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TJ Watt's extension talks just took a major hit

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by blackandgoldpatrol, Mar 9, 2025 at 12:57 PM.

  1. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    But I could see them giving Watt 35 million APY like Crosby, but if he wants more than what Garrett got like 41 million APY they should say no.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Vox Ferrum

    Vox Ferrum Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2019
    If it's on paper, fine. The guaranteed money and length are what hampers you. Void years, eating dead cap..its all part of the process, sometimes you get hit hard, we are finally at a point where the dead money is almost non existent, we have money to spend. We have holes to fill. not all is going to be done on FA, but plan and spend wisely...we are building to get to a window period...we are not in one.
  3. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    How so
  4. OH Steeler Fan

    OH Steeler Fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2019
    I know nobody else agree with this. But if we can't get a legitimate QB i would trade Minkah and Watt.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012

    if players are broke because they blew there $$$$$ that's on them they won't get no sympathy from me
  6. Steelrules

    Steelrules Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2013
    $40M is apparently the price tag to remain stuck in mediocrity
  7. steelersrock151

    steelersrock151 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    You're a year off on every one of those.
  8. james weyandt

    james weyandt Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2021
    are we going to pay TJ that kind of money... like Garret...Wouldn't it be better to get someone new. I don't care if you all disagree with me --but if Harris or Jackson isn't worth re-signing--- then a guy who never won a playoff game--isn't worth all that money.TRADE HIM.or let him go
  9. defva

    defva Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    He shouldve extended TJ last year. But, in all fairness, he probably didn't think that cleveland would mess up the league's contract signings again. Watson's contract ... created a whirlwind of pay raises for qb's. Now, Garrett's contract seems to will have the same effect for the league. Just my thought.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2025 at 6:39 PM
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  10. Thor


    Mar 20, 2014
    It's pretty common when discussing players' ages relative to contract negotiations to use the age they'll be in the upcoming season, which is all I was doing.

    I suppose you could quibble with Garrett out of the bunch since his birthday is in late December, but aside from that the rest will be those ages by October 11.
  11. Brice


    Jul 18, 2018
    Who are you bringing in to replace TJ? There is only one TJ Watt, so don't go cheap and claim you are bringing in 2 players to replace him.
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  12. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    The Steelers don't extend players with two years left on their deal except for a QB like Ben.
  13. CK 13

    CK 13 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2011
    First and foremost Watt is a great player who I like to watch do his work. But he does seem to disappear in some key moments. So does Highsmith.

    A solid defensive line which they don't have would go along way to helping both the outside and inside linebackers.

    Well I can't see Art II giving up Garrett type money.

    Trading him would be insane to do to the product. He gets fans attention and is the top star they want to see.

    But, he could fetch I believe a 1st this year and a 2nd next year. This team is far from a Championship with or without him.

    So an impasse might happen here. His last signing he held in. Its probably going to drag out.

    And who wouldn't want to make more money?
  14. R2sojr

    R2sojr Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2018
    Rooney will be dumb and pay TJ $35+. You have 0 QB1, 0 WR1, and 0 RB1. It sucks but I’m trading him for a haul. You just can’t afford that right now. If he gets paid then Minkah and someone else gotta go.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    He did what every player does
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    He did what I would do

    Keep my job not have to move get a huge raise

    Hell yes
  17. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    They need to break that mold. They need to stop being stubborn. If they want TJ it will cost a lot more than it would have a year ago.
  18. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    He had a 100% chance on the $$

    He had a 1/31 chance of going elsewhere and getting a championship
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    That mold works very well
  20. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2016
    I did not know that he had said that. That is a false statement he made (imo) unless you are someone like a Tom Brady who has already made hundreds of millions and really does want another win more than a few extra bucks. For the other 99 percent, money is a big factor. Maybe not the only factor, but it is certainly a major factor.
  21. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    I’m not sure I agree with you at all

    The Browns suck and have for a very long time and most likely will on into the future

    Yet there fans stand firmly behind the team on game day

    Personally I believe they are contenders for the best fans in the NFL

    Garrett is a super hero in Cleveland right or wrong but he is

    The team had to keep him at an over priced value or that might have been the straw to break the camels back

    The same is not true with T J in Pittsburgh
  22. Jball

    Jball Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    I agree. The bloom is off the rose right now in Pittsburgh. Sentimentality is at, perhaps, an all time low. I think if the Steelers were able to get a draft haul for TJ right now, most Steelers fans would be like 'Thanks for the memories. Maybe not for the post season memories, but you're welcome back to town for a Thursday night halftme appearance anytime. So, should we trade down and get more picks?'
  23. Brice


    Jul 18, 2018
    I 100% call B.S. on this.

    A 1/31 chance of being drafted to another team, but hell to the no, on a 1/31 chance of getting a championship on another team.

    Ask Myles if he thinks he has a 1/31 chance of being on a championship team in Cleveland.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  24. SteelersFanIrl

    SteelersFanIrl Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2019
    I think TJ’s extension looks more like Crosby’s than Garretts. I don’t know why people are worried about the money. The cap is ballooning and the Steelers have finally shed all the dead cap from the post Ben era. Of course you dont want to overpay, but they are not going to be short of cap space for a while.

    TJ was clearly playing hurt at the end of last year and I’d have no reservations in giving him another deal. Yes he is a bit older and yes they should have extended him last year but they are where they are. Just get it done and let’s not have it running into training camp
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  25. 86WardsWay

    86WardsWay Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2012
    If I’m the Rooneys I am having a serious conversation with TJ about moving around on the line if he wants a final deal here. I’m even writing it in the contract. If he continues to rush from the left side only then he is hampering his own progress. I’d be looking to trade him at that point. After the season he said he was willing to do that but I also remember during the season he said he wasn’t comfortable switching around. Teams have completely neutralized him by double and triple teaming him late last year. Why bother extending an almost ineffective pass rusher? Maybe he was more injured than we know but he sure did pull another Houdini act late in the season.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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