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The Walking Dead (no comics spoilers)

Discussion in 'The Watercooler' started by Ray D, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012
    I just started watching the marathon the other night, because i have never seen the sho from the beginning.Seems as tho i missed some prty good episodes in the past, lol . I noticed they didnt have merle in the episodes much before they brought him back and then killed him off, ......
  2. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012
    YEAAA MERLE:thumbs_up::thumbs_up:
  3. truckin9999

    truckin9999 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
  4. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
  5. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
  6. steelersrock151

    steelersrock151 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    Damned. didn't expect andrea to get whacked. knew milton would bite it (pun intended) just didn't expect him to take her with him.
  7. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    And the governor is still out there and even more jacked up in the head.
  8. SteelByDesign

    SteelByDesign Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    You guys should probably mark your stuff with spoiler tags.

    Was anyone else REALLY disappointed in the finale? I was expecting something big to happen because I felt like the last 3 episodes were kind of lame, just building up to some big finale. The 'gov goes crazy and kills his own people. I was totally expecting Andrea to get killed. This "attack" that the governor's been planning forever last about 4 seconds and then they all run out of there with their tail between their legs?

    I just really was disappointed.
  9. steelersrock151

    steelersrock151 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    My apologies. A) don't know how in the world to do a spoiler tag, and B) episode had already run. But you're right, I probably jumped the gun, especially since they ran it like 3 more times last night.

    But yeah, the final episode was kind of disappointing.
  10. SteelinOhio


    Oct 16, 2011
  11. SteelinOhio


    Oct 16, 2011
    I won't say I was disappointed, as I did think it was a pretty good episode as a whole,
    but I agree that The Governor's prison attack was weak and fizzled out way too soon. I guess the justification was that most of the people that went with him weren't expecting much of a fight, and weren't up to snuff on how tough Rick and company are, so the surprise of them fighting back scared them enough to run away without Philip's approval.
  12. niterider

    niterider Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2012
    I enjoyed it myself. The
    prison attack scene
    could have been beefed up a little. At least it started that way when they came in
    full force blowing everything up.
    But yeah, it seemed they gave up way too early. No wonder the governor was pissed off.
    He is out there, somewhere and I'm sure we'll see him again at some point. My question is, why take everybody away from woodbury?
    Seems like those accommodations are much better than rusty and stank prison beds. Carl is starting to become worrisome and cold-hearted.
  13. SteelinOhio


    Oct 16, 2011
    It's more of a stronghold to provide protection from the outside, rather than more open area that needs to be guarded from multiple sides like Woodbury.
  14. SteelByDesign

    SteelByDesign Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    put [spoiler*] [/spoiler*] around your text without the *'s.

    As for the fact that it already aired... of course it did or we wouldn't be discussing it! :D I get up at about 5 a.m. for work so I typically don't stay up to watch shows like the walking dead, but DVR it... I watched it live last night, but just trying to save the people that are like me most of the time.
  15. SteelByDesign

    SteelByDesign Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    I guess I've been pretty bored with about the last 3 episodes. I'm getting tired of the prison vs. woodbury angle, and feel like the governor needs to go, because the story line has run it's course. The last few episodes built up to this "war" that didn't really happen.

    It just didn't feel like a season finale to me. We get Rick looking up to the heavens (and not seeing Laurie) and showing Laurie's grave, basically giving you the idea that he's gotten some sort of closure and he's no longer seeing her, but is there really any reason why? What changed?

    Andrea's death is the big shocker I guess but I personally saw it coming, and didn't see it as a very big deal.

    I guess the governor is really just too corny for me, which is why I want to see him go. I was more interested in Merle as the antagonist to the group, than the governor.

    Just my opinion.
  16. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    Well, I just finished watching it with the Mrs., and I successfully managed to avoid this thread last night and this morning. As far as spoilers go, I wouldn't worry about them if a show has aired.

    I have to say I'm pretty disappointed, and I agree with you SBD, the last few episodes have been 'meh' for me. I don't know if it's just me, but I found myself saying things like, 'why didn't he just...' or 'c'mon, why wouldn't she have...' 3X more frequently than all the other episodes combined.

    I'll say it definitely ended differently than I expected. I thought the Gov. would meet his end, and Rick's camp would have to be on the move again.
  17. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    First comment: you're probably right. I fixed mine.

    Agree on the rest. Not what I hope to see at all with one or 2 developments almost out of left field. Not their best finale, but might set some interesting stuff up for next year.
  18. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Good point. If someone hasn't watched the latest episode and wants to avoid being spoiled, they probably shouldn't open a thread discussing the latest episodes.

    That said, the night of the episode, we should probably observe spoiler etiquette so folks on the west coast are protected. The next day? Fair game.
  19. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    Sounds good to me. :smiley1:
  20. pjgruden


    Oct 16, 2011
    My .02 is in line with you guys. Even though I didn't watch it till last night, I came into this thread looking for some spoilers. Basically, I couldn't wait.

    As for the finale, I'm not sure how I feel about it either. Bringing all of the Woodburry folks to the Prison just makes it that much more difficult to find food for all of those mouths. Not to mention there was a fair amount of children in that group. They kind of slow you down in a ZA.

    I was happy to see Herschel's other daughter (the blonde) finally kill a few Zombies. Can't say I can remember her doing that at all up to this point.

    And the best thing to come out of that episode to me was Carl. I couldn't stand Carl and wanted him to die in Season 2. He's turned into a complete bad-ass. I wonder if he really isn't Shane's son :hmmm:
  21. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    My only issue is I have to get it on iTunes which has been better about getting it uploaded, but I still have to wait until Monday evening for me (Japan time), so I have to avoid this thread until then. Since Sunday night is Monday morning for me.

    I think they'll do what they wanted to do with the open space between the fences and farming. Most prisons have some sort of shop facilities, so I expect the'll start to really clear the rest of the place and get some amenities made.

    I agree the prison is solid against the walker threat if they lock it down and most human threats that aren't heavily armed.
  22. Stiller3

    Stiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    I've been introducing a few folks to the show in the past two weeks or so, and I keep coming back to thinking I really enjoyed the first and second season more than this season.

    I'm not crazy about all the focus on the drama between the two locations and all the back and forth. I knew what was coming this season though so I was prepared at least.
    Clearly not their best finale but it's always fun to see how the show will change from what happened in the comic series because the show has done some entertaining alternatives so far.

    If next season progresses far enough like I hope it will, next season should be pretty good.
  23. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    I came around to the show late, didn`t start watching it, until I happened to catch a marathon, before the season 3 premier, or something like that.
    I just happened to have a Sunday, where I could be lazy, and had nothing to do all day, and I happened to see it in the onscreen guide, around 11 am, or so, It was the episode where Rick and Shane came to blows, over releasing the kid...
    I was completely hooked, and kept watching until approx 10 pm that night, when they had the "new" episode...
    I had heard about the show before, but never made a point out of checking it out.
    I am glad I did!!!
    Since then, (Yesterday, actually), I went and rented the first season, because I had always wondered how exactly, it started... (That was AWESOME!!!...)
    There is still a little hole in my following of the story, because I lost about an hour of season two(between two episodes), that i had paused on the dvr, but, wasn`t recording...
    The gf got home, I helped her unload groceries, etc, and hit the wrong button, when I went to "resume" watching..
    And went back to "live" tv... GRRR...I missed Michonne, and "Blondie", bonding, basically...
    And not sure what else, but I will find out, because after I am done re-watching all of season 1, I will rent season 2, then pretty much wait till October, for season 4...
    anyhow.... What I wanted to say, was, I haven`t been this hooked on a show since, "Jericho", or "Deadwood"...
    I`m not the type to follow a drama with a story, since NYPD Blue went off the air..
    This is AWESOME!!!
    Love how they actually kill off prominent characters, throw twists in there(most, but not all of which, they foreshadow)... and leave you hanging at the end of each episode, wondering what`s gonna happen next!:applaud:
    Not to mention the suspense they build in with the music/camera angles, lack of music, when a zombie is right behind the character you care about, till it`s a split second from too late...
    THIS is classic horror movie, keep you on the edge of your seat stuff, with just enough gore thrown in to give it the 'WOW" factor... I LOVE IT!!!
    I have no idea what happened in the graphic novels/comic books, because I never read them, even though I was told about them...
    What I really wanted to say, when I started this post, was,...
    I thought that link about "Toy Story" having the same plot as "Walking Dead"...
    Was freaking highlarious!!!!
    Especially, because the first time I saw Toy Story 3... I was tellin my girl how wrong it was, that they basically made this "kid`s movie", a "jail flick"...
    That`s all I could think of was the parallels between this "cute" animated movie, and all the harsh "inmates against the warden", kinda violent, adult type movies...
    I am SOOOOO glad that wasn`t just me!!! LMAO!!:roflmao::applaud:
    I do agree, that they played the war between Woodbury, and the jail up a bit too much in the third season, but, that`s a minor quibble, to me...
    It would be bound to happen in that type of situation, anyhow, and you would just get bored, if our band of heroes survived, squashing mindless zombies all the time, anyhow..
    They need the type of challenge, that only, other living, breathing, thinking, evil, human beings could present..
    Ya know The Guvnr ain`t seen his last act yet...
    Bwaa Haa Haaa....
    And after taking the "personality test" that I saw in an earlier post, after posting this, and answering honestly...
    I came across as Rick...
    LMAO... Anyone who knows me, knows, that I used to be far more likely to be arrested by Rick, than to be like him..
    But, I dunno, I guess people can change, right?
    If they learn from their past mistakes?
    Or have flesh eating zombies try to take over the world...?
    Great show, no matter what...
    I always like to ponder what will happen to our society, when it finally breaks down, and it becomes everyone for themselves, with no government, to keep them in check, and all the convienences that government brings, like electrictity, police, banks, grocery stores, road maintenance, schools, etc... are gone...
    How will we get by???
    Probably the same way we always have, by banding together, and trading services for goods....
    And goods for goods... And sevices for services.. LMAO!!!
    GREAT SHOW!!:applaud::thumbs_up:
  24. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Welcome to the cult, Bleed.... er, "club." ;)

    If you like adult themed drama, another great one currently airing is Game of Thrones. We have a thread here for that one too, but I'd caution you not to read much more than the first page as it has spoilers GALORE.

    I like that the show runners said the reason they kept the Governor alive is because they wanted to intentionally trip up the "one major baddie per season" trope.
  25. Stiller3

    Stiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Interesting. I was wondering why they let him live. Thanks for that.

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