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Tomlin vs Rooney

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by shaner82, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Most already know that Tomlin stated in his end of year press conference that he expected Arians to be back. Basically he said he would be back if he wanted to. There were various sources saying Arians would be back. Then Rooney released a statement, one of his many points was that it's unacceptable for our offence to be 21st in points scored. He made a few other points about the offence and how Ben needs to slightly change his playing style. Suddenly there's all kinds of "sources" saying that Arians will not be back and has likely already been shown the door.

    Assuming Tomlin did in fact want to keep Arians but Rooney overruled him due to how bad our offence has been for 5 years, what does that say about Tomlin? Tomlin is a professional football coach, Rooney is a business man. Tomlin should know far more about the game than Rooney should. Tomlin should be the one to figure out when it's time to let go of one of his coaches, he shouldn't have to rely on Rooney to step in and do it for him.

    I really don't think this puts Tomlin in a positive light at all. That's assuming everything in my first paragraph is true. If it's not, this whole thread is pointless. We'll find out in time though.
  2. edog55

    edog55 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    My only concerned is that somebody please get rid of Bruce Arians. I don't care who does it or how they do it, just get rid of the guy. If Tomlin doesn't have sense to let go, then I would hope that Mr. Rooney would step in and get rid of the guy.

    As you said, we will fine out very soon. When he is not re-signed, it will be rejoicing in Steeler Nation.
  3. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    I dont think ROoney would step in and overrule the coach...he has seen what has gone on in Dallas because of that very thing
  4. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    You accidentally made a case to keep Arians.


  5. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    You know what they say about ASSUMING and unless you know this to be TRUE then why even post it other than to try and bad mouth Tomlin over your groundless assumptions.
  6. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    soon or later tomlin has to find balls to change the ben arians marriage and hire a real oc , but if is real the voice that he was ready to give the job to kirbin , i'm worried . looking at his hires before (ligashersky...) i questioning what can be able to do
  7. diehardsteel

    diehardsteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Just speculation, but it would seem the following:

    1. BA's contract was not going to be re-newed, either by his "retiring" after the season or by the Rooneys wanting to make a change.
    2. Kirby Wilson was the agreed upon heir apparent to take over as OC - Art II get the change he wanted & Tomlin gets the continuity he wants.
    3. Obviously Wilson's unfortunate accident wrecked those plans, hence Coach T says at post season news conference BA (likely) will be returning.
    4. Since BA is no longer under contract, Rooney's don't need to fire him and are currently mulling over whether to re-hire him or go in a different direction.
    5. It's now been 2 weeks since Wilson's accident and nearly 2 weeks since the end of the season, plenty of time for the Rooney's to approve of BA's rehiring.
    6. Since they haven't approved yet, they are signalling a no confidence vote in BA and nudging Tomlin to make a change in OC.
    7. That's why all the internet chatter over why BA "may not be coming back". The Rooney's don't want him back but are showing some deference to Tomlin. They either want BA to "retire" or have the decision to change OC come from Tomlin. BTW, there is at least one website referring to BA as "the Steeler's former OC".

    My prediction is he's not coming back. Decision not to rehire has already been made but they'd like to have a replacement agreed upon before making the announcement. Of course I could be wrong.
  8. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    I heard BA is coming back. I heard the team is going to reduce his duties so that he can concentrate on continuing to be Ben's fluffer without having to worry about OC duties. Its a win-win for the organization.
  9. mongoose

    mongoose Active Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    It's been reported on here that Tomlin was not at all close to his biological father. With the death of his "father" I truely suspect that Tomin went to memorial services if for nothing more than to show respect and to be with his mom and other family members. I think that some kind of decision will be hitting the news lines shortly after Tomlin is back from his fathers services. My gut feeling is that a decision has been made already and the untimely death of his father delayed announcing whatever it is. JMO
  10. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    You're looking way to far into this. I cant remember one time the rooneys stepped they let the coaches do their jobs. I think BA may actually be retiring. He almost did last year and there is a rumor his health isn't great either.
  11. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Sorry to hear that.I don't wish that on anyone. He's not helping me in the blood pressure dept. either,so maybe it will be best for both of us.
  12. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    They said that is why he almost retired last year. He's only 57 and thats pretty young for a coach to even think about retiring so there may be some trueth to it
  13. Cru Jones

    Cru Jones Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    The pittsburgh media is just selling papers with these stories. They are making a big deal out of Rooney saying some assistants are considering retiring.

    Rooney also said:

    Tomlin would have the say in which assistants are retained.

    Asked specifically if Arians and LeBeau are returning, Rooney said, "At this point, yeah."

    Arians had to be talked out of retirement last year, so I'm sure he is year to year at best.
  14. MikeFanForLife

    MikeFanForLife Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    It is a touchy issue, Rooney stepping in to remove BA knowing that Tomlin wants him makes it seem like Rooney has lost confidence in Tomlin to do the right thing. Once that happens your head coach can't be to far behind from being shown the front door.
  15. MikeFanForLife

    MikeFanForLife Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Rooney has been in football all his life, i think he knows both the football and business sides of the equation.
  16. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    Yeah the rooneys know football. I trust whatever they do. I dont think he is questioning tomlin or his job is in danger in anyway. I think if tomlin said arains is my guy then he would be back.
  17. MikeFanForLife

    MikeFanForLife Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    I just don't understand this though. Rooney said to get back to Steeler football, i.e. fix the running game. And BA didn't do it this year. Wouldn't you do what your boss told you to do? I know I do. The guy that signs the paychecks is always right (even when they aren't).
  18. winggin

    winggin Well-Blitzed Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Wow what a call to the original poster.
  19. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Not really. After reading Rooney's comments, there was no doubt in my mind Arians wouldn't be returning. Like I said though, if Tomlin wanted to keep him but Rooney didn't, what does that say about our head coach? Is he incompetent or is he too mentally weak to show someone the door? Sure, it's possible Tomlin made this decision, but if so, why on earth did he originally say he expected Arians to return? Why not just say something like "at this point in time we are evaluating all player and staff positions and will be making decisions when the time is right." If you know you're going to replace someone, you don't come out and say you expect them to return.

    I believe Tomlin would have kept him if given the choice. I believe Rooney didn't allow that to happen. That kind of makes our head coach look like a lame duck. He doesn't have the mental fortitude or the competence to replace an assistant coach when the time comes and the owners needed to step in.

    I don't believe for a second BA retired on his own. Only a few weeks ago he was talking about how much fun he was having with the young WR's and how much he was looking forward to seeing their development. Sure doesn't sound like a guy who is going to retire on his own.
  20. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    They're not groundless. Arians made comments about his future in Pittsburgh and how much fun he was having. Doesn't sound like a guy who willingly retired. Tomlin made comments that he expected Arians to return. Doesn't sound like a guy who wanted to replace Arians. Rooney then made comments about our poor offence and said Ben needs to make changes to prevent injuries. Those comments to me sounded like he wanted to replace Arians.

    It's not bad mouthing Tomlin so much as asking what is in store for Tomlin if the owner doesn't have enough faith in him to replace assistant coaches when the time comes.
  21. edog55

    edog55 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    No diehardsteel, you were exactly right. I had said all along that the Rooneys were not going to rer-sign Arians. As everyone should have notice that they came right out and said Lebeau was coming back next year but said nothing abot Arians. Thats when I knew he wasn't coming back. He had no choice. Poppa Rooney is stepping down as Ambassador to Ireland and returning back home to get involved with the organization. My guess is that he made it known that he was very unhappy about what was going on with the offense. Not to mention that ART II told Tomlin back in 2010 that he wanted them to work on running the ball better. Arians planly didn't listen to what he wanted because he went right back to his pass happy ways this pass season.

    Hence, BYE BYE BRUCIEE and BYE BYE BUBBLE SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. jhmiller3

    jhmiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I read Tomlin's post game comments regarding coaches as just the politically correct thing to say. We really have no way of knowing what he was really thinking regarding Arians. He and Bruce may have already had the conversation about retirement. Tomlin may have already decided (with or without the Rooneys) that Bruce was out. We just don't know. To say that the Rooneys have lost confidence in Tomlin is yet another assumption and I believe it to not be the case. Time to move on...

    And to that point, I may be alone, but I do not expect to see any major changes in our offense. The run % may go up slightly, but I think the Rooneys are smart enough to know that the league has changed and if they want to continue to win passing needs to be a big part of the game. They are also smart enough to let the coaches coach. They may (will) have some influence on our game, but, well, we shall see. And, don't forget, it was Mr. Rooney that wanted Ben in the first place. Remember, Cowher did not want to draft Big Ben.

    JMO :hello:

    EDIT: OK, after reading another thread I can see that we are all (mostly) on the same page regarding run vs pass, so my comments may be slightly misguided. I also agree that the situational play calling has to change! So... :herewego:

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