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Burfict celebrating Bell's injury?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by SteelerGlenn, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011

    STEELWARRIOR Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Every Dog has their day!!!!!!!!!!!! Bengals will get theirs when we meet in Cinci.
  3. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
  4. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I doubt this happened. I'd believe it if I actually saw a video of it, but all we have is a story how he ran to his own sideline and a couple Steelers players reacted to him running.
  5. Ender


    Apr 5, 2014
    I've read he ran away because he heard it pop and was freaked out.
  6. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    hmm sounds like an internet doctor to me.
  7. JollyGrnGiant86

    JollyGrnGiant86 Active Member

    Oct 27, 2015
    Have you seen an NFL player celebrate? Take this entire thing with a grain of salt. Foster also said Burfict did it on purpose in another interview, but the tackle was seriously just a tackle with a freak injury. But if his celebration is just running back to his sideline? Then idk to say. Foster obviously has an issue with Burfict but to me it looked just like a typical tackle. What a crappy result though.
  8. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    I'd argue that it could have been a legit tackle if he wasn't deliberately trying to bend him backwards when he knew he was on his legs. He was trying to get that extra pull in there to hurt him and if he heard a pop then jumped up and ran to the sideline....he's an ass! At that point you know you broke something on the guy and you should probably man up instead of running if it wasn't intentional.

    Just look at the little crap he does at the end of his tackles....look no further than the ankle twist on Cam Newton from last year! I grew up watching this stuff in the 70's and 80's so I'm kind of in the middle, but with the game today there's no place for it. I gave Mitchell a bunch of crap for it when he pulled some twisting crap at the end of a tackle as well. Too much invested in players these days and the salary cap means you're whole season is in jeopardy if you allow it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. BreakingBad

    BreakingBad Active Member

    Oct 28, 2015
    I said this in another thread but Burfict just came off a year long knee rehab, I am not surprised he would freak out when he heard the injury to someone else. There was no way this was intentional it was just a normal tackle. I would say some of the Steeler hits like the hit on Marvin Jones were more likely intended to cause injury. For all the people calling for injuries to their players that is just bad karma man.
  10. JollyGrnGiant86

    JollyGrnGiant86 Active Member

    Oct 27, 2015
    I think the only Steeler playing yesterday with potential bad intentions was Mitchell. The rest had hard hits but we're not trash talking or celebrating. Timmons had a few big hits and helped the Bengal up. Mitchell was really making me mad yesterday, but maybe that's because I'm used to Troy's personality back there..

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