filled antics on the field, everytime he takes a hit
    -His drama filled interviews and comments about his injuries

    In an organization known for blue colar, hard working, no nonsense, great citizens, ect... these things don't go over well and it has been stated by many players. When guys like Hines Ward and James Harrison(who are the ultimate steelers) are critical of you, there must be something wrong. If Ben cut all the drama, had no issues off the field, embraced the city of pittsburgh, and wored his butt off to be the best player he could be, steeler fans would not criticize him as much.

    Ben can be great. I just hope he can clean up his act and the new OC can has a positive impact on him as a person and as a player.
  25. noitall0605

    noitall0605 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    I would consider it....but the compensation better be worth it.

    Can you imagine the stones one would have to make to make that move?

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