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Direct Tv question...

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Bleedsteel, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Did I hear right, that Direct TV is offering a free preview of the NFL Sunday ticket the first week of the season?
    I already have direct tv, but can`t afford the Ticket. It was nice the first year, but haven`t had the guts to try to threaten to cancel, unless I get the ticket for free again, now that my contract is up.
    I`ve had Dish, and Cable, and would never really consider going back to them.
    Anyhow, I THOUGHT I heard a commercial while I was watching tv the other night/morning, that said they were gonna have a free preview during the first week.
    Not sure if i was awake, or dreaming when I heard this.
    Also, I woke from a nightmare, where we received the kickoff in our home-opener, and tried sumkinda crazy, reverse-type play on the return, but the second guy that got the ball, tried to lateral it to a 3d player, and the kicking team(friekin Cowboys, no less), intercepted it, and ran it into the endzone!
    We were down 6-0 within 10 seconds of opening our season!
    I must have watched too many of our special teams this pre-season!:eek:
    So, I am just wondering if the commercial I thought I heard was part of a dream, or reality?
    Anyone else hear of the free preview offer?
    It will make the difference between me staying home and watchin the game for free, or planning on dropping some coin at the bar, and for a ride home, if not...
    (Tried lookin on the DTV website, but all they had was details of offers for new subscribers... Haven`t seen their weekly e-mail, yet.)
  2. strummerfan

    strummerfan Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Threatening to quit doesn't mean you have to actually quit. If things aren't going your way hang up, they won't cancel it without you expressly telling them to do so. Or call from your cell and start feigning a bad connection. Just because they can hear you doesn't mean you can hear them.
  3. strummerfan

    strummerfan Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I found this post on a packers board, it's dated August 24 2013

  4. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    I remember seeing commercials where they were giving it away for free for the whole year this year....when you sign up/etc.
  5. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Hey I saw a guy on THEBLAZE.COM that called Direct and told them he would cancel if they didn't give him The Blaze TV and they gave him free movies for 6 months, took like $35 off his bill for a while, AND gave him free Sunday Ticket and he STILL cancelled because DirecTv won't pick up The Blaze network. So you should tell them you will cancel if they don't give you The Blaze and you might get ALL that stuff. I've seen some other people say they done it too and they gave them the same thing. You'd be riding high if that happened. LOL.
  6. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
  7. SC Gamecock

    SC Gamecock

    Oct 18, 2011
    I ordered Madden '13 for ps3 through Amazon...they offered the online Sunday Ticket with it for $99.99 total
  8. Real steel

    Real steel Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    I bought madden anniverey edition got the free nfl ticket and then sold the game on ebay for 50 bux
  9. bettissb40

    bettissb40 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Yes that is true but I think you have to call them to confirm you want the trial and they will give you all the details. Watch it after the trial, if you do not cancel you maybe billed automatically. Hope that helps you.
  10. Homestead____Works

    Homestead____Works Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    OK, here we go.

    The first week is free, just make sure the channels are added to your channel line-up.
    DirecTV does this with every (most) sport, the first week of baseball, the week after the All-star game, the first week of the NHL, etc..

    No need to call, or anything else.
    Just gimmicks to get folks to sign up.
  11. jcoop35

    jcoop35 New Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    sunday ticket

    I just got free sunday ticket all I did was ask. You do have to agree to another year but i still had a year so it was no extention for me just cry poverty and ask for it you will at least get a discount on . your bill
  12. rutan74

    rutan74 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    DTV will indeed offer ST this weekend for free.

    A bit of info. I have been a DTV sub since '99 and have had ST since it was offered. I have rarely paid anything for it.

    For more info, you can go to DBSTalk.com and check out the DirecTV forums there, under either General or Programming and you will see an entire thread on what type of deals people have gotten. Do NOT be afraid to call and ask for "retention". Do NOT speak to an ordinary rep. Ask for retention.

    Once there, sing a song and dance. Don't complain, don't bad mouth. Simply state that ST has become to expensive and you would like to have it. Is there anything you can do? If the rep does not budge, politely say you will think about it and hang up. Call back next day and try again.

    FWIW, here is the deal I got using the exact method above.

    ST for FREE. They also gave me 35 off my bill for 12 months and then another 15 off for 3 months after that. Since I did not have a HD DVR, they threw in a Genie which is there top of the line DVR for FREE. Two clients to put into other rooms that replaced my old boxes. Cost? FREE. Installation? FREE. I also needed a new dish. FREE. So, the squeaky wheels do get oiled. Being a long time customer does help too, but I've seen plenty of deals, and it can vary between reps.

    Remember, when you get to retention, the reps are rated on their "saves". Going to retention means you probably want to cancel your service and are not happy. Their job is to save your account and they are rated on the amount of saves they do per month. They also have a bank of monies to pull from that gets replenished every month. So, there are deals out there.

    Don't wait to call on Sat or Sunday. Call ASAP. They will be flooded with calls over the weekend.

    Good luck. Remember, some people have had to call back 3 times to get the best offer.

  13. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Thanks for all the help.
    I`m gonna be a "squeaky wheel" tomorrow.
    Politely, of course.
    And that "retention" thing, should be golden, given that I have called a couple times in the past year, and have currently unresolved problems...
    Appreciate the help, fellow Steeler Fans!:towel:
  14. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Ok so I called and talked to a girl in retention and told her that we had been dissatisfied with DTV because my wife had wanted a Genie and they were charging us an arm and a leg for it and didn't even send us our 3rd DVR and 2nd HD DVR for downstairs. I also told her that she referred to me as a "loyal" customer but was charging me $250 for something that she was giving new customers for free. She then said she would give us $20 off our bill for 12months, a FREE Genie AND Mini Genie, and half off on Sunday Ticket. So I told her I really thought the ST should be free but since my wife REALLY had been dreaming of Genie that I would take that deal. She then told me that I would be asked to take a brief survey rating her performance and she asked me what I thought about it and I used what my mother in law calls my "mastery of the art of sarcasm" and said "well since you only gave me half off of Sunday Ticket I will only give you half of a good report" and she goes "REALLY?! After ALL the work I just done for you?" and I said "well I guess I'll give you a 9 then". LOLOLOL!!! She was a good sport and I told her God Bless You and we laughed over my comment of giving her a 5 and she wished me luck with the new baby and come Saturday I will have a Genie in 2 rooms! Woo Hoo! I think to celebrate I will watch Aladdin and a little Barbara Eden and Larry Hagman! Ahhh yeah!!! LOL!
  15. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    WOO HOO!!!!
    Thanx for the encouragement, to call, Y`all...
    I now have free NFL Ticket for a year, a new "Genie" box, and mini boxes to replace the old ones in the other two rooms. Plus 20 bux/mo off my bill, for a year, and free Showtime(6mos), and Starz(1 or 4 months, don`t remember, don`t care).
    No more going to the bar for non-nationally televised games!!! Woo Hoo!!!
    Thanx, again, Y`all!:smiley1::cool::applaud::yeehaw:
  16. strummerfan

    strummerfan Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012

  17. Cali Steel

    Cali Steel

    Jan 4, 2012
    Damn, i must have done something wrong years ago or dtv learned from how it went down with me. I was not happy ST was so high and they wanted an extra $100 for HD. I told them to shove it after 7 years of being a loyal coustomer.
    Mailed all their junk back to them in their boxes and then got my bank statement...DTV went into my auto pay account and withdrew $1,500 for fees and penaties. I called them up and gave them 24hours to refund my $.

    They laughed and I sued them and claimed bounced checks and all kind of credit problems in court and i got every penny back plus some. I hate them and am delighted to hear people getting stuff from them. Good work Steelers fans!
  18. rutan74

    rutan74 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Glad it worked out for you. Folks just need to be polite and ask. If it doesn't work, then try again the next day.

    Also, stay connected to DBStalk.com. It is a good site to stay up on what is going on with DTV.

  19. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Man there is a fan site for EVERYTHING! LOL!
  20. FeartheBeard

    FeartheBeard Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    And then there is me who just shelled out the 225.00 for the stupid thing without even trying to negotiate. Clearly, next season, I need to have the hubby call and do some negotiating. :shrug:
  21. lovembig

    lovembig Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    the bad thing is im locked into a 2 year contract and this is the start of my second year. didnt really have much of a leg to stand on when trying to get a deal. the 1st year was free this year its 200 plus.

    kind of sucks DTV is the only carrier.
  22. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Yeah, that will be me, next year.
    I was given the option to sign for one year, and get the ticket free, but no new boxes, or 2 years, and get the new boxes.
    Since I have been having issues with 2 outta the 3 boxes I currently have, I went ahead and got the new boxes.
    The rep I talked to, did mention, tho, that after the first year is up, I should call back, and I would probably be elgible for more credits towards my bill.
    Probably not free NFL Ticket, but even 20 bux amonth off the bill for another year is helpful...
    I was under the impression that if you were a current subscriber, you weren`t elgible for the freebies new subscribers get.
    As it turns out, basically, any time your contract is up, they treat you like a "new subscriber", when you sign up for a new contract.
    So you get pretty much whatever sweetheart deal they are giving to new subscribers.
    In the future, I will probably just renew on a yearly basis, if they keep giving free 1 year subscriptions to the Ticket...
    Might work for you, next year, as well, LoveEm...

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