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Did the official Steelers board get shut down?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by ScottChab, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. colsteveaustin

    colsteveaustin Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Thank You TTF for this board. Way better than the old one for sure. I think it's finally over with "over there"
  2. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    I was wondering the same. Earlier today when I noticed this I even searched for the old link news.steelers.com or whatever instead of mboard.steelers.com and it had he same error...however "news" doesnt have it anymore. Also another part of the site shop.steelers.com isnt work for me either...so who really knows anymore.
  3. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Requiescat in pace. It's dead.

    Maybe they're planning on bringing a new one out. Time will tell.
  4. lovembig

    lovembig Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    wast it around this time that the link on the home page dissapeared last year? it was probably right when the lockout started i believe. maybe each year when the Steelers season ends they like to spice things up by making it a little tougher to find their board.
  5. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Oh no. Just like the team the Steelers board has finally been TEBOWED :o :hehehe: :lolol:
  6. defva

    defva Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I hope so....it was disrespectful for a board of the superbowl champs looking and operating like a third grader was the moderator.
  7. cajunyankee

    cajunyankee Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Well, I'm one of those diehards that's been there for years!!!! I remember pimp dylan, I remember Joey only having 200 posts. I said I'd be there till it died because that was home.

    I too have been slow over here and its due to two reasons. First is the amount of people here that went there with the purpose of anything but being part of steeler nation discussions. Second is there is some foul language here. Not really bad stuff but too many "d" and "s" words. It was rare at first but seems to be growing. There's a few boards I used to visit that's really bad and I just can't go there at all.

    For the most part TTF has done a really good job here. This board has many bells and whistles I like and I have for the most part enjoyed it here. I like going to different places enjoying anything steeler. I'll be sad if indeed the Steelers Official Board is dead. I have two hopes and/or desires.

    1- The Steelers Org is developing and installing the GREATEST message board ever shortly.... or
    2- if not, The Steelers Org Buys this board for ALOT of money and keeps TTF on as a highly paid Administrator.

    Bottom line is The Steelers, The Greatest team ever, Who has the Greatest fans--- Steeler Nation-- ... Should have the Greatest Message Board. Its a shame it doesn't and haven't had that in a long time. Thanks TTF for this board.

  8. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    There's barely any foul language here and there was just as much on the old board which people just covered up by tweaking, what's the difference, everyone knows what the word is. Plus, TTF actually moderates this board, listens to suggestions and keeps fighting and yes, even your bad language issue in check. All a foreign concept on the old board.

    I hope that if the Steelers are developing a new board that no one goes there from here, piss on them, screwed us for years and ran the board like communists, I was banned once for asking a them why a certain thread was deleted. Who wants to be on a board that abuses it's power, as I said, piss on them.

    Last one is a joke I know but wouldn't want it to happen anyway, see above.

    Lastly, why is it so important for some to be on an "official" message board of the Steelers? What the heck is that about? Who cares.

    This board rocks and is a billion times better then that old piece of garbage, hope this one is around for the ages! :herewego:
  9. jdubb86

    jdubb86 Member

    Jan 4, 2012
    New to this board, followed the old board for the better part of 5 yrs., Steeler fan since 87'.never got to post anything though as I created an account but it would never let me post anything. Just the fact that I have the ability to post on this board makes it 1,000 x's better than the old one.

    As a side note, seeing the Broncos get destroyed by the Pats makes our loss hurt that much more in my mind, it seemed to be the perfect storm for us, injuries, playing at their house, Tebow playing the best game of his career possibly...and we get rolled! Then those clowns come back down to earth against the Pats and get what they should have gotten the week prior, sad ending to our season, really think we made a huge mistake playing Ben against the 49ers.

    I really hope this motivates the team to get their act together next year...coaches included and more importantly in my eyes. Thanks for the board!
  10. KnoxVegasSteel

    KnoxVegasSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    You know, even though I knew this day was imminent. I still have questions about why they shut it down and why they went about it this way. The forum and the fans who called it home were just abandoned like a strung out crack whore who left her baby on the front steps of a church. It really befuddles me how or why a world class organization and arguably the greatest NFL franchise in history would treat their fans this way. Fans who bleed black and gold. Fans who name their children after their favorite players. Fans who sport their terrible towels and Steelers gear all over the world and are proud to show their pride for the Steelers wherever they go. Fans who spend millions every year on tickets and merchandise. Fans who turn out in droves in every stadium across the country when the Steelers play. Fans who put themselves in harm's way to support their beloved Steelers. Fans who count as their most valuable possesions, photos they had taken 40 some odd years ago as a kid with someone like Mean Joe or Terry Bradshaw. There was absolutely no notification whatsoever. There was absolutely no heads up that the organization wanted to go in a different direction with their messageboard. There was no notification that on xxx date, the Steelers message board would be retired. Nothing even remotely close to that. I was there since 2004 and some of you were there for even 10 years. And others tried unsuccessfully for years to be added, to be able to share thoughts and ideas with their fellow Black n Gold bretheren, but to no avail. The disrespect shown by the Steelers organization to the fans/posters on the official message board of the Pittsburgh Steelers is just downright disgusting.

    Some of you may think that I'm just belly-aching, and maybe I am. But I'm pissed and all of us should be. I know that some of the posters who hung on until the last minute over there were annoyed at me for some of the things I posted over there. And I've got to tell you that part of my motivation was pushing the envelope on the rules and code of conduct over there (plus I like to annoy Cajun - haha). I was daring someone, anyone, from the Steelers to do something, to take some action, just to show that they were still there and that they still cared about that forum and us faithful fans. Heck, I even openly challenged the MB administrators (ghosts) to be banned in the hopes that someone from the organization would ban me just to show that there was someone at the wheel, and absolutely nothing happened. Then the code of conduct disappeared all together. One of the MB faithful started a petition to save the "official" board. Some of you even contacted the FO and made calls to the Steelers organization. It all fell on deaf ears.

    When TTF created this board - our new home - I got the sense that he was doing it to create another place for Steelers faithful to share thoughts, ideas, and debate their beloved Steelers as a sort of backup plan in the event that the official MB took it's final breath. I'm not sure that TTF expected this place to blow up like it has. But I am glad it has. And I'm grateful to TTF for having the vision and commitment to establish this forum and keep it up and going. It must be a lot of work and effort for a private citizen not affiliated with the team to do this. And it is inexcusable that an organization that is worth over a billion dollars can't man up to manage and maintain a fan forum/MB and just defers that to a fan of the team.

    Yes, I'm irritated. And I'm not going to make idle threats that I'm done with the Steelers or I'm not going to buy any more gear or tickets or any nonsense like that. I guess I'm just venting. It has been a disappointing end to the season that has brought more disappointments for me than things to celebrate (yes, there are a few bright spots). And there are some troublesome trends that just don't seem to be getting addressed. I'm not going to get into them here because they are discussed and beat up and down and all around on this MB in other threads, which is awesome. Even though this team finished 12-4 and played in the postseason, I consider this season a disappointment. And while there are many franchises out there that would kill for a season like we had, we are not the Browns, or the Chiefs, or the Jaguars, or the Redskins, etc. We are fans of the greatest NFL franchise of all time. We have very high expectations for the Steelers. I'm sure that by the time the draft rolls around, I'll start to get excited about the new guys we pick up, then I'll get even more excited when we re-sign critical guys, restructure a contract or two, and pick up some new and hopeful talent (Maybe even a new OC - LOL). Then, in the late summer, I'll be completely geeked up again about our team and our shot at #7. But right now, I'm just disappointed in our team - players, coaches, and the organization. That will fade and who knows, maybe the team has some grand internet forum in the works that will put every other team's fan MB's to shame. If they did, I'd probably join it, but this is my home now and comes first for me.

    Okey dokey, rant over. Go STEELERS! :towel:
  11. diehardsteel

    diehardsteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Welcome aboard! Glad you joined us! :drinks:
  12. jdubb86

    jdubb86 Member

    Jan 4, 2012

    Thank you, glad to be here!
  13. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Yep, looks like it finally kicked the bucket!
    Thanks, AGAIN, TTF!!!
    For taking matters into your own hands, and giving us a place to continue talking about our favorite team!
    From the very bottom of my heart, my sincerest gratitude to you... Without this board, there would be a MAJOR let down, whenever I sat down at the computer, and couldn`t connect with the voices I`ve heard for years!!!
    YOU ROCK!!!!!
  14. Steeltradition83

    Steeltradition83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    :amen: Thanks again TFF!! This board is great!
  15. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    i used to frequent the NHL's fan site called connect a few years ago, stumbled on it, liked it, actually made some great hockey friends and that was what we were looking for a place to share blogs about hockey, debate our favorite teams and just talk to other fans. It wasn't the best site in the world but wasn't the worst either. So then the NHL took it down for almost four months promising to bring it back better than ever but during that four months man got frustrated and left never to return. When the site did come back up it was a shadow of its former self and the mass exodus continued. Many of my hockey friends stay in touch via facebook but we lack that community we had back on connect.

    Long story short I am glad that I have this site to talk football with fellow Steelers fans on and official or not TTF did a great job. So I am with you Knox, to a certain extent :clapping:
  16. jhmiller3

    jhmiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    First and again, thanks TTF! Like many others have stated, this is a great site and, being an IT guy, I know what it takes to keep up with this. You do a great job.

    As was reported earlier in the thread, not only was the board gone, but the Official Steeler Online Store was also gone. It is now back with a new (I think) address (http://secure.steelers.com) and it seems to be a new, better site. Makes me wonder if they are not working on a new site. But, there is still no link to any mboard from the main site. As I reported a while back, the Steelers are one of a very few teams that do not (any longer) have an official message board. Sad but true...
  17. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    I was one of those fans that tried to connect on the old board forever...matter of fact I was allowed on there a long, long time ago, at one point. I went to log on one day and it wouldn't let me in. For the next 5 years I tried everything to get back on with no luck. I did follow the board religiously but couldn't respond. I have no love-loss for the old board but I am glad to see so many of you over here now. Everyday I appreciate the work that TTF has put into this place and am thankful that he did. I guess my point here is that it is easy for me to cast aside the old board and work to make this the best one out there!
  18. cajunyankee

    cajunyankee Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    I used to cuss like a sailor, long time ago, I've grown up mentally,emotionally and spiritually and chose not to. I know I'm in the minority on this but if possible I chose not to listen or read foul language. There are some who push the envelop here with the "A" and "D" words and now I'm reading some of the "S" words. The "F" and certain compound words I haven't seen and hope I never do. Sadly the A,D, & S words have become part of everyday life everywhere and becoming allowed even on radio and TV. It speaks volumes of where society is heading and what's acceptible. Nothing wrong with holdng to a higher standard. This is something I actually liked about the other board.

    I also get some fans frustration over the other board not being able to join in, or even booted off. I was booted off twice and actually I should have been. I get some who never want to return there for personaal reasons but to wish no-one to return there if its rebuilt has deep rooted issues. Why it would bother you if some on this board would retrurn there also and enjoy both boards is strange. I don't just listen to espn but also NFL network. I don't read just dale lolley's blog but also steelers gab. I don't just read the trib but also the post.

    What's wrong with enjoying several Steeler Message boards. I have friends on both, I enjoy both and I'm not alone, others also enjoy both. The old board was home for many many years. This board has bells and whistles the other one didn't AND many here came from there. This board has a home feeling too. This is the only board I've joined other than the Steelers Board.

    Fact is this isn't the only message board started by fans and former members of the old board. TTF has done a Great job with this board and I know for a FACT he wants to keep this board family friendly, maybe not G rated but at least PG rated. I also believe as some fans push the envelop with increasing foul to vulgar language he'll make the appropriote decisions. I Love the fact you can contact the two moderators and even the Administrator and actually get responses.

    GO STEELERS!!!!!!!

  19. MikeFanForLife

    MikeFanForLife Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
  20. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    No it isn't.
  21. colsteveaustin

    colsteveaustin Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    :rawk: This is my new home! This is the Official Board in my eyes.
  22. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Just a word on the language: TTF said early on that he planned to keep it "PG-13" here, and I think he's done that. Everyone else generally agreed that was fair. No one wants this to be a Mamet play, but being censored for something like "ass" can be very frustrating too for most people. Of course, what's PG-13 today would have been R twenty years ago...
  23. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
  24. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Until or unless the Steelers start another one up, and considering the majority of our members came from there, or found out about us from there, I'd say it is by inheritance. :)
  25. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    That'd be my take as well :thumbs_up:

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