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Who do you hate more..Cheaters or Rats?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by colsteveaustin, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. colsteveaustin

    colsteveaustin Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I hate them with a great passion.If I had too choose between the two,I guess I would choose the Cheaters? They cheated us out of 2 AFC Championships and nothing was done about it! I hate them also because Mr. Goodell IS a Patriots fan! Seeing them or the Rats as Super Bowl Champions would be very sickening.I hope and pray neither one wins it all! Go Steelers!!
  2. truckin9999

    truckin9999 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
  3. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
    The hoodie or the hairball eh? Hoodie
  4. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Sure hope Texans beat the Rats, need someone to root for against NE. I'm going to hate a NE/Rats game for a trip to the SB :frustrated:
  5. colsteveaustin

    colsteveaustin Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I just threw up in my mouth. :sick:
  6. shadowmaker

    shadowmaker Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Yea, I have to say I hate the Cheatriots more. From the cheating, to the whining, to being Goodells boy toy, I hate them the most.

    The Ravens is just an good ole fashion rival. If they just let em play, its good smash mouth football. I cant stand their coach though.

    As someone posted earlier, 'I wish they both got knocked out and they would have to fly in a team from the CFL.'
  7. SteelerFanInKC

    SteelerFanInKC Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    i will absolutely be rooting for the ravens. it's a no-brainer for me because i hate te cheatriots more than the ravens, that's for sure!

    just watch, the cheatriots will probably lay the wood to the ravens as well.
  8. colsteveaustin

    colsteveaustin Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
  9. 3carsteeler


    Dec 21, 2011
    Very tough to choose, but I will have to say the Ravens.
  10. steelers5859

    steelers5859 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Have to go with the Rats?
  11. 3carsteeler


    Dec 21, 2011
    On second thought I can't decide. I can't stand either of the teams. :shrug:
  12. KnoxVegasSteel

    KnoxVegasSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Either way, I'll probably find something else to do on Sundays from here on out. Don't want to watch either of those teams. So I'll just get caught up on the SB commercials online on Monday after the SB.
  13. Kel_In_PA

    Kel_In_PA Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    If that happens the only thing that I can hope for is that the earth opens up underneath the stadium and swallows both teams and all the NE fans at the same time.
  14. GB_Steel

    GB_Steel Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Ravens. Mainly because of their coach. Never had a big issue with them when Billick was there.
  15. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I hate both of them easily as much. Cheaters and Thugs.
  16. blair

    blair Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Hate the rats more, especially the coach.
  17. jimmyallen45

    jimmyallen45 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    Ravens, and not just because I live in New England... The Steelers win against the Patriots, and losses to the Ravens, changed the equation a lot for me this year.

    The Ravens are the successors of the old Browns- need I say more? Their fans, in my experience and opinion, are even nastier than Patriots fans. (Many of the latter, around here at least, were very shaken by losing to the Steelers this season, and feared playing them again). Go read the trolling the Ravens do on Espn.com's comment boards.

    I hate Joe Flacco, the 21st century Bernie Kosar, more than any player in the league, and add Bart Scott, Ed Reed, and Crazy Eyes Killa Ray lewis to this list - come on!

    Meanwhile, the Patriots have made it to the AFC title game without having beaten a team with a better than .500 record all season. Their time to fall will come this year, whether it is next week or in the Super Bowl.

    and here's my final point- someday, the Brady/Belicheck era will end, and the Patriots will resume being just another AFC team, the way the Raiders are now for example compared to the 70s. But the Ravens will always be there in the division, ready and willing to hate.

    No other AFC North team (the division was created in 2002) has made it to the Super Bowl besides the Steelers, and I hope it stays that way forever.
  18. defva

    defva Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I hate the ravens more.The commish like them just as much as the pats.The ravens are a bunch of cheating trash talking thugs.
  19. FeartheBeard

    FeartheBeard Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011

    Exactly. If its San Fran vs. Ravens Super Bowl...I will be watching something else.
  20. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
    If that happens the only thing that I can hope for is that the earth opens up underneath the stadium and swallows both teams and all the NE fans at the same time.[/quote:i5ieq5ib]
    Was I imagining things, or were the Pats fans booing every time a Bronco got hurt? As if they were doing it on purpose to slow down Brady's rhythm.
  21. cory_86

    cory_86 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Rats, definitely.

    Having the choice between the Rats or the Pats going to Indy, I'll take the Pats every day. Because no way I'd be able to stomach Hairball, Sucks and all the other thugs if they'd make it to the SuperBowl and - heaven forbids - even win it.
    Is there a puke smiley?
  22. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    If that happens the only thing that I can hope for is that the earth opens up underneath the stadium and swallows both teams and all the NE fans at the same time.[/quote:16nq428w]
  23. deebs11

    deebs11 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2011
    Hate the cheatriots more...I live 8 miles from Gillette stadium and have to deal with their fans daily
  24. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I hate them both but at least the Ravens try to do it like us. I don't want the Pats ,especially brady getting a whiff of 4 super bowls,just imagine the media love if they get to 4
  25. jaygorius

    jaygorius Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2011
    Absolutely. There was a time where I would have said I hated the Pats more, and maybe I do overall. But here's the thing- the Pats/Brady have already won 3 Super Bowls. Everyone already knows they are good or whatever and unfortunately they are always going to be talked about in the history of the game. So one more Super Bowl trip or win isn't really going to change any of that.

    But the last thing I want is to hear about Hairball, Flacco, and Ray Rice winning a Super Bowl. They're present cast of characters annoys me more then any in the past. And as mentioned, could you imagine if it was the Ravens and 49ers in the Super Bowl? I honestly don't know if I would watch, and as a football fan that is saying a lot.

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