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Direct TV Question

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Kel_In_PA, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Kel_In_PA

    Kel_In_PA Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011

    We just dumped our horrible cable and now have Direct TV. NFL Sunday ticket is included this season. On game day, will they games just be available on particular channels, or do I need to log in somewhere in order to watch the games? Is there a schedule of which games are on which channels? Also, do they offer both home and away broadcasts?

    I could not find any of the preseason games, so I am assuming they are not available.

    Sorry for all of the questions, thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
  2. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    No logging in, the games are on channels 700-720, something like that. You get both home and away games and I always just push the guide button on the remote, brings up a list of channels and whats on. Pre season games are extra I believe, don't think it's included.

    I love Direct TV, NFL Ticket is worth it alone.
  3. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Games will be somewhere between maybe 705 to 720....Check your guide.....No home and away...you will get the network feed for that part of the country that is airing that game....If like me your home team is available on your local channel....You wont get it on "The Ticket"..You will have to watch that game on your local channel......Hope this helps!!
  4. Kel_In_PA

    Kel_In_PA Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Thanks for the quick replies. I no longer live in Pittsburgh so I should be able to see most of the games. I guess my screen name is no longer accurate! I am just happy I will be able to see the games this year instead of listening to them on the internet. Still waiting to see what happens next year. Direct TV and the NFL are renegotiating their license. I bet the price will really go up.

    Looking into Center Ice so I can also watch the Pens. I watched the games over the internet last season but it isn't the same. That is REALLY pricey, I don't know if I can talk to hubby into it this year!
  5. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    So what part of the good old USA did you move to?
  6. Kel_In_PA

    Kel_In_PA Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I now live in Huntsville, Alabama. Moved here to be near my family and for a job. Love the people and the weather (except the tornadoes and the 105 temps last summer), I have become pretty intolerant to the cold weather in my old age. I like being employed, that is always a bonus. There is only one type of sport here and that is college football, specifically Bama football. Occasionally Auburn football. I couldn't even find a bar to watch the Steelers last year. Surprisingly I did find a few bars that were showing Pens games.

    It is tough when you move away from your home town and out of the viewing area for your home team.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
  7. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
    Unless you're a Charger fan and you live here in San Diego. Then, the games are blacked out !:lolol:
  8. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    I never found "Center Ice" To be terribly expensive for what you get vice the Direct TV NFL Ticket prices.

    I enjoyed NHL's availability both in and out of the U.S.A. with just one package. I can even watch on my iPhone through my cell phone network!

    I use the NFL's "Game Pass" Subscription now that I'm overseas and it's pricing is amazing compared to what you guys have to pay for it in the states. The only issues I have are that it's cut off if I'm on a computer with a Stateside IP address. (Like most of the ones I use at work) and I cannot view the games on my iPhone in a native app like I can on CenterIce.
  9. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Sunday Ticket is the greatest thing in television history. I could never go without it again. My wife sometimes starts talking about how we could save a little money by switching to comcast and I'm like "NO! Shhhh.... My Sunday Ticket might hear you and get its feelings hurt!" Women just don't understand. Well at least the women that are not members of this board don't understand. LOL.
  10. Cali Steel

    Cali Steel

    Jan 4, 2012
    I gave up my sunday ticket when it went to $200 + $100 for HD. Only 8-9 games not on local tv here in So Cal.

    So many SteelerS fans in every bar it's hard to find a table. But I'll run a bar tab about what each game would have cost. With early games at 10:00am out here it sucks having to set my alarm clock to go to the bar, something just wrong about that...
  11. numbah58

    numbah58 Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I'm a long term customer of DirectTV and every year I get the ticket for 1/2 price by complaining about new customers getting it for free, never fails. However, a few days ago a couple of salesmen for the local cable company stopped at the door and told me that next year the ticket would be available on cable. Woohoo! Competition is always good for the consumer.

    To the OP all preseason games are shown on the NFL network.. Just not live.
  12. steelers5859

    steelers5859 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I've been a long time Directv subscriber and just watching the steeler games is worth the price to me. If Directv ever got rid of NFL Sunday Ticket, i would switch to whoever has it. The Redzone Channel is awesome when the Steelers are playing the late game and if you have a DVR you can record the games (like I do) and watch them over again. But I only save the games they win never rewatch the ones they lose.
  13. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I'm with you blount, can't live without the Ticket, I never miss a game, I can't believe there was a time when I had to follow the Steelers through the newspaper :lolol:

    Don't bet on it. They tell you that to entice you into subscribing now with promises of riches in the future. Verizon has been telling me for years they will be getting the Ticket "next year". Uh huh.
  14. FeartheBeard

    FeartheBeard Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Me too! My hubby wanted to switch back to Dish and I told him NO WAY. I cant imagine not having the ticket. I am near Pittsburgh so I only needed the Ticket once to watch a Steelers game but I love watching all of the games (especially playing fantasy football)!
  15. FeartheBeard

    FeartheBeard Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011

    Nice catch :smiley1:
  16. ravenhater

    ravenhater Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    You can also go under the search option under the guide menu and type in Steelers as the key word. It will give you everything that is coming up for like the next 2 weeks that involve the Steelers and what channel it will be.

    On a side note my two year contract is up next month. I called them the other day and said I was going to cancel. They said if I extend by a year they would give me a 10.00 monthly credit and Sunday Ticket Max for free. Suckers. Will be doing the same thing next year.
  17. Yogi4

    Yogi4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    With so many Steeler fans in your area you can get 3-5 folks to pitch in and get the Sunday ticket and have a mini tailgate breakfast at your house. Although I foot the bill, most of my family and friends are knocking on my door at 9am on Sunday with food and Beer!
  18. Kel_In_PA

    Kel_In_PA Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I recently read that the NFL and Direct TV are currently renegotiating their deal. Originally the NFL stated they were going to expand to other providers but it now appears they are going to renew the exclusive license with Direct TV. It would be nice to have Sunday Ticket available with other cable systems but I don't think it will happen. Direct TV is offering too much money for the NFL to turn down.
  19. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Man I hope this doesn't turn in to some kind of bidding war to which only the highest bidder wins because that would REALLY put the screws to me. I don't know why the NFL would want to do these exclusivity deals anyway. Why not have this package on Direct, Comcast, and Dish altogether? I personally don't like comcast period but their internet is so much faster than dsl and that makes them a necessary evil for me. Their customer service is abysmal. I've got buddies that have complained about them for years. I would really like to be able to get Google Fiber because it seems like it would be awesome and I could be done with comcast altogether but down here we can't get it yet.
  20. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    You hit it right on the head. Every time I've gotten cable the salesman have told me they "will be getting" Sunday Ticket "NEXT YEAR"! Total BS!
  21. spleeny09

    spleeny09 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    I havent missed a Steeler game in over 15 years. I have been a Direct TV customer since 1998. I have had the Sunday Ticket since it was offered. My family (brothers, sisters, etc) come over just about every Sunday to watch the Steelers. I have a receiver and two TVs set up in my detached garage (yeah...I know...I'm a rednek). I usually break out the cornhole boards (custom made Steeler boards), grill and turkey fryer and tailgate before, during and after the Steeler game right in my driveway (yes...again, I know I'm a rednek). 5 years ago, I had about 15 people in my garage ready to watch Steelers opening day. All went perfect until 1 pm kickoff and I got a message on that particular receiver in my garage saying "this receiver is too old to receive NFL Sunday ticket...please contact Direct TV". I can't even explain to you the level of pisstivity that instantly hit me that day. Luckily, it still worked on the receiver in my basement so the party moved from my garage to the basement. It must have happened to a lot of customers because the Direct TV phone lines were nothing but a busy signal for 3 days. When I finally got to speak to a live person...I instantly cancelled Direct TV...mistake. I was with Comcast for 1 year. Nothing about Comcast makes sense to me...the receivers are terrible, the channels are scattered everywhere, limited HD channels, etc. I stuck with them for 1 year and went to Buffalo Wild Wings every Sunday that the Steelers weren't on national TV...another mistake. I probably paid on average $150+ per week after buying wings, beer and other appetizers for a 3+ hour football game for my family of 5. I put my tail between my legs, swallowed my pride and went back to Direct TV the following year. As long as they carry the Sunday Ticket...I will probably be a customer for life...and if they charge $1000 per year...I will still probably be a NFL Sunday ticket subscriber. I gotta have my Steelers! And I would much prefer to watch them in my garage or basement than anywhere else!
  22. Homestead____Works

    Homestead____Works Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I'm assuming you know they dropped the price last year.
    For 2011, for HD it jumped to about $345, folks jumped ship like crazy.
    2012, they dropped the price to about $200-ish (HD).
    This year, it's about $225.

    As noted, if you're a good complainer, you can get the price reduced/removed depending on your 'skills'.
  23. SteelHack

    SteelHack Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    They may get it..but not NEXT YEAR.....DTV still has exclusive rights until the 2015 season....

    One of their big wigs started the ..We may not want to pay what the NFL wants us to pay to have it.....at a recent event....but pretty much in the next sentence everyone know that the TICKET is a big reason people are switch/stay with DTV....so most likely just an early negotiating ploy...

    But all that aside...2014 is still the ticket on DTV and not any local cable companies.

  24. numbah58

    numbah58 Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Them lying bastages! Good thing I told them to come back next year when they have it..
  25. lovembig

    lovembig Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    you have to set your alarm to make a 10am game? it must be nice to sleep in. if i sleep until 6:30am that sleeping in for me.

    anyways, 10am games are the greatest. games over by 1pm and i have the rest of the day to enjoy. unless they loose.

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