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Rooney forced Arians out

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by victimofchanges, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. edog55

    edog55 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Yes the Rooneys let him go. I knew he wouldn't be re-signed. Art II already told them in 2010 that he wanted them to concentrate on running the ball better but, Arians did not take heed in 2011, he went right back to his old ways by throwing the ball all over the yard, BA BALL.

    So, who's mad? Most of Steeler Nation is very happy that BA is gone. We are looking for a better life after Arians. Can't wait for Steelers 2012!!
  2. VA_Black&Gold

    VA_Black&Gold Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    I'm certainly not sad to see BA go, but it's definitely the Rooneys stepping in piece that has me most intrigued about the situation. For a family that's been relatively hands off, having Rooney step in to force this change may signal an interesting change in the way things are done. I'm for that at this point, because as I've said in the past, the Steelers this season (and last, and the one before that...) did what they've always done, but the league has changed and that isn't effective anymore. If there is willingness to change the routine at the top, maybe it's a good sign that it will trickle down to the operational level.

    I've felt from the beginning that MT is just too passive of a leader for this team. We've never really cowtowed to the star players, even though we had them. It was about the team, and everyone doing their best to ensure team success. Now we have a player of the week every week, and then we complain when that player doesn't get the call the next week or does poorly. It's just not how the team has done things historically, and I think it's a problem. And I think people are pretty well aware of my feelings on Ben and BA getting to do whatever they want to without accountability. MT should have reigned that in awhile ago. There's little accountability for mistakes, and there certainly hasn't been any apparent willingness on MT's part to step up and deal with things. This was a team without a leader this year, and that hurts us. MT didn't lead, BA didn't lead, Ben didn't lead, Ward was pretty much invisible, and the rest seemed more interested in their own play than the good of the whole.

    I love my team, but the time sometimes comes where you have to step up, notice things aren't working, admit that, and pursue a different avenue as a solution. There's no doubt MT can be partially credited for the SB trips. Granted, I tend to think it was mostly the players who got us there in my opinion because MT had the same passive, do what we've always done game plan, which still worked then because it was before the pass-happy trend we've seen the last year or two. It doesn't now, didn't all season, and someone needed to step up and address that. The star QB didn't, the OC didn't, the DC didn't, and the HC didn't. That's a system-level failure, and as a result, the big guns had to step in to ensure the positive development of their franchise (and, yes, their QB's health and longevity). It'll be interesting to see where this leads us next season, though I wouldn't expect the Rooneys or anyone else to make knee-jerk reactions without serious consideration (the BA thing isn't knee-jerk, he's set himself up for that for at least a couple years now). We're an organization built on consistency, and I can't imagine that's likely to change over all.
  3. diehardsteel

    diehardsteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Disagreements like this need to be keep within the confines of the team, not in public statements. We're the Steelers, not the jets or the raisens. Ben will likely vent his feelings with Tomlin behind closed doors and it will stop there. The next we see of him publicly he'll have something very positive to say about our new OC and how he's looking forward to working with him this coming season.
  4. mongoose

    mongoose Active Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    If Tomlin really did want Ariens back and with the Rooneys stepping in and forcing Ariens out.....do you think this will get Tomlins attention that the Rooneys are serious and move him along from being so passive.
  5. rukus4ever

    rukus4ever Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    When has Tomlin ever said that about himself?
  6. diehardsteel

    diehardsteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Coach T is who he is and old habits are hard to break so I wouldn't expect to see him act like a circus performer along the sidelines. But personally, I would like to see him more engaged, especially with the offense, and that includes participating in those mini huddles between Ben and our OC during timeouts and other stoppages. GET IN THE GAME coach!
  7. rukus4ever

    rukus4ever Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Thank you for posting this. I am reading many of the comments, and I am in awe...
  8. Coke Oven

    Coke Oven Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    I don't think that Mike was ever given total control of the team by the Rooneys. Hence his lack of action on certain issues. He's too smart a guy not to see the things that we see.
  9. 322 Steeler Fan

    322 Steeler Fan Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Cowher was a good coach but I am not sure he was better than Tomlin as everyone is pimpin him to be.

    Remember he kept horrible Kordell Stewart at QB longer than Tomlin kept Arians at coordinator. Far worse. Ariens did his job well enough to win and get to another Super Bowl.
  10. jhmiller3

    jhmiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    Good point and I agree with you, DHS. I guess that is what I was trying to say. Let's hope that's what we see happen. :good:
  11. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Kordell was good enough to put up more points than the Brady/Bledsoe 2001 Patriots in the AFCCG. That's not shabby. Giving up 17 points on special teams is not how you win games. They lost by 7.

    Actually, very similar to Flacco/Smith of this year. Stabbed in the back by their own team. We'll see if anyone says they weren't good enough to make it to the big one in a few years.
  12. SteelerJJ

    SteelerJJ Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    We can't forget Turnover Tommy.
  13. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    :good: ...7s good but NOT great......Id take Eli over him any day!!....And ya all who say you wouldnt are lying to yourselfs!!!!
  14. Brews Crew

    Brews Crew Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    :amen: Im not going to bash BA, we did win two superbowls while he was with the Steelers. The fact is that I am a Steelers fan living in Clevleand and never understood why Tomlin would even hire a Browns castoff to start with. Glad he is gone and I don;t care if Rooney or Tomlin maade the call but I sure hope they get the right OC for the talent on this team.
  15. Brews Crew

    Brews Crew Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    :amen: Im not going to bash BA, we did win two superbowls while he was with the Steelers. The fact is that I am a Steelers fan living in Clevleand and never understood why Tomlin would even hire a Browns castoff to start with. Glad he is gone and I don;t care if Rooney or Tomlin maade the call but I sure hope they get the right OC for the talent on this team.
  16. Coastal Steeler

    Coastal Steeler

    Oct 16, 2011
    Wasn't it the begining of this year Art said we wanted to run the ball more? That didn't happen. If he told Mike and BA that again, it wouldn't happen. He knew BA and Ben would just play chuck a luck again. I think BA actually tied Art's hands. He warned him. BA faild to listen. BA had to hit the road. Bottom line, BA, Ben or Mike had to go. BA was the low man
  17. D0bre Shunka

    D0bre Shunka Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012
    I don't believe everything I read.
  18. Steeldefense08

    Steeldefense08 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I think the Rooneys shoulda thought more about how to handle the firing of BA then what happened. You can't say BA is retiring then a week later there are rumblings that he basically got fired then hired by the colts. Looks bad on the steelers organization. Weird to put out an announcement that he is retiring then he is hired 7 days later.
  19. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Speak for yourself Myron. That though isn't so laughable now after the season Eli had but I still take Ben over him.
  20. Coastal Steeler

    Coastal Steeler

    Oct 16, 2011
    No but Y'all be fickle. The 2 years before? he was TOMMY GUNN!! with two n's I might add. But I was glad Ben came in the next year and went 16-1 wish it would have been 19-0 though :shrug:

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