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So, who would you rather win it all...

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Romans5:8, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    The Giants are the only team out of them all, that I don`t hate!
    However, if it comes down to The Niners, I would have to go with EITHER afc team, that I hate MORE than the Niners, just because I don`t want another team to have six Lombardi`s!!!
    I guess I would pull for the Cravens, because no matter how much I hate them, they represent our division, and play the most like us...
    And they don`t have to CHEAT to win!
  2. GB_Steel

    GB_Steel Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Each team has something negative going for it from a Steeler standpoint:

    Pats - Well, not really a Steeler standpoint, but another ring for these guys and it will rekindle the Patriot dynasty talk, and further stoke the ego of Brady and his coach.
    Ravens - Will have to put up with their fans if they win it all and I DO NOT want to see John Harbaugh win a Lombardi.
    Giants - Only thing here is that Eli will tie Ben for Super Bowl rings.
    Niners - A Harbaugh would win it and the franchise would tie us with 6 total Lombardi's.

    Of the reason listed above, the Giants would be most favorable as it only affects one Steeler (Ben). Giants it is, plus I like how they win with strong pass rush, strong running (sometimes), and strong ownership.
  3. steelers5859

    steelers5859 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    As long as the Harbargh Brothers don't win it and the Ravens.

    Giants v. Patriots.....go G-Men (in my Chris Berman voice)
  4. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I don't want the cheatriots to win again with this coach qb combo. I love rubbing in the fact that they haven't won since they got caught cheating...

    I want a Giant (and I mean gigantic) win over the ravens. The rats have already embarrassed us as much as they can this year, so that is done.

    We know what its like losing on the biggest stage and I want that for them. Im sure the vast majority of their kind wanted us to lose last year and them doing the same can only shut them up. AFC loyalty-shmoyalty, I don't give a damn. The farther they go and lose the worse it is.

    Their north status, style of play and beating us and getting there is plenty of satisfying representation enough for me. Now, I hope they get crushed!

    Or, a comet hitting the game would be nice too....
  5. harrisonisscary

    harrisonisscary Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    Here's why we can't root for the Giants to win, and probably need to root for the Pats. If 49ers won they would have 6 superbowls and we would no longer be in sole possession of most superbowl wins ever. Can't root for the Ravens (I dont think i need an explanation why). If god forbid the Giants won, that would mean that Eli manning would have as many superbowls as Big Ben. He is already considered a better quarterback and an elite quarterback, with some commentators even saying they would take him over Peyton on their team. This is laughable. I dont even think Eli is in the top HALF of Nfl quarterbacks currently. He makes some of the worst throwing decisions ive ever seen and always gets bailed out by his amazing receivers. If he won 2 superbowls these morons would have more cause to talk about how he is one of the greats and Ben will continue to be a run of the mill quarterback. Meanwhile, while i HATE the Patriots, if they won, i think they would deserve it. They have a great team. And contrary to Eli, Brady actually IS an elite quarterback, as much as i hate him. I was really hoping New Orleans would take it after we lost. So with that said, go (very reluctantly) pats..
  6. va.STEEL

    va.STEEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    40whinners............no that would give them 6 with us
    ratbirds...................no way,just can't say it
    cheatriots......oh heck no
    I guess it just leaves nyg.it woulds give manning 2 with Ben,maybe that will motivate him.
  7. harrisonisscary

    harrisonisscary Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    Ben doesn't need motivation. I just think it would be a disgrace for Eli to have 2 superbowls. He doesnt deserve as many as Ben, Ben has always been an elite quarterback. Eli has the luxury of having his last name being Manning.
  8. jhmiller3

    jhmiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I find it hard to look at any of the teams left and hope one wins over any other. If I had to choose, then the least objectionable would be the Giants, but I remember how Eli ended up with the Giants (the deal with San Diego) and that still bothers me. The other 3 left are obvious and have been repeated over, and over again throughout this thread.

    That being said, and I posted this earlier, why do we have to root for anyone? We are all Steelers fans. Next year starts NOW! Get out the TV listings for Feb. 5. Surely there will be something else on TV :shrug:
  9. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    If the Raisens do it, presumably Ray Ray will retire.

    On the one hand, I like this scenario. On the other hand, doubtless he'll join NFL Network immediately and subject us to pointless rambling (probably starting with "I texted this player last night...") that the host will presume is insightful football knowledge.

    I'm actually really torn on who I want to win. None of theme really appeal. Player-wise, I would probably go for the 49ers, but I can't stand Harbaugh.
  10. Coke Oven

    Coke Oven Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    I wouldn't mind seeing the niners win. They're looking like tough guys, remind me a little of the 70's steelers.

    I wouldn't mind seeing new england win. They're extremely well coached and it's a pleasure watching them play. Brady has the fire and I've seen him take hits that would send most to the sidelines and just bounce up and keep going.

    I'd like to see the giants win. From coughlin on down I enjoy seeing them play.
  11. RobertoC#21

    RobertoC#21 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    Giants against both AFC teams for me.
    I dont want SF to win another SB, that would give them 6 too.
    If the 49ers makes it, I would like to see them beat by the Ravens.
    I cant stand the Patriots and the thought of them winning anymore SB titles would make me sick!
  12. MikeFanForLife

    MikeFanForLife Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Totally agree. I hate everything the cheatriots stand for, from the owner down to the lowest level employee.

    I will root for the AFC North to bring home the lombardi. At least they play hard physical ball, kinda like we used to.
  13. MikeFanForLife

    MikeFanForLife Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    I could be an elite qb in their cheating environment. NO thanks, I hope he gets his head handed to him by the ravens.
  14. JD99

    JD99 Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    As of now, I'm pulling for the Giants (even though I hate New York teams). I don't want SF to tie us as 6 time champs and don't want to see one of the Harbaughs win a Super Bowl. Obviously I absolutely hate the Ravens and the Patriots. It pains me to say this but I would rather see the Ravens beat the Patriots and then get stomped by the Giants in the Super Bowl. I'm sick and tired of the Marcia Brady, Belicheat, Cheatriots love fest every year in the NFL. GODell couldn't be happier at the prospect of New England going to the Super Bowl. As I said let the Ravens go and get stomped by the Giants. Hopefully the Ravens and Patriots beat the living hell out of each other, Marcia has both knees snapped in half and Flacco has both arms snapped in half.
  15. edog55

    edog55 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Go Giants. Hope neither of the Harbaugh brothers make it.
  16. lamberts lunatic

    lamberts lunatic Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    :this!: If the brothers are in the big game, I won't watch it :herewego!:
  17. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    if godell fix the game do you think they want a sb with alex smith vs flacco or a rematch brady manning ? the harbaughs better buy an hawaian shirt already
  18. SteelerJJ

    SteelerJJ Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I try to keep it simple. Anyone but Baltimore. I am aware of all the other variables and dislikes but for me it always comes back to the same mantra. Anyone but Baltimore.
  19. Steel Acorn

    Steel Acorn Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    My dream - Ravens dominate the Pats, demonstrating that defense still wins the day and the Steelers brand of football (which the Ravens have copied) can dominate Brady. Then the Ravens get whipped in the Superbowl (I don't care by who), and are so humiliated and despondent that Lewis, Reed, & Suggs retire and next year the Ravens lose two to Cinci, two to us, and split with Cleveland.

    A guy can dream.
  20. black&gold in NJ

    black&gold in NJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012
    Reading some of the posts calling the Pats cheaters, made me think its crazy how they didn't get a severe punishment for their crime.
  21. jsteelers077

    jsteelers077 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    I have to say 49ers my uncle was a die hard he passed away befor the season started this year he would be real proud of what they acomplished.
  22. harrisonisscary

    harrisonisscary Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    Why couldn't the Texans just win it all and we'd all be happy.
  23. winggin

    winggin Well-Blitzed Member

    Oct 23, 2011
  24. NecessaryRoughness

    NecessaryRoughness Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    My counterargument:

    If the Giants win it all, Ben still has a Silver Medal that Eli lacks. (Yes, an Olympics with two golds and a silver is better than just the two golds.)

    If the 49ers win it all, yeah, a hairball would win it, but it would be rookie head coach Jim winning it, rather than the coach of of the hated Ravens. They would tie us for the Championship record, but we have Silver Medals that they lack.
  25. 12to88

    12to88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    1. Giants: no beefs with this organization
    2. Ravens: can't stand Harbaugh #1 but respect the way they play
    3. 49ers: don't want to see this team get #6
    4. Patriots: no way in hell! I'd rather have kidney stones than watch this team win, let alone play in, another Super Bowl.

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