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Are we blaming the wrong position coach?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by JackAttack 5958, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. lersgofor7

    lersgofor7 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2011

    Agreed...last year he was head and shoulders the most talented back when he got in the game...his ability to bounce it outside as well as run between the tackles well beyond what the other back could do
  2. JAD

    JAD Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    I'll be ducking with you guys, cause I don't see what Kirby has done to be considered OC. Did I miss something here with Kirby!!! I know the offense line was bad, but what has Kirby done to be considered good coach!!! :facepalm:
  3. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    He's not saying he shouldn't be the next OC. He's essentially saying he should be fired.
  4. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Whats he done to be considered a bad coach :shrug:
  5. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    I see no real reason to get rid of Kirby and I see no reason to promote him either.
    I don't think he's done a terrible job as RB coach and with the way the OL has played he may be over performing as a RB coach?
    If the Steelers think he's not doing a good enough job they'll make a change.
  6. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    TTF, I haven't said that. What I've said is I don't understand why everybody seems to have him fast-tracking to the OC role. I haven't been overly impressed with the job he's done with the RBs. Great. He runs down the sideline with them yelling at them to hang onto the football. You and I could do that. Maybe he is a very good coach. Tomlin obviously thinks so. So far, though, no one has provided me with a good argument that he is a special coach and should be the slam dunk choice as our next OC. I've simply questioned whether or not he should bear some of the responsibility for the inadequacies of our running game as the RB coach. EVERYBODY wants to blame the OL and the OL coach. NOBODY wants to blame Wilson.
  7. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I pointed that out simply for the fact because people act like the coaches don't tell these guys this stuff, as per the fumblitis they displayed last year. You say we haven't made a case for why he would be a good OC but you can't make a case for why he wouldn't be. Fact is, we wouldn't know until he gets the job.
  8. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    OK, Jack. It seemed to be the predominant theme of your original post, that's why I said essentially.:smiley1:
  9. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    True, we wouldn't know. I just think if Haley does leave for whatever reason, a lot should be considered before just handing the reins to Wilson.

    Being held accountable is different than saying they should just fire him. Although I will say that if the Steelers fired Wilson today, I wouldn't necessarily be of the mindset that there is no way that should have happened based on the stellar job he's done as the RB coach. I guess I'm trying to say I would not be completely surprised nor disappointed if he were fired. Tomlin seems to be enamored with him and he's the HC. I'm just not sure Tomlin is the greatest evaluator of talent. And I'm sorry. If you're the RB coach you should be held accountable for the running game.
  10. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Fitchner would be my first choice, Wilson my second, I'd be fine with either, I'd rather keep it in house then bring in a new outside guy that will revamp the offense. Lets face it, TH hasn't set the world on fire here, the no huddle is much more responsible for the success of the offense in the second half of the season then anything else, BA should have allowed it and TH should have allowed it sooner, kind of a duh decision it was so obvious.

    Kirby should be held accountable for the running game, he shouldn't be held accountable for the OL too. And in spite of the line, Wilson has still done a god job.
  11. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I think it's the no huddle being run within the Haley offensive architecture that's been the formula for success.
  12. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    I doubt Tomlin would hire a inexperienced OC if Haley leaves so I don't see Wilson being promoted. Wasn't Wilson the RB coach when Mendenhall rushed for over 1300 yds. You're blaming the wrong guy the O-line has been subpar for the last five years or so.
  13. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    It was Wilsons job before he was injured in a fire.
  14. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    My point is that EVERYBODY is blaming the OL and the OL coach and NOBODY is blaming Wilson AT ALL. That just doesn't smell right to me. I know the OL and the OL coach should be blamed, but Wilson should absolutely NOT be held blameless for the Steelers sub-par running game. And I for one don't feel as if Mendy developed to his full potential under Wilson's tutelage.
  15. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    We know what you are saying Jack, just most of us don't agree that our RB's should be able to run through brick walls and blame Wilson for it because they can't.
  16. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    So Wilson is blameless?
  17. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Bell broke Francos rookie record, not sure what I am supposed to be blaming Wilson for :shrug:

    It's not like he ran behind a stellar line either.
  18. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Okay, thanks. I just think if there is a deficiency under a position coach's watch, said position coach should be held, at least partially, responsible for that. Maybe that's too simplistic a way to look at it. :shrug:
  19. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I'm still confused as to why you think there is a deficiency.
  20. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    27th in the league this season. Average of about 3.5 YPC. In the middle to the bottom half of the league since Wilson has been the RB coach. Even beyond that, my perception has been that the RBs haven't necessarily grown under his leadership. I don't think he's taken them to the next level based on his coaching acumen. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about Bell and what he brings to the table but much of his success was in the receiving game. He showed flashes in the running game too but let's not forget his average YPC was about 3.6 yards. I just don't get that the success Bell had this year was attributable to Wilson. I think he got the most out of his natural ability but a coach's responsibility is to get a player to move up to the next level. The same with Mendy. He had some success but, show of hands, how many of us truly thought that he fully lived up to his potential while he was here?
  21. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Missed 4 games
    Ran behind a poor line
    3.5 yards 3 times is good for a first down no?

    BA was our OC

    So Wilson gets no credit, only the blame

    Rasing my hand :wave:
    (Again, Under BA)

  22. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    It doesn't seem to me that Wilson is getting any of the blame. That's the rub with me. But I think we've now belabored the point and we've arrived here...:beathorse:

    So I'll just say goodnight, friend, till next time. :hello:
  23. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    He has to be at fault to get blame :lolol:

    So we'll just agree to disagree as usual :drinks:
  24. lersgofor7

    lersgofor7 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2011

    You cant shine ****....have we really had any backs the caliber of Bell here under him? ...Im pretty sure the answer is no
  25. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Mendenhall was pretty highly touted. He was a first rounder. Bell was a second rounder. So I'd say the answer is yes.

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