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Heres how it is going to happen

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by beastlyqb7, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. NecessaryRoughness

    NecessaryRoughness Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    As unlikely as this situation is, what about if a team kicks a field goal and then recovers an onside kick?
  2. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Game over.
  3. jhmiller3

    jhmiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    Yep. And wait...there's more!

    http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d8 ... time-rules
  4. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Regarding the link...
    O.K., I think I get it... hard to believe there is a situation they didn`t cover in all the possible scenarios at the end.
    Where I AM confused, is at the beginning, where it says after both teams have the ball, it will continue under normal sudden death rules, until either team scores, or "THE REFEREE AWARDS POINTS FOR A PALPABLY UNFAIR ACT"...
    huh?!?!?!?! What penalty that the ref can enforce actually results in POINTS being given to either team?!?!?!
    A safety is not a penalty, rite? Oh, wait, I think I might have just stumbled upon the answer to my own question... A holding penalty in the endzone, results in a safety(As we painfully witnessed in a Superbowl)... I forgot about that.
    Other than that, what is a "Palpably Unfair" act? I don`t believe I even know the definition of the term...
    Sounds like spitting on, or stomping on an opponent... But that only results in ejection... No points given.
    Would it include video taping an opponent`s hand signals?
    What does "Palpably", mean, anyhow... I have a decent vocabulary, but think I`m gonna get a dictionary out, for that one.
    Is there any other instance, besides holding in the endzone, where a penalty, directly results in points for either team?
    Upon further review, with Merriam Websters dictionary, palpable is a "Tangible, observable, thing", or something that "Manifests itself in an observable way" (paraphrasing, cuz I didn`t link to the page)... As in... "There was a palpable feeling of dread in the bar, as the Ravens marched 92 yards down the field."... As to how it is applied as an adverb, in "A palpably unfair act", is completely beyond me! Still don`t understand the term as it is applied there! :scratch:
  5. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Rule 5-2-8-c: Penalties for illegal substitution or withdrawal … for interference with the play by a substitute who enters the field during a live ball: Palpably unfair act (see 12-3-3)

    Rule 11-2-1-e: A touchdown is scored when … the Referee awards a touchdown to a team that has been denied one by a palpably unfair act.

    Rule 12-3-3: A player or substitute shall not interfere with play by any act which is palpably unfair. Penalty: For a palpably unfair act: Offender may be disqualified. The Referee, after consulting his crew, enforces any such distance penalty as they consider equitable and irrespective of any other specified code penalty. The Referee could award a score.

    So, let's say a coach or player runs out onto the field and tackles a guy who is running in a potential TD. That would qualify and the ref COULD award the victimized team a TD. Or any other interference during a live play from individuals who have no right to be on the field.

    Another example is "goaltending." Also known as the Stroud rule. A player cannot stand under the goalposts and tip a ball away as it's going over the cross bar. That fits a "palpably unfair act" and the refs will award 3 points.
  6. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Thanks for the background, Ray...
    Just when ya think you`ve seen it all...
  7. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011

    Well, actually, we really haven't seen it all. As far I know, no such penalty has ever been called in the history of the NFL. (College may be another matter, I'm not sure there)

    It's one of those rules that's rarely seen if ever. Some, because it just isn't done anymore (drop kick). Some because it almost never works (free kick). And some because they don't call it until they need to boost someone ;) (I'm looking at you, "tuck rule.")
  8. jhmiller3

    jhmiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    Please :praying: do not let Sir Roger know about these. All he needs is another way to help Green Bay go undefeated AND to try to keep the Steelers down.
  9. SteelerD

    SteelerD Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    I could care less how we get there, but I think this is how it's going to happen from AFCCG on. Steelers Pats in AFC. Brady gets carried off the field on a stretcher with a dislocated pinky finger and life flighted to the Hospital in Boston where there are throngs of scared Pats fans holding vigil outside the emergency room with visions of the Colt's season in the future. Steelers win by 21 or more. Superbowl GB vs the Steelers. James Harrison comes off the left edge and actually tears Aaron Rodgers head off and runs 76 yards for a touchdown only to realize that he left the ball behind and is carrying a Packer helmet with Rodgers head still strapped into it. (Probably a fine coming). The backup QB refuses to take the field and GB decides to just punt on 1st down the rest of the Game. Steelers win by 40. Party in PA.
  10. colsteveaustin

    colsteveaustin Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Man,I love your prediction.I can't think of a better scenario. :grin: :flag:
  11. colsteveaustin

    colsteveaustin Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    :lolol: Freaking Hilarious
  12. 12to88

    12to88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    I'll go way out on a limb...there are plenty of losses coming...

    Steelers lose in San Fran...Baltimore loses in San Diego and Cincinnati...New England loses at home vs Miami...

    Net effect is still the same: 1 seed: Steelers; 2 seed: Pats; 3 seed: Texans; 4 seed: Raiders; 5 seed: Ravens; 6 seed: Bengals

    Wild Card weekend: Bengals d Texans (who limp into the playoffs); Ravens d Raiders
    Divisonal Round: Steelers d Bengals; Ravens d Patriots
    AFC Championship: Steelers d Ravens (assuming Silverback and Lamar are healthy)

    I don't think the Steelers would win a rematch vs the Pats. As great a game as our coaches called in that one, I don't think they could do it again. Nobody turns things around on an opponent like Belichick and Brady.
  13. 12to88

    12to88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011

    WELL...I am correct so far, except replace Raiders with Broncos.

    Nevertheless, I am going to stick with this. I think the Ravens still have a loss in them, in Cincy. And I can see the Pats losing to the Dolphins.
  14. GB_Steel

    GB_Steel Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Bravo! I agree with the Pats analysis; I'd much rather play Baltimore again.
  15. BigBlockSteelers

    BigBlockSteelers Active Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    I like this better...seeding:
    1 NE
    2 BAL
    3 HOU
    4 DEN
    5 PITT
    6 JETS

    Steelers over Denver
    Jets over HOU

    Steelers over BAL
    Jets over NE

    Steelers home for the AFC Championship game againt the Jets and win.

    Could happen
  16. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Boy, there is some wishful thinking.

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